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Liunsing schools are to be examined by a University committee iu reference to becoming one of the diploma schools. The Argonaut board has organized by electing W. E. Brownlee, '85, managing editor, and C. E Chapla, "87, business manager. Henry Burnett, lit. '84, of Tecumseh, bas been appointed instructor of inathernatics in the West-Side high school, Cleveland. The ladie's literary uuion of Hilsdale college, in a pttaeooBtMt, decided in favor of Misa Estella Berry, subject "Human lifo Modified by Art." The officers of the ManUtee U. of M. Alumni Association are D. S. Harley, Pres.; Hun iet Taylor, Vice Pres.; E. J. Richmond, Treas. j F. R. Babcock, Sec'y. J. B. Sheean has been elected president of the literary Adelphi Society, Mis Francés Slught vice president, T. F. Moran secretary, and H. S. Swift trouwer. The Chi Psi fraternity- the oldsst Greek letter society In the U. of M.- is to hold its anunal banquet at the Detroit club house, on Fiiday evening, the 27th iast. The anuual " MIcroMopIcal Soiree," whlch bas been quite au interesüng feature this time of theyear, will be omitted thia year; at least so says Dr. BteweU. His health will not warrant the extra woik. Saturday some of the senior laws got considerably " tiubbergasted " when they found that a cheeky junior had stolen the mareta on them. niounted the "hustings," and delivered the most eloquent speech of the day. Seveu largeboxes of books of the Buhl library arrived liere Monday, and the entire lot are expected to reach lere today or to-morrow. Librnrians Davis and Vanee have been in Detroit packing and shipping them. There are nine graduates of the U. of M. in congress: Senator Palmer, Congressmen Maybury and Cutcheon of Michigan ; Pettibone of Tenn. ; Holmes of Iowa; Peters of Kangas ; Wood of Ind. ; LairdofNeb. ; and White of Ky. A bilí has been introdiieed in the legislature, and will probably becoine a law, granting the immatesof the reform school for girls at Adrián free treatment at the university hospitals, the same as is now granted the inmatM of other state institutions. The proposition to use the university hospital for a gymnasium, in case the new removal idea is carried out, may prove a bait tbat will catch popular favor before the consequences are fully weighed. It is best not to be iu a hun y about committing one's self on this subject. JudgeC. I. Walker, late professor of law, bas presented to the university a very valuaule book. It contaius all of the old docunients relating to the university, the original plan, details, etc, by Judge Woodward, etc, etc. That the presentís highly appreciated butfaintly expresses it. llomer S. Lyun, a ineinber of the senior medical class, died Sunday morning last of typhoid fever. His remains were taken to the home of his parents, iu Youngstown, Ohio, Monday, over the T., A. A.&N. M. R. R, the members of his class accompanying them to the. depot. Tht'. tttiulitt gyHinnnmm CO1I1I1J Itteti Il.lll a session with the faeulty last evening, and the latter joined the boys in a memorial to the legislature in the interest of this project so dear to the beartsof all the studeuts. The committee will to-morrow personally present their views to the legislature. Ex-President Wright, of the Northern Pacific railroad, bas given $50,000 to eudow the Annie Wright Seminary for Young Women at Tacoma, W. Ter., Au Institution for Young Men, about to be founded, will receive an equal sum frota hiin. Both will Le underthe control of the Episcopalians.- Moderator. The Pratt Gymnasium building at Am berst College, that cost $75,000 is now ready for use, and is described as probably the most perfect building of the kind in the United States. It ought to be, for no pains or expense have been spared to make it as good as possible. Mr. C. M. Pratt, of Biooklyn, a gradúate of 1870, is the donor. The Chronicle board has reorgani.ed for next semester in the following maiiner: A.C. Robeson, managing editor; F. VV. Job, various topics; R. S. Dawson, general literature; D. C. Corbett, thlngs chronicled; .T. E. Burchard, personáis; J. C. Shattuck, exebanges; O. B. Taylor literary notes; M. D. AtUins, secretary and treasurer. M. K. Brown, '84 has his law shlngle floating and dallying with the untarued breezes of Kansas City. At the last election he had a narrow escape in the race for assistant prosecuting attorney." but did not quite get there, as the other fellow was surnamed Eli, and he was older and more ultimately previous,'' as M. K. qualntly puts it. A meeting of (he senior class of the law department was held Saturday afternoon, to consider propositions for furnishing class pictures. The flrmscompeting were Messrs. Curtís & Smith and R. V. Ranger, of Syracuse, N. Y. ; Randall, of Detroit ; MeCleery, of Jackson; and Lewis & Gibgon, Randall & Burnhani, and Mr. Story, of Ann Arbor. A fine display of pictures was made, whioli were carefully exiimined by the boys. Lcwig & Gibson seemed te be the favorites in the race from the start, and afler thu pouring