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HEROIC SACRITICE. The commantler of a Government post n tbe Niágara river dnrlnathe early part of thig centnry, was apparently ut the point of dentli. }Iis associates Kithered around hlm, bnt neithcr thty nor the, Post Surgeon could dn arythlnp tor hls relief. Hia heart tUrobbed so violeutly tht every one Id Wie room rould hca.r it baat, anil tbe occaa nal spagmof anixmuh that pns-ed over his face showcd how mtich lie suffered. At lencth uue of tne offleers spoke tip sudilenly: I Know or nn rMerly liirly whu live many unies away wliuse reputatlon as a nnrse nd doctress, I have ofteu heard. I will brinp: hir. " And before any one could offer approval ordisapproval hewasgone. Tbat nitfhtthe mow came down in KmhIs. The wind had fnll sway and piled the tnow in drifts. But in spite of the elementa a man and wcraiim, mounted on horsebark, pntiently toiled throuiih Ilie storm. At lenst b they rearhod tlic post, aria onder tlie skülfnlly applicd ramedieswbich wercüdministered, the offlcer was broiiclit baek to bealth. Hut the 'ir(:t of Ihi.' Htorm nl sertioa. of travel were too ereatnu'l ( hloeHibbard, who liad sved the life of anoiher, wu rtritken wltli lolal bltniliiftw. Her's had been a peiici'fn! life. Sho liail loved nature. aii'l, In itadylnjrit, luid dlscoverod naton ¦. Mieimdlred huraanity and loutrt I to rilieV i(s sufferiug. FQie had eoen men nni woinen. raoked by rhenmtlKm in all lts firms, and sho had carefully stndieri to 'ind a means of relief. Sh sncreedpct in Bniltwg tliis nipuns, and was grattlied by nu hundreds of 'ifferer restored She reallMd that rheui ca'ise of most RO-eIled hp-rf df--. nd h Kitved ihut Hrrs lus' nl of dcath, as he dld Unit nf the F iant. But h urr'fled haraaH bi on tlip linr of philanthropv, b( rt, rul died nnrewarde.l. Tt is f.-rturmle, )i" wever, that her fjood worU r."' on. ITor nephew, Hon. Daniel B. Uibbard. ono of the most prominent elf 'pus of Jackson, Mich., being poBsessed of the formula by which hls Annt accompllshpd somocb coid, determined as a duty he ones lx th to his anoestor and lmmnnltT tn givo it to ths wortd, and to-dny Hlbbejrd'a Rhenmatlc Syrnp I gold In every drut store, and is becxMnlnir tlie moi ponulnr, as lt Is unqnst'onnbly the 'ost pTineut romedy for rheumatisra evpr known. HÖPTÖNiC l VOnERFCI. ArÖi7 ceMBIlTATHMi S, PEPTQNIZED 55f7w BEEF, HOPS A. NIALT. 7 "lit Uring the OXLY Á ¦iry Í -J 'S h v.' PB E''.mk ñ i'aiivtiox for J' Impartlui Pl'RB ...iiilaJI ALBUMEN ; - - ro Hip Elody. It Is nn Aho!ulf (urn Tor .crvouinMi, Irbllity nnd lu-t:nni:i, nul wnrdH off ihote Tt'iriljlt EtÜ vhifh ara First Si&iua of 1NSA1VITV. For Debilitaled Men: for BnfeafcM V orneo; for Ilelicale ( hlldren ; Tur all nho nerd Streuüth. "BOPTONIC is A DLESSINO." For Sale by all Dl uvïisU. 1'reyarcJ ouly by tbe KOPTONIC CO., RVMI It M"lt)S, MICH. m m wm m SM ffjak ¦ ¦ The mnxt stibtle. V Hl ClLifl leunt undi-rslood RUI Unl LI H-ne r ihr lire llkfllail 13 CÜI 1 liH. It Ik (irun ,„__ .,„. inrit tivsteni b (GOOD AIR) (.,erv breatS, Ja. n Cholera in, mul han rircinti a National Evtl. 'I liiMinut of tlralht called hv olhri name ure In reulity the resull (T .Mnlarln. KALARIA --- CURESIT! It ha beon fj iiuru lu urn .ral iracll- 1 t I f% b ni' of th leudinv .lili ¦ V I V ( In,,, „r Ain.-r lea for 2 venm wllh never-fnilliK nucceM. The luie JOHN B. OOUCH.ltn-iM'l tirat-! If'-turer. ri'Ootntnr'ndrd It iMitliii".liili"lly. Por unie h nll (IiiikkUiii, or saai ot-iuitl on recelpl of l.tK). "Tf MALARIA EOCBESTER, ïï. Y. ,bad air,


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