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Our Esteemed Cotemporaries

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llie Midland Sun his coined new word: "hlusty." It refers to the state of the atmosphere on certain occasions. The Baltle Creek Xews, having been 'mi' I completely out, and unable as yet 0 adjast lts insuiair-e, has made arrangement with the Battle ('reek Suoday Cttll to suppiy iis l'lacfi in tilt; inrrrval. If Robert doesn't roiiimeiice a suit ijrainatthe Fenton Independent forfrfvlng alm a proper uicsiiáme, wliy, then lie uiiifi, thiilé w)I : Bob. Injureaouls la au a iecture tour thronli this Mate. The JonetrUla Iinlcpendent loorei a SfOOil one: The attitude of.tbe two hoiuea ofconin-ss mt the mrífí (jue8t)Qn rem inda an sxehange of the story of the farmer's two boys. "Sriin. what are you dolngfï" 'N'olliin'." "Jini, wliai are you dolng t" "Helpiu' Saín.'' The Sherinan Pioneor is tliu.s cruelly d( p mdeul ever fatürë buslnessprospecto: Only :i niontli until we shiill be liviusr ander dubei'Btle ndminlstrution, and we woulil uol be afraid to bet considerable that four moDthi from the Ith of March will set? half the business housen of the country closed u - beoauM il will be the -)tli of Juiy. The WolvejriJio CitlKon passes [uto it ?¦ 3(51 h yuar tliis week," without chiingein lts control or policy, oud without a break in its conaecutlve issues lor 1.34 weeks it Ims presented itsclt' to readers.11 If there la a paper In Michigan tlmt, ean beat that record, let il holü lip is hand. And the Gltizon is us stahvail and uble as tn the days of lts youth. Editor Tarbor, of the Jaokson Star, recites B story of his nwn life, that will compare with the constant tread-mill of maiiy otlnrs in his lini', though tew are so itnlu-i licus and devoted as h. The editor and publfiher of the Albion Republican is fond ol recltlng the hard woik he perform. Brother Uissell Is uudoubtly a hard crorker, and besopplles a good local paper, hut In; 3 not the only editor and publUher who is held to the demnition grind Of the newspitper tread mil!. Vt' fnrrsèlTeS can teil apretty long story, lor Chut m itter, wfaeá ve s.-iy tliat sil the Btar tlrpt ppeared, live anda half yeara igo, there hasnot been an sane sent to tli e presa without oar revisión! the editor bus Uimself read every column ot' prooi alwayi awltwl lo making up the forma and mailing the papers, solicitud advertisemunw and uonducted the correepondence, Ouse a good aliare of the Collectlon, kept the bouk accounts everj' week, and pcnonall; Mpecinteoded the thousand det&ili tbat attacb lo a well regulitjil newipaper olflce. Daring these ti ve nul u Imlt ycurs, he has been out of toe city bot twodayá ooly, and then on business counecteil 'with the oftice, and it is nearly two years since he has been outBide the city Hintte. Por tour of these years he has returned his railroad passes, lin reoawal, without a punch in them. He lias attendeil to the publishing business al the office during the d;iy, and prepared his editorial anieles, revised communlcations, selccted oews paragraphs, miscellaiiy, etc, at home nights, and he bas often burned the midnight oil when the average editor of tlie weekly paper was sweetlv sleeping the 8leep of the just, or seekinjj in vain, white tossin-r on his feverish couch, to lull a conseience that haunts him for aceepting advertisements of "free love," "tlie mirriage guide," "Uláuliuud irsuiivrj"", and otlier ousneiamatter - none of which have polluted the columns of the Star. For real genuine hard work for more tlnin tíve years without cessation, we will compare our record with thnt of :in newspiper man in the state.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News