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Estate of Nancy Wheeler

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Estate of Nancy Wheeler. STATEOK MICHIGAN, Coonty ot Wutltiuir, At a aepsion o) the Probate Court for the Cotinty ot WaBhtenaw, liolden at ths Probate Offle in the city of Aun Arbor, on Thnmday, the elirhth da? 01 Janoary in the year on. thomnnd elght hundnd aud elghfv-flví-, Prcmnt, WtHlaOl . Hurrimar. Jodir 01 Probate. intho malte ol ib tato irf Nancy WheeW, d -Cf ed. Ot. readlñg and flliiiK.he p.-titlou, duly vcrlneri, of ('alvin Rllrf, prayltiü tht a iii-triifii' nt n .w in rtle u thi rmirt purnt l; 11; t be ihe IhhT wll! ;md tfftainent of unid dti'-veil, muy lie iiduv t.1 Ui p utau aud that he mar be apnolnterí excn'nr thereof I iiereupon it i" unlrrt i, that Monday, ttie ninth im i f FVhraary next, at teu o'cluck id th. ton noon, be aesigued for tbe bearlng uf nld HütluD. and thitt th devini-ea. leñatee, and h'-irt at la' i ald de -eased, und illotlirr persona H'fiJ in rtJiíd estáte, are reqalred to appear Ht h lession üf sald court, then tu be holden ai the Probare office, in the city of nn Arbor, and show caue, if any there be, whvi the iraier of the petltlonei nhould not bu graoted. And It ir, further ordert-d, that said petittonerglve noticc tothe person Interented Ín said tatú, ol the pi-ndfiiry of -aid p tition. und the hearing thrreof, by cauRing a cop of thin onirr to br piihiUhed m ihe Aon Arbor ('ourírr, a newepaper printed and ctrculHtiuu ni said county, tbrae succesrire week previou tOBaid Hay ot hearintf. A truc copy. WILLIAM 1. HAlUilMAN', Jude of Probate. 'M. . DOTY, l'robaie Eiater. líB-'3 Estáte oí Mattliew Huwanl. STATiS Uf MICUIUAN, County of Watitenaw, ¦¦. At a seseion of tho Probate Court Tor th Coanty ol Waxhii ii , holden at the Probate Ufflc. In tbe l 'lty ol Aun Arbor, on Monday, the twrlfth day olJaimary in the yarone thoiisand eltht bundrad and eitfbty flv . Prem-nt, Wll lau) D, Harrlman, .Inris ot Prubate, I ti matter"! Uw ertateof Matthew lloward. d r.-ai-t-d. .VUlurd B. Hmith, the dmlnlatator of ,, it t-.atc, comer court aud retuettents ihat ia nów prepured to rrtider bfefijal acconnt aa -ui b admlnlrtrator. I tn-iruMui it latirdt-red. that Tneedcj, the tenth day ol Kebroary oext, at ten o'elock In lorrliooti, ba - ],"tj -,i tor czamining and allowine suc i account, and that the h ir at law ol aaid (UceH(t;'t, and al) other pereotii tntereftted in sald i-.-t;iic. requiied lo appear at b eeeion ol taid couit, then t be lioldoii ut the Probate Office, In iht-iitvol Ann Albor, ii i-ald countj.aud show raupo, il an there be, wi.y tbtala acroaut cboold 11. i bu lluwed. And It lurtber otdered. Uiat aald admlnistrator (Iva aotice to the perHonn interuttted iu -aid estáte ot the pcndvno of e.ild account, and the hearing thereol, t)y cauinjc a copy of ihic order to be i-ub ilnhed IntnpAnuArborfOKrtír.auewi'paperprinted and drculatini.' In aid coanty. three acceiisiTe weekf preTlou to uid day ol hearinir. (Atruecopy.) WII.UAM I). HARRIMAN, Judue ol Probate. WM . DOTY, l'robate Kealwter. Estáte of Haunah M. Cate. uTATEOP MICHIGAN, County of Waehteuaw. At aealoD ol the ProbateCourt for theConnty ol Wavhtenaw, holdenat tbe Probate Offlce.ln the city of Aun Arbor, on Wi dneíday. tbe 31it day ol December in i'ie year onu thouiwnd eight bundred and eigbty-four. Precent, Wliüam D Huriman, hidee ol i'robate. In the matter ol the cetate of Hannah U. Cate, d rcii'Od. On r''Mdiii(f and flling the petttton, dtily venfied, ol Ku'na Cat". praying that a c rum i s rument now i. fi e in this court ptirportini.' to ba