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E. Vinkle has closed out his billiard rooms at Dexter. The Leader wants the old depot building at Dexter " razed." Daniel Weinett of Saline, has retiirned from a visit otsevernl nioiitlis in Switzerland. Aronnd Wrampler's Lake tliere are couiplaints of a little hlack bug destroy ing the grape vines. Dexter will have no more concrete wulks. The council think good board is prelerable to poor concrete. - Leader. Mrs. D. M. Sbepard has a cow that gives 53 pounds of milk per day. Who can report iny better. - Saline Obscrver. Lambert Dresslehouse, Sr., of Freedom, had a finger amputated at tlie university hospital last week, on which a cáncer had fastened itself. Manchester will probably have two cigar factories instead of one, sonio youiig men from Jackson having miuic arrangenients to start one. Botanizing and May flowering is quito an occupation wilh souie of our high school scholars; yes, and wilh sotne who are not high school scholars. - Dexter Leader. The Chelsea flouring millrlixeil SiUurday, for the purpose of púttíDg in a ueiv roller process, and makinu; other necessary repairs. Will be closed for about ftw weeks. - Echo. To-day (Friday Uth) all of the teachers of the school hare gone over to the Athens of Michigan. Ann Arbor's high school and the uoiversity will be objects for their inspection.- Northville Kecord. A gentleman steppedlnto our office last Satuniay from Manchester and made the remark that by the looks of things he should judffe that Clielaea was 94 degrees ahead of bis town. - Chelsea Echo. Th ree Dexter young ladies began last Monday moriiiDjr as school-marms: MMat Connorsin the Alfred Lavey district, Miss Myra Wood at Hudson, and MUs Leua Mallory in the Tuoiney district ncar Ann Arbor. - Leader. It begins to look as if our villaje woiild be provided with Street lamps. The coininon council have appropriated $200 for parchase of lamp?, and appointed a comuiittee to investígate the merits of rent styles. - Saline Observer. Ou Friday last, the anniversary of Dr. Wilson's death, there was formed ¦ Memorial Association. Mrs. Dr. Watling was made corresponding secretary, anu Chati E. Ivinu; Jr , treasurer. The object of Mie association is to place a memorial window In St. Luke's church.- Ypsilantiau. We learn that Porter Hrower, throu'li John W. Patchin, attorney, hassued S. V. Dorr for nearly f 500 claimed to be lue on a Bohemian oattransaction. It is alleged that Dorr bought all of his oats agreeing to pay $7.50 a bushei and that 40 bushels of the 65 has been deliverctl to him. - Manchester Enterprise. Contractors Eaton & Ford have notices hung about town asking for men and teams to work on the new road between Hamburg and Lelaud station. They bid $1.50 for shovelers and $3.00 for teams. Work has already commenced with hopea of having the extensión completed wlthla the next 60 days. - So. Lyons Excelsior. Mr. James He wens whose deatli we recorded last week though quiet and unobtrusive in his Hfe, yet was a man of superior worth. He was a good man always ou the right side, the side of the best, and highest moral aspirations of society, of his neighborhood. Such a man's silent influence is of infinite worth. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The mission carried on by the Rev.II arold Sayles, for the last three weeks closed last Sunday evening. It is considered to have been hlghly successsful, raany yoiing persons having expressed a determination to lead new lives. The number, 300, given by the News, must, we think, be an error. The moru the better, however, if they keep their good resolutions. - Ypsilunti Seutinel. Mr. L. M. llolt and wife, of Riverside, California, and Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Allen, of Hlllsdale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Mitchell last Monday. Mr. Holt lias been superintending the California citrus fair, just closed, In Chicago. He thinks California the garden of Eden of to-day, the best fruit región in the world and is the editor and publisher of the Press and Horticulturist. - Chelseu Heiald. At the annual meeting of the VVashtenaw Baptist Association, held at, last week, Geo. P. VVright, of Bridgewater, was re-elected superintendent of Snnday schools. The beautifnl banner which the Manchester Sunday school won last year for contributing the largest ammint. accorditig to membership, for benevolent work, was captured by tho Ann Arbor school this year and has been sent to them. Manchester stood Becond in the list this year. - Enterprise. Now that there Is every prospect of a G. A. R. post beinr specdily esUblished here, we hope tliat arraiiuements will be made for decoiating the graves of soldiers buried in Oak Grove cemetery. There seems to be an abundance of flowers tliis season and by enlisttng tlie akl of the ladies, who .'ire always reaily to do their shan1 towards canyinji out such worthy undertakinjís, a rreat succesi can be made of it. The ex-sokliers sliould talk the matter over and begin now as tlieru is none too much time. - Enterpi l.-e. On Wednesduy of last week about noon, a three years'old son of Dan Coray, who lives about half a müe west of tbis villagc, got on,to the railroad track, and was amusing himsulf and fearing no ÖHOMr, when frdgfat engine No. 25 eaine in llfUt a siiort ditance from the chlld. The gine was reversed, ttofttana ws .ounded. TUeu the noble fireinan ut the lisbot Mis own lite, juinped o IV the trtiin and ran iilicul of the engine mul caught the child in In anus and laid it down safe on the otherside of the track. The Éboved MfYCI nioiu ihau a pauiou imüce - Chelseu Echo. Il is nu Intercstiug silit tliat the HWiirms of swallow s Wh.O liml C 1 u i r liomé in llie tall cliinmey ot the ulil iunnoiy tiy the Conress Street bridas lurnish, on fuvorable eveniugs. l'hey inay bu Mefl whceling and skiiuming aliout tlie top in tonfusiiiRstreams tor half an hom-, in tin' later twllijjht, vocal witli tliclr Hieeït twittering, until, seeminly at a signal, tliey al) pour into the black tioat ot the jfreat shaft, and the lust onc bas lüuppeU ed for the nifiht. 'l'here are hundreds of them - perliaps more tlia.ii a thousand - petting iu that single place; and the service that they and their nuiltiplied pro geny will render the city, in the destruction of iiiats, mosquitoes, and other pestiferous inseeU, cauuot be calculatcd. - Ypdlantiall.


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