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RIN8EY& SEABOLT'S iiitSiiliii AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conctantly on hand, 8READ, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wholesale and Retall Tr.ide. We sball aleo keep a upply of SWIFT A DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kye Flour, itmUuliiai Flour, Com U. al. Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock of JROCEBIES afli PROVISIÜNS Conêtaiitly on hand, which will he sold on as reaaonahle térros as at any other house In the city. Cash pald for BUTTKR, EGGS and COUNTRY 'RODÜOR ffenerally. öoods delivered. to any art of the cliy without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. A. DcFOREST. Fire Insurance, Flate G-lass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustinents and Losses Proniptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention oivkn to Oollkction )F RENTS AND MANAOKMKNT OF KeAI. ESfATE INTERESTS FOR NON-RESIIENT8. ENriBE SAT1.SFACTION TO OWNKRS GUARANA. DeFORKST. ANN ARBOR HALL FRUIT FARM ! Strawberries, Gooseberries, Raspberies, Cnrranti' and Grapes, very clieap. Remember these planta are stronjf acilimated. Raspberry Synip, $2.00 per gal. Ra-spberry Bbrub, f2.50 per gaL Genuine Grape wine frotu $1.00 to 1.35 per gal. ltnproved Plyinuuth Rocks per sitting, BI. 00. Extra Choice Plymouth Rocks per slt;inK, $2.00. Agenta of ElUviinger & Barry, of Boeketter, New York, for all kind3 of Nurscry stock. E. BAUR&SON,W. HuronSt. am-u "INSURANCE UEAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Kloor, ïlamllton Block. Parlien deslring to boy or sell Reul Kstate win Umi It lo Ihelr udvnntage lo cali olí me. I represent 15ftrHt-clas8 Kire InHurancp Companies. havlngan asgregaie oupllnl over 1311,X,000. Untos I,ow. Losses Itberally adjusted and promptly paid. I jil-o issue Life and Investraent Pollcles In Lhe New York Mutunl I.lfe Insurance Company, Assetts, $55,000. Persons deslrlng Aoident Insurance, can have yearly pollcies rritten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurince Tickets issued at Low rates In the Acciient Insurance Company of Nortli America. Money to Loan at Current Kal es. Offlce hours 'rom 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. I fi TTlfn 8end lü cent postiige. and we I 11 I Ij I II wlll mail youre a royal, valM Ijl H I uable, sample box of goods Li UI L f'atwlll put you in the way of making more money at once han anythtng else In Araerica. Both sexea il uil ages ran live at home and work In ipare time, or all the time. Capital not re)ulred. We wlll start you. Immense par mre for those who start at once. STrusoN A )., Portland. Maine. D. D. STORY, fhe Photograher, Agent for the flinger Co., manufacturers of the well-known APOLLO BICYCL.E. The best wheel in the f . 60 E. HURON ST., ANN ARHOR. MADAME MORA'S C0RSET8. fHOi-T COMFORT VIII.K A.M ilffnjïh FEltFttT riTTI.NO. itt-i ( huma üa tlK-y give bctter g.Tl BBBB aatialat t ion thau any i-i.rsft jÊ9SStw they ever solü. I)r(.-tvmftken flBW Tpf rcconnmnd thcm forthelrflno K3F I 7 Bhap. (nnnot breuk over W' %. y hip. ArO iiartieularly liked bT atn x: Luiu-mr r ¦ ¦ 1 1 hïh. iii, om ÖBSTV TOl'lt" uikI "Al.IUNK" i " i hllTi'tllliI'AVlLNTTllII'MlBACK. UÊtf JL which covers the oi'n spc SVfci V TWl - aii'l iii"l'-''tHthepj)int'. OU: JtXy Th'.-l.V UI iSK 'ï', ïs'?" ¦772''s hatho popular RUMORO V1ÍLÍ!Lj' VABl.K STRKIJ. Which V; J0 -VT canlfiiitnllyUken fe iVV otlt. W1TI1OIT t-lTTINO OB Mft MMi.VMK HOKA't (OUHiHIlK SE'is. Nu oIIiith linvH th H''win celfbrntiil Fr.-n.h 't:r-M'J m ¦ yKuiIH U"". iviiri'oriinitiiti'iin M i Sfaaan "Tlir'"i tiiwiw th puhiic. f l5!ll For Biilo hy all lfttlintf doalJ U H 'LrWÊi "¦ JUnufuclui-uil by Madame Hcn's 'Contour. KTt.WS CO., 3 Madame Mora'j La Reine. Blrminphan.. c.nn. Madame Mora's Aldine. FltipotHok .... Madam Mora'i Comfort Hip. 71 Looiuml SU, N. j _ - [YT1T more money tlian at anythlDgelre by tak a 11 I V '"" "" .''"11 'llr "'" ''''Mt ¦"¦ll'iiK book ( II 11 l'krii'o!rt Buccetïd grandly. None 11111 Tall. Term frec. IIallktt Book Co., 'ortland, Mulo. I


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