the last willaud tuut aint'ii tut cald deccased, may ba admltteato probate, nd that he may b ap pointrd K' ctllor ihen-of. Tberenpou it is ordered, tbat Monday, th 2'itü day of January next, at ten o cloc tn th forenoou, be a(ifriied for tbe hearin of sald petttion, and tbat the deviiee9, le Rteaa, and Ketrt at law of naid deceaaed, anc uil other perdone tntereHted in said enlate, ar requlred to appcar al a xe8ion of raid conr tnen to be bolden at the Probate OfBce.inthc city o Alm Arbor, 4sd how caae, tf any thtre be, wh; the prayer of the petitloner hould not be gran ed. And it ia farther ordered, tbat said petitione L"ve nolice to tht'pereoni tnteretted in eald ertate m the pendency of aid petltlon, and the hearin ihuri'of. by cAaminx a vj oí thti order to be pnl IMhéd in Th Ann Arbor Couriêr, a n'wapape prlnted und circulated in naid county. thrcencor sive eHki prevlou tosaid day ot hearing. (Atrn copy.) WILIJAM D. HARHIMAN, Jude of Probate. WM. H. DOTY. Prohntt ReiílítiT. I2SS-12SI Kfal Estáte Tor Sale. QTATEOFMICHHJAN.Coantyof Wahtenaw,w In thu Matter of tbe Estáte ot Lola D. Bnrne Avá Walter B. Burneit, ratnorn. Noiice 1b bereby Liven, that In pnrsnance of a order rayted to tbe underHincd uuaidianof th Liate of -ald minors, b th, Hun. Jude of Pn bate for tbeCouutyof Washtenaw, on the Kift day ot May, A. 1. 1884. thwe wlll b nold at pabll vendae. tn the hitiet tiidder, at the Eist iron door ol the Court IIoiikp, In th.' City of Ann Arbo in the CuUHt) ol Waabteuaw. iu said State, o Tueaday, tin: tPntb div ot March, A. D. 1885, a teu o'ilock In the forenoon ol that day i-ui.jec to alt enenmbrancet by mortae or otherwine ex latiiix "t the time or the aale), all the rlght, tlU nnd ïiit.'H. Ht of füld minora iu the follo.siug de BCiibed real eatale. t.-wlt: CommeaciuK at the ceDter or tbe road on th .-uutn hide of aecliou fourteen (14) in the townsbt ol Lodi, :.H!iti-naw county. in Mlchlgxn, at poim fitty-lour (.51) rode wert of tbe c. utt-r line o patd (ectton and rummiii tbence dne nnb eight l0) roda, theoce oue West tbirty (30) rod-, the.ic duu s uth eiffhty (80) rodt tbence due eart to t p of htriuniiiK, contalning fi.teeu (IS) aerea o land. ANN E. BURNB1T, OsardUn, fatfihi. Jinmrr "¦ IMK j303íí Estáte of Mararet C. King STATKOFMICHIUAN. Uonnty of Waahtenaw --. At a sefsion of the Probate Court for the Connt ol Washtenaw. holden at the Trobate Office in th city ol Ann Arhor, on Wednesday, the fonrteent dav ot .Uniiary, in tt.' year one 'bouiiand eg] hond red and elghty Btc. Preient, William U Uarriman, . hidae of Probate. In the matter of theestate of Marjraret C. Kin? deceiihed. On reidini; a-d fllinfr the pelition, ..ui ! v.ritic.l. of David W. K ng, prayiut: Iliit adoiin - i-trutijii of unid estato nay ue granted to Gt)jrf W. liailey or rome olhnr Miitable pet ion. Tbt-Tpnnon it ie ordered, that Monüay, 16t d ,i; ol Ki'bruary next, tt len o'clock In the lorenooi ! be at8ivrued for the tiearing uf HHÏd petitlon aud tha ! the beirs at law of rtid deceased, aud all other pe som interest ed in said estáte are required loappea at .i seagion ol said court, th.-u to be holden ar th Probate uttlcc. In the City ol Ann Arbor. aud pho cauce, lT any there be, why the pruyer of the pe titio er sboitld nol be grauted. And it la furthe ordered, that eaid putitioner eive notlce to tb I persfus intereatcd In aaid eatate, or the pendenc; oi said petition, and the hearing thereol,b caosin a ropy of tbis ordt-r to be published in the Au Arbor Vourur. a newpper prlnted and circula tingin said county, three successive weeks prer ons to said day or hearing. (A trae copy.) vN'il.I.iA.M D. HAKKl.MAN, Judge of Probate. WM. (i. DOTY, Probate Rastar. 