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Annual Meeting Of The Ladies' Library Association

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The twentleth animal meeting of the Ladies' Library Associatlou was held In he Library on Mouday April 12th, at ïalf-past two p. m. The eleotloa resulted as follows: l'resdent, J. M. Wheeler; vlcepresident, klrs. A. Ii. Palmer; treasurer, Mrs. C. V. JiJOOX', sien taiy, Mis. W. Beman. Mrs. Al ('red IIunl, Mis. A. B. 'timer, Mis. Theo. Uoyer. Mrs. C. A. Jaycox and Miss LoqIm Pond, were tnude im-mhi'i's of Ilie board of managers. diss Lois Aiiji'U havinji deolined re-eleciin Jliss Clara Wlieeler was elected to üll the place. Mrs. Oeorga 3. Morris was chosen to HU the vacancy on tiie oard caused by the residu atiou of Mis. 2. K. Adams. By a unaniuious vote Mis. Adams and VIis. Angelí were made houorary uiembers of the board. The following report presented by a committee appointed for the purpose of expressing the regret of the association at pUttDg with Mrs. C. K. Adams, as resident and member of the board was unanimously adopted : It Is witli uiifelKiied regret that the merabera'of the Ladles' Llbrury Assuciation ara compelled to accept the resiguatlon of thelr Jtíloved president. They delre to expresa to her thelr trueappreclatlon of all he h'is beeu to thtB assoclaUon slnce lis organizailon, and toai-sureher that tljey lol luw lier lo her uew home wltb cougratulatlous, the most earnest wishes for her happluesH and au assured üellel of her success in uil her uew dutles. (Siguedt B M. 11UNT, Cbairman, 1 K. A. HILL, b. ti. C. ANUELL, üom. of Ladies' Library Assoclatlou. April 1, 18S6. Voted that a copy of the above exptession be publishcd in the city papers and placed apon the records of the association. The presidem's address was requestcd for pnblieaüon and appears as follows: To the Ludïtts of the Libiary Asêociation: I bringtoyou to-day my congratulatlons that auottier yeur lias marked Ihe succesü and progress of our Ladies' Library, Tuis annlversary Is a time einiuently flttlug for remlulscunoes; but tliu story was veiy pleasanlly told by Mr. E. B. Pond at the dedlcatlou of tuis beautlful llttle building, aud 1 need not repeat It, lor I am sure 11 is fraai) muil your memories. It will ouly be uecessary theiefore, to cali your utieuliou t a'lewway marks. I Una in our secretary's report atour l.lih uuulversary these words : "As the lile of au Individual passes, he Is prone to notlce eaoh perlod of flve years, and the 5th, lOth, löth and 2uth amiivirsaries of an event, are of special iuterest. We to-day com memórale ouríUlh anuiversaiy, au eveut of luterest to me, auU 1 trust to us all. If I had occasion to congratúlate you on our 15th aunlvertiary, how mucli more occasiou have 1 to congratúlate yuu al the preseut time. Tlien we ouly iremoliugly vonturcd lo suggost the poHSlbilily ol providlng a more attractlve home for our library. The seeietary Uien sald, "IOifter the lapse of Uve yeara we may look upou a building of our own, erected, aud at least a great part pald tor, we shall uavereasou lo bcsatlsiled wiih the work of tweuty years." Tliat somewhat feeüle hope has now been happily fulfllled. This beaullful building, wiih IU shelves wellülled with books mosl carefully selected, Is the result of tue small beglnuings made tweuty years ago by a lew earuest spirits who had faim In n.s future. To Mrs. Kellogg, the flrst president, Is due In a large measure, the success of the library, U, . Il I . ,1 I , t I I r . ... 