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The Clironicle boys banqueted at Ilangtcií'cr's Monda}' evening. That $10 graduation fee is wanted wl'thn a week by the treasurer. Dr. Vaughanand wifevisited Wasliingoii bfifore ruturuing íroiu tueir l'hiladel)tiia trip. H. S. Tibbils, 'hO, takes the place on the ?hroniqle marte vacant by the resignation f E. C. Pitkin Junior Iaw8 wlio leave before the end f the year will have to pass examination efore entering next year. Altliough au edilion of the I'alladhmi 00 larger than usual wss printed, tlie upply is nearly exhausted. The freshinan bunquet at Hank's last 'riday night was a brilliant and enjoya)le afl'.iir notwithstanding the rain outide. The new mcchauical laboratory will be vory convenlent and one of the iinest departments of the kind to be í'ound iu the ountry. It's a fact ! George Washington is at the uuiversity hospital, having liis eyes operatcd upon. George is colored, and comes rom Flint. Andrew J. Dovel, of Manistee, the new J. 8. attorney for the western district of ilichigan, isa gradúate of the law dept., clnss of '71. Dr. Palawr lef t for Des Moincs," Iowa, iloiulay, to attend the annual meeting of Ue Iowa medical alumni of the University of Michigan. E. A. Oorbin, junior law, has gone to loughtou, to prepare the company of state inilitia of wliicli lic is captain, for the caming encauipmeut. Iu the game of base ball between the Juiversities and the Ypsilanti club, on the fair grounds Satunlay p. in., the former club won by a ecore of 13 to 4. Open air ¦concerto on the campus, by the (lee Club, would be pleasing to the jublic in general, and it is hoped the club may take kindly to the plan. Drs. Obetz and Wood went to Xalamazoo Monday p. m., to altend the meeting of the state Homeopathie society, which commeiiofd vesterday and closes to-day. The ladicK in attendance upon the univerilty are clasllied as follows : In the pharmacy depastment 2, law ."i, dental 6, ïonieopathic 20, medical 61, literary 135; total 220. The Rugby association announce the neld Day sports for Friday, May 21st, at Uk: fair grounds. The usual list of sports will be given, and scveral valuable prizes contested for. TlieChronlcle proposes an excursión to Coldwater before commencement, to look ovir the famous Lewis art gallery. It would be a pleaaant trip,and for oue we'd likc to join t. The presentation of the " Messiah " at university hall next Fnday eveniug, the 21st, by the Choral Union, is an event in the musical hl.-tory of Aun Albor. No ono wlio loves music can uIIdkI to iiiiH hearing 1 1. It is hinted in certain quart.TS that the great "free hospital " scheme being worked for Detroit by one of the univer.-itv's professor, Is in the end intended to aid the transfer of the medical college tïoin Aun Arbor to Detroit. Owing to the linancial failure of Gen. Packiird's lecture, et (U., the Jefforsonian society will assess its membership 16 ets. each. And rumor haalt tbal the Web sier society wilt do HkewUe In order ti meet expenses of the sonson's dolnfs. Mr. Hash lias made the following date for the ball club up to date: May 22d, Or ohard Orchard Lakc; 99th Cass.a Ann Arbor; 31st, Cass, at Detroit; Jum 5tb, Orchard Lake, at Ann Arbor; 12th. Detroit Ano Arbor.- Cli roniele. Although the lecture board cleared $2(X tliis season, the Chroniclc conslders tin course an inferior one to the average The fuilure of ilenrv Ward Bcccber and Justin McCarthy to l'ulMll tbeir engagement left a vaccuuni that conld not b filled. The luw students f'roin otber stiltes complain bitterly of the great lack of statutes of the various states in the library, and claim that as they pay abont $3,000 annually uto the coffen of that departmenü tbat the suin of $300 can be sffonted to supply this detieiency. The '87 Palkdlum wUl have the iollowing fraternily editors : Clii Psi, W. A. TJlakely ; Alpha Delta Phi, E. J. Carpenter; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Geo. C. C'aniield; Sigma Phi, J. D. Hibbard ; Zeta Psi, M. W. Mili ; Psi Upsilon, E. D. Adams; Beta Theta Pi, W. T. Hmitb; Phi Kappa Psi, Joseph Halsterul; Delta Tau Delta, G. Ij. Elefer. Dr. Stowell Is Hable Lo have some trylng tests to make soon. The bloody sliiris that were seen in Dan Holcomb's house by Ella Sbannoo, hHve been foinid underan old stump on the ('rouch lann, and tlicy are to be sent to him to aaoertaln i f the stains were made wilh liunian blood or not. Thls testimony wil] be of the utmost importance, and iniiv Uil ra vel the horrible mysteries of the Crouch murdess. Miijor H. L. Wood, father of Prof. J.C. Wood, of the Homeop. dopartmpnt, who dltd at Monroe reoently, was bom in 1800, and had been a very active man in hisday. He went toOhio hen bnt 15) ycars of age and helped develope tbat ;reat COmmODwealth. Ile was a large contractor in the building of the Balt. & O. R. H., the second road built In America. Ir i '49 he resigned as Brigadier Gen. in tlie Ohio militia, and went to California, crossing the the plains wlth an ox team; was fhipwrecked on his return by the Istliinus three years later and walk e I 300 miles to San Diego to get another boat. He servud IS months in the last war, but was compelled to leare the service because of nability. He had been a niember of the Ohio legislature, and for many years uu.a commissioner of Wood Co. (named after him) Ohio. He moved to Monroe about ten years since, where be reefded until bis death. His hfe representa what au active mancan aooompUah in the brief period allotted to existence ben;.