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BALL'S _- Ti j SSgja Off smíeeel COMÉIS The OM. Y COR8KT made ttmt cnn be rtnmed by ita purehastr afu-r three weeks wenr. if not fountl PERFEC7LY SATISFACTORY „ . in every ienpet, and lts prlre reiimded by leLian Maae in a varietj of ntyl.-ts and pri-.-s. Hola by tirstclasi dealttru everywhi-i r. Ik-ware of worthlesa imltatton. Non unit ss u h;.s Ball's name on th box. CHICAGO CORSET CO., Chicago, III. For Sale only by WINES & W0RDE1. DrCLARKE HO FIE I Establised 1861 I Merrill CsiU Bettorl DETROIT, MICH. ) BlockRS9 Thrrgalaroldeitabllihd M%3lrakS I'hysicUn and Surfcon DB. Wri fJWvllt'I'AKKiSi at the old numb:r mi g8feiüf Hlrciitinucs tn treat with his usual F ef KW IflRreat skll 1 all prlvato, ¦l V J& IBchronlc, nervous and spclAl S t2A DB. CLAEKE is itsKfiiJl 'e 'cst Advcrtising; Physician, BbmwdJ ii 1 tzs of Papers show and all old Resident know. Age and experience Important. f3 Nervons dlieas (with or without dreams,) or deblllty and less of nerve power treated scicntifically by new methodl with nevcr failinp success. 2I7 ít makes no difference whAt you have taken or who has f ailed to cure you. XST" Young men and middle-aged men and allwho suffer should consult the celebrmted Dr. Clarke at once, gy The terrible polsons oL all bad blood and skin dlteases of every kind, name and nature comnletelv eradicated. ltemember, that ooe horrible dlsaase, if neplected or improperly treated, cnrses the present and coming penerations. ISf plseased discharge cured prornptly without hindrance to business. Both sexes consult coniHlentlally. It in tronbie, callorwrite. Delaysare danrous. "Procrastlnatlon is the thlef of time." A wrltten warranty af oure giveu In evciy case undertaken. tST Send two stamps for celebrated vrorks on C'b.ronlc. Nervousand Delicate Diseases. You have an exhauatlve lymplonuiology by which to study your own caaes. Consultatiou, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Coniult the old l'uctar. Tliouiandl " Olllee and parlors Vuu see no one but the Doctor. BeloreconfidinL your case consult Dr. CLA RH E. A triecdly letter or cali may save future suffenng and shamc, and add golden years to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure f rom exposure - Hours, 8to 8: Sunday. 9 to 12. Adress letters: F. 1. XAKKK. 91. ., Merrill Block, Cor. Wooovwrd & leflenon Aves., DETROIT, MICH. A FINE SUITE OF- Rooms fop Olees OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. SUPPLIED WITII WATER AND STEAM. Thoae reccntly ocoupled by DB. WlLgoK can nuw be reu led by Inqulrlng at tlie COUEIKR OFFICE. Mfor workintr people. 8end 10 centa po-tuM'. and we will mail you frtt a roynl, valnable sample box ol goods ihut will i ut you i the way ot makIng mure muney In a few dajs than yon ever thought poeBible nt auy butilnes. Capital not requlml. Vou can live at home and work In Hp&re time only, or all the time. All of both (m x08, of all ages, ramlly saccersfal. 50 cents to $5 euelly rarned cvery eveniu)!. That all who want work may tept the business, we make thisanparalkled offer: To al! who aro not well atiefled wa will Bond $1 to pay for the tronbie of wrltiug us. Full pariiculsm, diiectiojia, etc. sent free. Immense pny absolutely tnre for allwho start at onc. uoo't aelay. Address Steiios 4 Oo., Portland, Male.


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