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Michigan (Tentral The JJiagara Falls (Route. Central Sluiidard Time. Time tablo taklng effect Nov. 29th. 1885. CHICAGO Til DETROIT, IJ leo Ai iU .TAT.ON,. a P _ H 55 L[L í 5 1f s i __ a__ __ _ J. , zc .. i.j.r.H. i.. P,. P,, ,,, 'hfcaro..Lv. tí. Vi 00 ;:ii 4(10 9 ni 9 56 OchlgatiOlty 11111 : 17 1 ;:;¦_' n 1:: ¦He 1, : 11' I.ï B18 76III2W 1 10 alamimoo. .. ¦¦ 142 788 '.11 2 (kj 808 ti ik latti Oreek. ¦ 223 801 850 350 781 4Hr-hHMÍ Ar. 2 47 "rhHl1 i Lv J07 H22 818 4 7 757 r v. 382 83H 841 4 40 8 20 'k"on 810 4 15 15 4 88 5 i 9 15 'Mw Ijike.... 3 38 . 547 í, ,j ;h-'''- ". r, ck i 57 lr 4 12 . .. . (28 1014 lunlrbor... 4 33 58Ó1008 .... 548 ti 4010 2a ÜHDtí 160 54510M .... 600 0 55 10 45 s""Jra. 5 15 605 110 .... 620 747 1106 Vtri.i.,..Ar. 600645UlE TOO 8i0H45 IRTH(IIT TO CniCAGO. w o L I I 1 ""¦ I H L lL is = =ft L ? 8 3 _L_ wU C á L 3 A.M. KM 1.M p M. P.M. P.M. .... 3etroit....I.v ' 700 u ín 80 400 su 9 ÍS ffayneJinc. 1 vi 968 208 1 16 8 10 i'peilanti .... 8 0110 13 2 20 5 lí 905 1021 unArhor .. KH.1028 232 680 23 10 38 2t8r sa-, su 955 e)ea ,848 605 10(iii .... "" liase Lake. .. 1 10 27 1033 lncksoí 885 1144 38? 7 15 1155 203" Í6 1 Ín ¦"'¦ taltlc Creek.. 11 i 131 140 BldlS20 150a.m íalamazoo. . . 1 1 5-J 116 615 45 I 1" 2 40 4 15 Hei.... 147 345 632 3 05 4 13 6 40 MlchleanClty 810 4S7 7311.... 4 35 5 40 S 03 hlcag Ar. 545J710 9 30 1 7 00 8051035 miada Itlviaion. Detroit To bógalo. -Standard Time. STATIONS. ??ÍiÜi I! fíNÍ i P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Detroit ...Lv 7 30 lia 6 00 7 10 12 ai p.m lit.ThoniatAr 1110 2 4". 10 20 10 4513 40 A. M. I'. M I roronto..Ar 8 45 5 05 8 20 r. n. Ottawa !pm625 4 38 a. m. Montreal , m ki . y-'c uMO r. 1. a. m 2 20F.M. M.ihomas.Lv 1116 2 45 100 18 558 M Weiland 1 53 5 17 5 12 1 M 6 28 Falln Vlew..... .. 5 45 2 ?H . s. fhii. Ou. 2 2-j 5 4 aaa Su-i''i B'dfre. 2íi 6 00 2 507 10 P. H. N.FaÜB.N.Y ;.... Eaetern time I a. M. a. m. p. m. , p. m. v77 Ruffi!o....I.v 4 50 8 10 9 00 4 45 9 0(1 Rocheeler..Ar 6 50 9 55 11 00 (i 45 11 (O Syrcu.-e 1 80 Ul6p 1 :0a 9 80 1 30am Utlca 1130 2 l!i 3 (Mi 11 m 101 Albany DM220 5 (mi tilo aíJi 6 10 Truy 2 5 6 55 6 25 í 2 00 Suringöel .,. (31 ÍS 40a 10 51 (i IB 10 STara Worreeter. . . . 8 38 5 0 1 18r 8 20 ] 1S[,Ui Kowlon 9 4.") 0 25 245! 40 245 New York Ar 7 00 I 00r 10 30a 7 8c 10 30am FhiladHphla. 10 35 1 10 35 7 05...' BDrrALo to DETKoiT- siandürd 'l'iniií. ' "c"0 c li "5 " Sh SÍ í- 6Ï %$ STATIONS. iï :í -O' t SÍ"1 M w o a. m. r, ,. Philadel'a. Lv 9 00 P. x 8 JO New York... 11) 3ü 6 00 .. .... 5 Boston, 8 8 3 00 7 K) Woiceter... 9 50 4 20 ..83 Spriniiflcld. . 1135 6 05 ... 10 i5p Albauj 8 OOpni 10 tó 3 611 Utica r 45 I2 3.'liim .. 6 16 Syrncuse 7 411 2 00 ...'... 7 30 KochefUT 9 56 4 lio 10 00 Üuflalo ...Ar 12 15 5 60 12 15p a. m. a. M.i Bnffalo I.v 11 30pm 6 SO ti 05 9 00 11 35 N. F1,.N Y Snnu'ii B'ri'íf. 12 31 6 30 1288 N. KnllOni. 12 51 6 48 12 67 Fallí Vii-w 6 56 1 (12 Weiland 7 16 7 21 10 15 133 St.ThomasAr 4 10 9 50 1115 lio 4 ¦ QuetHc. Lv 2 30 lo ii Montrral, 8 00 H 00 Ottawa 11 40 12 28 Toronto, s y 8 20 St.ThcniasI.v 4 15 9 55 2 55 1 Ï5 4 45 Detroit.... A r 8 Oóam 1 OOpm 8 45 5 20i 8 16 + Stope only to let off panengi re. í Stop only 011 tlgsau, o. V. RÜQQLB8, H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. Afsnt Ai;t.. Aun Arbor. CLIcjeo. Toiedu, Aun Arbor & Nortli Miiliiau Rallwaj. TIME srHBbULE. Tot;ike eñect at 12 o'clock, Doon, 011 Sunday, September 27, 1885. (Sttiitlicrn División.) Traln ron by Standard Time. GOIWQ WOHTH. GOING SOUTH (i 4 2 1 si s 5-7 I I, ATIONS. L-g s"S ' aj gfl --a fza a. m.i p. h a.m Leuve. arrlveA.M p.m.