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The Sad Death Of W. J. Bennett

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In last week's issue of tbe CoriiiEit the nadden deatb of Mr. W. J. Bennett of Pasadona, California, som of Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Bennett, was announced but no paiticulais of liis decease were t.lien known or given. Siucc that time a letter from friend of the grief-strieken pureiits of the deceased has been received wliich suys: "(Vhile at work in his vineyard on Thursday tlie 5th inst , your sou Willie was suddenly stricken willi almoal total blindness, which on paMlng iway wa followed by di.ziness, and tobtquently by intense pains in the liend tliat continued uniuterruptedly t il 1 4 o'cloek tlie following day, when he seemed to be slightly better. His wife thinking he Btlght et tt little sleep if there was perfect quietness in the house took Mielr two Hule children to a neighbt'rs. On returning to her house after a brief space of time slie was horriiied to lind that her liiiiband, crazed with pain, had committed suicide by hanging. The phy9icians in attendance and the coroner's jury siso carne to the conclusiĆ³n that he cune to his death from a sudden attack of aeute insaniiy brought on by the long continued and intense pain in the head. His brother Heniy, was so prostrated by the shock that lic is now confined to'a slck bed, and caunot write." It is needless to add that the parents f tlie deceased have the deep syuipathy of this community in their terrible afflicton. ANOTIIER ACCOUNT. Lorenzo Da vis, of Oakland, Cal., writes to his fatlier, L. Davis, respecting the death of Mr. Bennett, as follows: '"I have just read the account which I Inclose, publishcd in to-day's San Francisco's Chronicle, of the suicide of WH1 Bennett, at his beautiful home in PaMdena, near Los Angeles. It is terrible, terrible. I can not account fur it except by thinking he was made teiuporarily Insane by sickness. I visited him, you niay remember, some years ago, and he was in apparent good health and spirits, though a very hard worker. He then had one child, a beautiful little girl. His dcath will be a great blow to his lov ing father and mother, away off in Michigan. Wh ,t a strange, inconsistent aftair tliis lite of ours seems to be."