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A Knightly Pilgrimage

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Aun Arbor Cormnandery, Xo. 18, K. T., marched from thelr asylum to the depot Friday afternoon on the way to vUlt thcir frutera at Jackson. Tliey took poMlUloil of h car reserved for tliem, aud in un liour were at thuir destination where ;i warm receplion awaited. Upou bein;: drawo up in Une EmiiiciH Commander W. J. Ileyser, welcotned tho visitors with a cordial greeting, whicli was gracefully responded to on behalf oL Ann Arbor by Eminent Cominauder W. O. Doty. Previous to the work of the evening an liour was passed in disposing of a lunch prepared for tlie hungry and in forming mutual acquaintanceships. Then the visItiag Sir Knights exempliüed the work of the Temple degree i a nianner which recelved praise even froui the Comoiandery whicli is considered the best drilled of any in the state. From labor they flnally gladly carne to rofreshment and with a hearty good will a bounteous banquet was put under coyer. Aud this, of course, was succeeded by toasts of wit, wisdom, reminiscence, gratulation and fraternal exchangc8 of cordial friendship. Vith the Jackson Commander ing, members of both eommanderies, as wel) as some vi.-siton frotu otber places, responded to toasts. Among tbose from Ann Arbor who gpoltc weie Sir Knights Dot}-, Miner, C. S. Fall, B. F. Watts, Cornwell, Tolchard, and tliat inimitable story-teller, Charlie Jones, wlio kept the company in roars of laughter. The fun was kept up until nearly tour when the express train was bonrded by the peaceful warriors and by dayllght they reaebed hoine after one of the most pleasant experiences of life. The following membero of A. A. Conimandery participated: K. C. -Wm. O. Doty. Gen.- W. W. Nichols. Capt. Oen.- C. 8. Fall. Prelate, pro tem- W. D. Hftrrlmnn, Past Emlnont CommBnrter. 8. W.- i'. H. Millen. J. W.-ü. K. Walt. Treasurer- D C. Fall. U.v.-W. A.. Tolohard. U. 11 L1. K. Oilbcrl. 8t. B.- L. C. Qoxlrlch. Warder-H. N. Hayes. Sentlnel- T. Taylor. Guarda- C. J. Durhelm. J. E. Beal, Albcrt Sorg. And the followlng 81r Knlghts: Past Eminent Comander, Johu K. Mlner; E. H. Eberi.iu-h, Clark Cornwell, Stephen Hutchlnson. T. J. DeForest, llllani Slockford, John A. Pulmer, R. 8. Armalrong, H. 8. HolmeH, F. 1!. Wtnitaker T. E Wood, H. M. Woods. G. N. Flower, F. K Owen, 8ed James, J. L. Stone. P. W. Carpenter, Martlu Cranier, EI, H. Soovllle, K. K. Abel, W. W. Watw, I. E. Klnyon, C. M 81y. N. K. Wnteriniiu, E. J. Morton, N. s. arlnghouse, E. H. Hudson, C'. M. Jones, II. T. Morton. W. L. Pack. Ainong the directors of the Mutual taal Life Insurance Co., elected n Detroit, we notice the name of IJ. J. Con rad, of Ann Arbor. Wm. ('. Dobbins, formerly a naldeni of Ann Arbor, died at Pine Bluffs. Aik iriMa, on the t4th lust., of paWHBontn. ajied 73 years. Deceased was a sister of Mis. I'. . Tajjge, of this city. Henry Landon, of Rawsonville, op befo re Justice Griffith of Ypsilanti, Tuesday, Ibr selling liquor without u license, aud County TreasurerlJelser, drove down and gave hia testiinoiiv. He didn't fatiey the ndc. The animal statement of the tir.-t Congregational church of this city has just been issued in pamphlet form by the pastor Kev. Wra. H. Ryder. From it we glean the fact that there are geven societies connected witli the church, aside from the Sunday School, as follows: The Ecelesiastical Society, Young People's Society, Ladies' Aid Society, Ladies' Home Missionary Society, Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society, Young People's Missionary Society, Children's Missionary Society, all wull offlcered and in ftanrWiiag condition. The uccessions to the ehurcli duriug the year numbered 39, of whicb 25 were bjr letters. The remováis were 80 - by letter 21, discipline 4, dea.tü.4-le,4)of 330 of whom 141 ure males and IS!) lemales. The deaths during the year were: Mrs. Deborah S. Wood, April 11, '84, and 64 years; Lyman 8. Wood, May 31, 'M. aged G3 years; Mrs. Louisa Welth, Oct. 12th, '84, aged 71 ; Mrs. Elizabeth S. Dean, Dec. 24, aged 40 years. The Üiiancial report shows that f"3,239.42 have been received and expended by the treasurer, and that $1,440.44 have been contrlbuted for beniivolent purposes. A good record.