13M-12K THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE POE 18BS. O A PAI'ER DEVOTED TO AM i:ui(i imi iti sis. LARGK8T RIPIBLICAS CIMCL' i unn in i 'ii;ii. . Thf Tkibunk liesltiH the new nubscription yi ni wii i proxpecU utiparirlleled in IU lus tory. lts circulation for the neven duya end ing November 9, 1884, wa as follows: Tlonday, November 3 99,1 O TneodH}', November 4 101,500 dniMla) , NoTnibr & 188, öOi '¦'liiirmlu), November 0 17,i00 Frllay, November 7 160,600 Nam rda) , November 8 1 72,OO0 Siinday, oveaiber ! Kit.lM Wc. kly, .November 5, exclulve ol mi shorl term cainpatgn kubscrl pi Ioiib 1 4.1,9 1 0 Senii-WeeklT _ S8,3OO Total number of Tribune printca and aold durlng week ending Novembrr 9, exoiuslve ol cMiupulgu subscriplious _„ 1,O2,11O Nlnety-rour tons or paper were uneil In print I ng the week' Issues. Thls orcourse hm electioD week 'spurt." whlcli "broke the record" In New York. Setting back lnlo lts "tealy galt," ThicTki hl' sfc's record atood on i.,K wrvk . Average dall) lr nlatloii ol the Itaily 'l'rlbuiie Torweekeudlua Viv. l.r, 1884 121,400 Wcekly Tribune, Nor. li, 1 ss i i w,ü l.-.-klj 30,700 DiiriiiR isn") Tuk TuiiifNK wlll atrlre more zeHloUHly ana liopefully titan ever for lta politica! lallh. The reiutn to power or tbe p.rty that brought on the Ket'i'lon must make the coming year oue or the most interestiug in our hlslory. The more the people know of how Di'iiiMi't'átK (leal wllh tlieir Government, the Nurer Is Kepuullcan succesa the neXt time. uni TukTkibU-VI appeals to lts it k-ii.Is to help spread suchkoowledge broadCHSt. The Tribune glvea the newH fully, teirly mul early ; It In a sale and aura, live paper for the i.unily clrcle; and 1 the persistent advocate ol work for American work men, a great, paying home market for American KtHin and meat, llie extensión of our forelgn I rade. aud the general protectlonof Ametlcan liiterestM. H favors every practical effort to check intemperance.and tsalwayaoo the slde of uionility. reform, and progresa. Iu Weekly and stiiii-VVrekly editlons contain nolably complete and valuable Agricultural Household, L teiary and Juvenllti departments. wlth Herlul htorles. abundant correspoudence, lnterpstlng mlscxllany.and somefuu. Every niembcr ol tlie lamily, old or young, flnds lu it iiistruttlon and entertulnmeut. Every post munter and club agent is Invlted to lorm yeariy clubs at once ror Thi Tribune. I he tollowlug premluma are ofTertd in coinblnatton wlth xubxcrlpitons : i U..I.I i m .1 üictiouary, both Webster's and Woroester'a Wood'H Household Practice ol Medicine S vols. illUHiraled 81 and tH2 pnges. The I.lbrary or LJaelul Knowiedge, 15 vols.. Dearly 9 o pHgea each, embraclng Chambers' Encyclopedla, complete wlth American additi ns. Tlie W'aterbury Watch, a. popular and uccesMtul premium. i iüpath'H ihurtrated Hiat iry of tbe United States Npi'clrnen copies, show bilis anil elrculars, wit ti liriulls ot valuable premiums, wlll be sent iree, npon applicatlon, or can be liad froin your poKtmatbr. TKKMs TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS: WKKKLV,, nynir; In clubs of ten, 11 i year wil li extra copy to mau sendlng club. SEJI1-WKEKLT, Í2.50 a year; lu club f ten, ayuur; wllh extra copy to man ienillngclub. DAILY, wlth Sundny, J8.60; witbotltSunlay. t7 peryear. Sf.DAYTRIBI'NE,$l.rOperyear. Sun¦' 1 i:i tit.N k, Mouday's. Wedueiday'a or Sul iirday'., chii be subscrlbed for sparately. ('iiuniliiK posUige. 'Ihi Tribune costs boul two cetits a cnpy, all edlllona ddrea, lmply, THE TRIBUNE, New York.