ípm. t 9 50 t8 40 7 05 Toledo 9 :t ., ihi 5 00 9 54 3 45 7 14 Manhattan Jnncfn a U 1 H . 10 00 .3 52 7 23 .Inncüon 9 16 4 47 _ !10 07 4 00 7 M5 tiathor. ' 10 4 JO .... 111)18401 7 4i; Samarla 8 004 80.... E10 45 4 lo 8 ihí Lu a. s 47 4 2u (10304 25 8 15 Monroe .lunction 8 42 4 14] 1037 4 33i 8 30 Uundee 8 80 4 (U 4 04 m !10 43 14 4U 8 37 Macón H 26 4 111 4.10 47 4 45 8 46 Azulia 8 20i3 54 til 00 45S8 59 Milau.lnuciiiin g 09 8 46 846 A.M, 500 9 0 Milán ¦.(.: II r m 5 08 9 22 UrUU 8 30 5 23 9 32 Pittsfteld Junction 7 4u 5:15 9 50 Aun Arbor 7 273 10 6 53 10 20 1. lan 1 7 12 50 tfl 05110 80 Worden 7 0!2 40 I Blfl tó 9onih Lyon 60 Connectlons: At Toli'do, with rallroads divergiog; at Manhattan Junction, with Wheeling & Lakc Erle K. R.; at Altxia Jnnction, with Al. C. R. H., L. S. & U. 8. Uy. i.nd t. A P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction. with L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at ünnle, with L. S. & M. S. Bj., M. .t O. Ky.; at MíIhii Junction. with Wabasb, St. Lonis PaciBc Ky.; at Pittsflfld, with L. B. M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan c'cntral K. EL, and at South Lyon with Detroit, l.iü -inir &, Northern K. K., and Micli. A. L. Div. of Qrand Trunk liy. Train ö and 8 runs betweeo Detroit and Toledo. dally i'xci'pt Sunday, vin Milán Junction; No. 6 at Oetroit 12:00 00011. No.SleaveB Detniit at 2:35 p. m. Fliifsations. t Daily, except SuDdaye. i Tralns do not stop, H. W. ASIILEY, General Sopt. VV. H. BRNNE1T. Gen'l. Púa. A4nt - tieíie ANN ARBOR SAVIN&S BANK, ANN AKBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Organized nnder tb? General Iltnkir.' Law of thK sjiatf, tin' Htockh 'ildorK indiv iiiuilly liable íor au additioual auiount equal to the etock held by them. thereby creating a Uuarantee Fund for the beoelt of Depoait ra of $100,)00.00. Three per cent. interest ie allowed on all SavinffB Dêpoalta of one dollar and upwarrie, accordin: to [he rules ot the Uunk and interest compounded ïumi-annually . Kaney to Loan ou uuincumbtrtd ¦eal estáte and other ood security. DIRECTORS: ?HRISTIAN MAUK, Wm. I). ÏIAKHIMAN, W. W. W1NK. DAN1KL HI8COCK, SVILLIAM DKÜBEL, VII.I.AKU B. SMITU. DAVID RINSEY. UFFICXBS: C. MACK. Pre. W. W. WIN ES, 'ce-Prm. . e.. HISCOCK.OMShler. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! ¦(. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oklest agency in the city. Establlshed 3ver a quarter of a century ago. Kcpresenting :lie followlng flrsi-class companleg, with ver $60,000,000 CtipifHl and AshcIs. HOME INH. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. (X)., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. 1RIENT INS. 00.. of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, ot London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON mu 1 GLOBE. WAS1IINUTON KIRK aud MARINE, of Boston. lïatcs Low as tlie Lowost, Lonei Liboruil) Ailjnslitl and pnmipt ly I'aid. 0. U. M1LI.EN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News