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Oahu College Commencement

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The Daily Bulletiu, publlsheil at Honolulú. Ihiwuli'in Islaiuls, UDder dato of June 28th, has been received by us. It contains nmong other things a long accouut of the coiiiniencement exercises of the Oahu College located in that city from whlch we copy the following, as relatiug to a former Arm ArborVeutleman who liolds a professorship therein: Kriilay forcnoon was glven to the Bishop Huil of Science, wheretheexerciBes wereof an rrreillngly interesting character, belng entirt'ly new. thls belng the flrst olass In the history of educatlon fu the KlngdomtoenJoy similar advantagcs. Hy tbe munlflceuce Of the Hou. C. K. Bishop, thls departmeut lias nut t 11 1 y been furnlNhed wltb a rlrst-chiHS building adrairably adapted to the purpose, but lt has also been thoroughly equlpped tor valuable work. The equlpment la especlally complete In the line of chernicals and ohemlcal apparatus for extenstve and thorough analytlcal work. Among the artlcles are a Uermaii analytlcat balance of exceedlng dellcucy, capable of welghlng loss tlian onetbousanuth part of a grain; a valuable microscope and spoctroscope. The depurlmenlB Is calculateii to be of great benstit to thecollegu and to the general communlty. The Professor, Mr. L. L. Van Hlyke, A. B., l'h. D., acts as Government Chemist, and In thls capaclty han already made a serles of analyses of the public drluking water of Honolulú, the resulta of wblch appear in the report of the Minister of Interior. After an hour and a quarter had been taken up wlth physical geography and geology, Professor Merrlt announceu that he had ¦ent an lnvltatlon to the memoer of the Legtslature to be present, and tbat lt had been accepted. By 11 o'clock the 'busaes ladened wlth detachments of "asHembled wisdom" arrlved. The flrst portion of the exerclses conslsted in the analyils by each student at hlsor her own table of a mixture contalnlng a Chemical compound unknowu to the student. As the analyses were tinlshed each student hauded hls report in wrlling to tho examlulog commlttee, who had prevlously been furntshed by the professor wlth Hst of the contenía of the mixtures. The processes had been attentlvely watched' by the members of tbe Leglslature and 'other vUltors. Of eleven reporta ten were found to be perlectly correct. Part second conslsted of individual examinations of students on topics of general cheralstry, illustrated by experlments In the lecture room. These examinations were emlnently satlsfactory. By special request. Professor Van Slyke proceeded wlth some very lntorestlng experiment at whlch both the honorable members of the assembly and other vlsitors were hlghly amused and dellghted. The Detroit Free Press appears to be the prohibition organ of Michigan. It looks a little out of place, but "politica makes strange bed-fellows." A prohibitionist denounced the Free Press throuffh the columns of the COürier a few weeks since as being the biggest sort of a liar that ever came Into existence, and yet the same class of politicians rush to itB columns to air their views and their caiulidacy. It may not be out of place to say ¦ good word for a good paper occasionally, and ffood words son o' help one along in this Ufe. The Detroit Mercury is a chdtal pubücation, and we know of none superior to it in its line. It is devoted to society, the drama, and news relftting to the state military, etc. lts columns ure always entertaining and its pages clean and neat. It is a newsptiper ! hut tleserves prospcrity. The head of the state departmcnt at present Is generally conceded to bc an anttquated ease-lov'mg old granny, without the redecmfnj feature of even attending to the detiiils. And the present Attorney General, the Piin-Electrie Garland. Som w.-iy thlngs are not sailing along as MDOOth as tliey should. Wiggins is out wtth nnother weather prophecy, to the eflcct that on Sept. 29 tlicre will be such n storm as was never expcrienced before, extendí ns trom the Atlantic to the Itocky Mountains, and f rom the iiilf to the great lakes. Tear down the signal service tlags, maant high tlie Wifigins prophecy, and - wait. There 18 no questlon bul Allen U the strougest uandldtite Int lm republlctin party for OODgfCM bul liu outit not to be llckod twlce, wii IV so iiunit and lu the prlrae of UTe. Paas lt uruiuiii umi let Spaldlng or Mlller or some one else have the Bextdrubbiug.- Adrián Pros. No, he isn't going to be. The people have decided to turn the tables and lot the other fellow - the democrat, you know- take the drubbing this time.


Ann Arbor Courier
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