forth of mucli Webfteriau eloquence by members of the claee, a vote resulted iu their cholee by a considerable majority. Weduesday next, will be given in Universlty Hall, the 5;5d concert by the University Musical Society, and the llth by the Choral Union- the society enters iipon itsOth year of exlstenec, and is even Ín better conclition than last ytar. The works, "The Drcam", aml "Rcbckah", are quite cliurimng eonipositiousaml witli the, fu 11 orehestral accompaniment, will be quite a ncw departuru on the fortner plano acrompaniiuont. Tliis feature was iiiUlod to tlie performance owing to the presence in our town of sncli a good band as "OtMquMMgOU". Froui all roportf, it vvill be a grand mooeu, and open, a newera. ThesoloUts, MtaiMitchell.Mtai Whedon, Miss ,1. Peaseand Orín Cady, are certainly favorites witli all lovers or good musió, and tlio tenor, C. V. Slocum, of Detroit, is reportad by all as of the best, and the fact that he had been engaged by Damrosch, now unfortunately dead, to sinjr at the Slimmer May Festival, is of itself a suflicient guarantee. Jt will be a fine entertainment, among the best of the season. THANKS TO 1SUIIL. The members oí the law faculty have joined lu the following letter of thanks : A.v.v Ariior, Feb. 14, 1885. C. II. Buhl, Etq. Deak Sik- Tbe undersigned members of the lawfaculty of the Universlty of Michigan, deslre to expresa tlieir erateful sense of your imiii i of glving your valuable law librar for the use of tbe luw department. It Is not only the livrgest acqulsltlon uver made In our departmont, but Is lutrlnslcally of grat v.iluo iu supplylng a presslng want neveryet met by the Unlverslty approprlatlons. We have worked uader great dlsadvautages in belng contlned for the studenl's meau's means ol reference to a comparatl vely small oollectlon of works of prime necesslty. We have never had the facilitieH needful or the extended study of Jurlsprudence lu the Ubrary. Uurownwork has had to be done by the ald oi olher librarles, and members of our classes who wlstied to follow out and verlfy doctrines full, have had to do much of thai work elsewhere. Your handsome donar tlon is very enoou raging, both as i-bowln;; an Interest in the weltare of the Unlversity and 8 a recognlllou of Ilie importunce to the ooramualtj of lui) and hheiai oolMra In the scleLce whlch deals most dtrectly wlth ilif pcace and good order of society. Whether your good uxiimple is or is not h harblnger of further benetitü from generous nitii, it will secure you a lusting and bonored F6meinbrance amonir tliose who best appreclate ly what meana the interests of cominuuitlosare elevated and most surely establislnil. Wlshlng j'ou every good thiiig (bat may add to the comfort ol a Ufe well spent, we are your obllged frlends and servants. JAMES V. CAMPBELL, WILIJ.V.M P. WELLS, CUARIhS A. KENT, HK.NKY VVADK ROG BBS, H.UUtï ü. llUTCHINb. At a meeting of law students Satuidny last, the following papers were uiianiinously adopted : Wbbkka. The law department of the Unlverslty of Miclilgim has been the recipiënt of a gilt of 5.UU0 volumes of valaable law books fromC. if. Buhl, lisq., of Detroit, Uier. - fore be It Resol-vtd, By the si udents of the law department, thata committee be appointed to express our deep seuse of gnitllude to Mr. Hnlil for bis benlflcent donatlon. and our krrn apprectatlon of the generous motives whlcli prompted It. Be It Retolved, further, that we take stops to secure a portralt of Mr. Buhl tobe placed in Uw lecrure room as a permaueut memento of u.s miinlncence. lu aceordance with tlie above rèsolution the following letter was address to Mr. Buhl : Ann Akuor, Feb. II. " C. ff. Buhl, Esq,: Dkar 8iR-We, the students of the Imw department of the Uuiverslly of Michigan, have been apprlsed of your magnlttcenl douallon to the llbrary of tins dep.trtiuent, ftnd wlsh to expres to you our gralitude lor your generosity. Your gift is the most liberal lu the hlstory of llns departmeut and adds exceudluly to the efficiency of the school in aüording Mudents a mucli wlder field lor Independent mvesltgatlon. We regard this gift as a gratifylng Indlcatiou that the work done in this deparlment is appreclated by our public gplrlied olUzens and by lliu frlends ol' the Uulversity. Your worthy exainple is especlally valuable for the lospiratlou It will give to our cilizens at large in lnduciug them to make sacrltlCfS, if need be. In support of our admirable educationai system Unit has enabled Miclngan, iu general intelllgence aml culture, to take sucn high rauk among her sister sta les, and lias renuered our commuulty more altractlve and our property more secure and valuable. Michigan Uulversity need have no fear for ier future so long as able and liberal frlends llke yourself are ever keeping a walchful eye upon her needs. We wlsh once more to express our profouud sense of gratitudeand toassure you that we shall do our utmost todeserve the coutideuce In us whicn you have thus manllested. Very respectfully yours,


Ann Arbor Courier
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