1 ' t'l I I. 1 1 il I 1 [ I 1 11 :H I 1 I ¦ manuer íor four years, and when the "ways paried" and sue went lo anolher fleld of labor, we all feit thal we had lost a wlsecouuseilor and tUe llbrary au eainest supporter. Uut as the good wb do Uve on, so I trust her spirit ha lusplred us thene iiiany yean. The llbrary ha been a living and progresslve power in the intdsl of tne comiuuully. Uuietly lts work ha been per! irrned, and tlie good accoinplished can ouly be kuowu when the sueaves are all galhered in. The years thal ure passed Have not been without loll and iuany disoouragemenl. The resources are so many lu a Unlverslty town where theopportunlties which the Uulversity offers to me public are so great, the obslacles lu Uie way of building up a library that süould benent aclas ot people who could uot lor vanous reasous avall themselvesof the advantages of the XJniversity, seemed well ulgh insuperable. Thoujjh at times we have lelt thatour etibrts have uot niet wim tne hearty support of au appreclative public, yet on the other liaud we have olteu been eucouraged by most tiniely assistauce in our work tor the coinmon good From the public and írom individuáis we have at time receivad geuerous assistance. Au emptylreasury hasollen beeu replenlshed tnrough the kiuduess of the Fiesident and Professors of the Uuiverslty and through the geuerous and sktllful efforls of the Uarrlck Club. Mr. De Fout and hls asnociates, Misa Malouy and others, have not ouJy giveu us pleasaut entt-rlaiumeuta, but they have furulshed generuus a.vislanee to our feeble treasury. i'roui these and varlous other sources have the reveuues of the llbrary been obtained. It may be prolitable 10 dweil upon the two sldes of the picture, that ulure discouraemenls may not dauipeu our ardor or weaken oui lailh. To-day 1 thiuk we have reaBon to rejoice in the realizatlou of our bngiiu-st hopes. We have sorrowed over those, who, one afler anoiher, have fallen trom our ranks. iSouie have gone to other fields of labor, and slx promlueut members of the board have passed to the beller laud, Mrs. Lawreuce, Airs. Deutou, Mrs. Henriques, Mrs. Douglass, Miss Porler aud Mrs. bcott. Their ready hands aud earnest Ueans were among the nrst lo respond to the claims ol the Library. Thelr naines will long be held iu grulelul remembrance aud should be au Incentívelo well doing. Xu thinking of the past X fiud the augel "who has all seasous lor hls owu" has been very busy among us. X recall the uauit oí mauy who were actively luterested lu the prosperity of the library, and in many ways givlng v substantial aid, who eau uever be wilh usinore. Our dear frlend, Mrs. Ueu. Hum, whose requiem you have Just sung, and the inelody of whose music Is still riugiug in our m, mi ved laitlilully on our eulei talnmeul committee. Kor several years her etforts coutrlbuled largely to the success ot the musicales which lonned sucu a pleasaut feature ui oor euterlaiumeuls given from time lo time We miss her kind, cheerful givriings. Our houored aud loved frleud, Mrs. Alfred Hum is the ouly member of the board who has served coutinuously since lts orgaulzatlou to the preseut time, alluough tbere ure olhers servlug now, after periods of retiremtiit. who were members of Uie ürst board of directors. To Mrs. Hunt, especially, I exteud my congratulallons, that during her llfe time she sees the compleilnu ol Ihls beautilul building, aad the succesx in ouch large mensure of the work lor which she bus laborad witli untiring and liicreasiug zeal lor the past twenty years. May site long remain with us lo enjoy these uew privileges, aud to euoourage those who take up the work wbere others iay lt down. X should uot glve adequate expression to my ieeliugs couceruiug me recent work of the library, lf I dld nol aliude to the growth oi the 'iiádies' Tuesday Club." I aiu sure I give expression lo the sentiments oi all wno nave enjoyed lis udvautHües, wtien X cali al tention lo the importance of lts work. We here wltness the law of coinpensatlon. Mis. Jnycox. wtio bal so ably couducU-u il liuiii lts beginniug, witli 1 i - torced upou her throngh suüuilng, in order to inake her days ard nlghts less tedious, as well as tobe helpful to others, gattmred ubout her a few youug frleuds, and udupted a course of study. Kruin ihesu'itll number gatlured In her