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MVJ4OVK lUKISCTOUV Ass A.U1UIK ('om m vndükv, No. 18 meots flrst l'uesday of ach nioiith, W. (. loty. IC. C; W. A. Tolphard, Eteoordér. Washtknaw l'iivvrEii, No. i, K. A. M.- MeaU Bril Mni.liv eaoh m.mtli. Isaac Hantly, II. I'.; Z. Uoatli, Seoretury. BUSINESS CARDS. O? IM:. 2sL ARTI1T, j CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Coramon CofflQS. C:ills nttented to Dny or Nisrlu. Embalralng a ipeolalty. stoeroomon E. Washington streel. Ki-sldence Cor. Liberty mi.l Klltli. W. II. JACKSOX, üiHEUISTUTilIIISIII1!!. OB'FICK : Over Uacli Jfc Abcl's Dry Uood Slorc. Entranca next to National Bank. niujvn iierz, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! FsparloR, Qltclngi OMlaf, anrt ('alcimimnt', and work of verj laaerlpt&w douc in the bet etylc. :iiul warrantfd to gtve xatisinction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr. Arbor. W. W. A. C. NICIIOIS, DE1TTIGTS. ltooms Over Ann Arbor Bartogl Hank, MiiMMiic Templo IUK!k. GASorVITALIZED AIR AtmnUtM'cri for the pninle cxtractinn "f tei'ih. iom:ph bkkrv, Practical TAILOR AND CÜTTBR, Ol the' Mc ñrin Oí W1NANS ,t HKIÍHV. has loeated his place of bo'tneM at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITI! A Kll.I. Limt OF Suitings and Trouserings, An'l wottW pay to M old IHeodi aml n 01 .- thatll they wt a GOOI) FlTandNOBBY KIT t RBA8UNABIS PRICBS, cali i.n him iml hey will e ure to ei-t OM CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrity Held for tü BCOtaeUoB of the pollcy CHRISTIAN MACK HeprescntB the r..llowlnK MAn g"RIjtef12! which one, the .Ktna. lias lOB paM fo(.,(JOl),0(X)tlru losiii innlxty-ftvcycars: .tna, of Hartford 9,192,644 Kranklin of l'hiladelpliu 3,118,718 Oynunli, N. Y 2,700.721 Ooi man American, N. Y 4)65,968 London Aasuranoe, London... 1,416,788 Mic!iiran F. & M., Dnroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Uiulurwrit.Ms, X. V 2,596,679 National, Hartfonl l,74,508 L'koenix, Brooklyn 3,161,036 Iisïcs liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policïes Issucd at the luwcat ratcs of premium. 11i)ltf ___ LI7MBER! LUMBEH! LITMBER! lt yon oontempUUe bulhflnff, ;ill t FERDON Lnii lili! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ;c onr Bgnrei for all kinds nf LUMBER! We maanfacturc onr owti Lnmbör and gnnrantce AERY LOW PRICES -(ïivc us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as onr lare and well BTaded stock lully itutfttnfl our assertïon. Tclcphone Connet-tinns rith Office. r.J. K.UBCH Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMA IN, ;ei:kai. Imbamcb gbm;y! OFFICE, OTsr Caspcr Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. IIUKON AND FOÜRTI1 STS.. North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburg. Capital, tlS.OW.OOil, Gold. Dtitrolt Flro and Marino Insurance ('., ti Anee. $000,009, SpringfloM Ins. Co. or laxsachnsett, Caih A8i:t8 f l,].(Kki. Howanl Ih. ('onipaur "f New York, Cash Assen $1,000,000. Affrlcultaral Ins. Co., iVatorfown, N.Y., C'ah A-Kets l.'200,noO LT8e:i.Hicrlly Adin-'cti and l'rnmptly Pnia. CHAr. ¦:LAMERY1 c ..... '. i ui ni i H ir ' ¦ hnent. Dl Bi big & iüfiolll ; I ¦ "i -' r": i: ti 1 1 JI ¦ aam _ '!.(.¦' Kíí I r.' 1MKI. hl ?,"1FV "¦'- '¦' ¦ ., 188S. lt, .,; i ' '¦'¦V,"1'"' kvrtka u.ry I.ii.K ,,„„t „,r lt. i-.Trull,,-Vt.


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