parlor üve years ugo, has growu the large Circle, sixty aud more, who now meet every Tuesday lu thls pleasanl room, all deeply Iuleresled in the work. X aui sure I bul ulier the words of the Clrcie wueu X say, that we are deeply grateful to Mrs. Jaycox lor her unweuried eübrls In lts beliall We may uot live for ourselves alone. God glves us all somethlng to do for others, somethlng that wlll elévale mankind or llghlen the hurdens of the toller. or eucourage oine faun in-art, such I believe will be the mil sloii of this Library. There is eurnest work yet tu be done In the luture. There wlll doubtless be dlscouragements to meet. Bul as iu Ihe early days ol Ihe laith- " When one feil In Ihe rauk auother slepped luto hls piare aud took up the arais that had dropped trom hls hands,'' so X trust, as one by one drops out from the ranks, others with willing hands aud earnert purpose will take up the feellngsand carry itearuestly lorward. Thus the seed plauled tweuty years go will be made to yleld a perenuial hurvest. Today close my active work with you, not my interest, lor that will be fresh evcry year. I became a member of thls assoclatlou at the time ot its orgauizatiou aud have been a member of tbe board of directors nlneteen years, aud have Huw been your president ten years. The work X caunot Iay down without admitllng that it Is with deep regret. X have had unwaverlng fallh In our success, and the Ïood our Library is destined to accomplish. fl have been helpful In establishlng It, lt has been due to the earneH support and must cordial co operatlon of the members of the board. We have labored together without frlctlon, a uuited body worklng for a coinuion good, and 1 tuauk you from a full heart lor uil your generous treatment. In golug to a uew fleld of labor I have carrled with me and shall al ways cherlsh the pleoxant memories of the past twenty years we have labored together, In estnbllshlni thls Library, to be, I trust, a power forgooo liithis comiuuully, my pleasaut and loved home for so many years. And m agaln I congratúlate you, and I trust that the next twenty years will bring stlll greater prosperity. Though the fouuders may have pax.sed away, those who come afler wil! bless theiu, iind wlll uot desplse the day of small beglunlugs. Tlie Librarían' report is as follows : Slnce April lst, 1885, there h been addec to the Ladles' Library 51 books. OI these, 20 were purchased, 11 were presented, aud U are bound periodlcals. The books are classifled as foltows : División A- Mlscellaneous, División C- Travel, 1. División D- Hlstory, 3. División E- Blography, 4. División U.- Youths' Department, 2, División II- Standard Flctlon 2. Plvinlon r-Pictlon,7. División J-Perludtcal, 14. Nuraber of uow meinbers, 50. S. E. Hl LU, Ltbrarlai . The following i the antimil report of the treasurer: RECÏIPTS. Cash onmrtgage loan 12015 85 Cash ou loan of Mrs. A. Hunt 200 OU Donallon fromcollectloii forSclentlflo AsKOCiatlon 2' ! Private donatloiiR 875 80 Nuieof Klrm National Bank 817 U Note of J. M. Wheeler Iu3 DO Aiinuul tax 80 U0 New members SI 50 Klnes 9 U6 Tuesday Club M p:iiterlaiuuient glveu by Prof. de Pont 50 80 Rant S Uztilblt of Picture 1 Tax refuuded 8 ' Siilcol Matllug and Simde 1 Jj Sale of Cataloguen öaleofBook _ _ Toíal 7J Cash In ïreasury April 1, '85. ... 48 79 Grand total $3615 03 DISBUR8KMENT8. Llbrary building, heatlng pparatuH walk.gradlnggrounds ...."! Furnlslilng and putting In order LIbrary and toilet rooms TL ï- Bindlug and repalrlng 78 volumes Magazines tor 1&86 g iookH, 1 volumes Expense of opening }" JV Tajcaud Insurance " Uu mortgage loan ÍÍ- nj' Loan of Mrs. Alfred Hunt 1" 04 Remof rooms In Haiulllan Block ¦ VO Adranoed for plan Librarían saiary, 1 year 6 mos 7H UJ Jaultor, mos A rj qqJ W Kxpress and Post-offlce box 3 JW Expense of l'lcl ure eiulbit w Total Ü? Cash In Treasury l Uj Grand total W15 63


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