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The contractor for the new depot is said to be surprised at the cost of erecting stone structure froui our field boulders. John Kress, of Lodi, has purchascd the Sister's house on Xortti street, for $1,400, Bishop Borgess uv.iki ng the transfer. Tliere is a house on E. Ann Btreet "for sail." It will probably "sail" as soon as the man comes along who can raise the wind. Justice Wm. A. Clark has taken the old office of Jas. McMiihoii and stands ready to transzet any business tliat may come iu his line. The ladies of the AiJ Society of the M. E. oburcfa give their montlily tea and social this evening in the p;irlors of the M. E. church. Station Agent Hayes says that the improvements at the depot will look all rigbt if people will only wait for them to be conipleted. E. J. Johnson has opened a real estate insurance and intelügenee office over Doty & Feiner's More. He reporte a big business boom inruimt ing. In the case of Yaeger vs. Gottlieb Wallenmeir, before the circuit court llomlay, it was ordered that all proceedIngl in justice court be stayed. There will be au important meeting of the K. of L. at their hall to-morrow even Ing. Mattsrs of great importanee to every meniber will be brought up. Last Monduy tbere were 217 bushels ot berrics shippuil trom Ihis city, and on XOfifdaj 215 bushels inaking 432 bushels in two days. How's that for fruit? The preparations for the coming Saengertest are beiujr rapidly puslied, and it 18 tlioiight that the siuging will excel anything yct given at an'y of the meetings. The Ypsilanti bae-ball boys hail some conceit about ball playinji uutil they carne up hert; S.iturday anti got knocked out 25 to 3. The umpire did t of course. Mis. M..I. Gillett. for the past seven yenrs niiitroa of the Homeopathie Hospital, his resigned, and her place bas been tilledby the appoiutmeiit of M. I. Brokenshaw. The first shipment of peaches this seagon was made by J. U. Baldwin yesterday. The fruit was ol the variety known as the Barnard peiich, and were beauties to look upon. Last Wtdnesdny, before Judge Joslyn, Daniel S. Crawford was granted adivorce from Hattie S. Crawford; and Ilarriet C. J. Tiipp was granted a divorce from Sidney S. Tripp. Francia Monroe, of Howell, and Mrs. Sarah 1). Barringer, of Plainwell, were niarried at the residence of Walter S. Hicks on W. Hurón st., by the Rev. Dr. Haskell, last Saturday. Last Wedncsday evening Fred Barker was elected delégate, and Víctor 8org altérnate to the Great Camp of K. O. T. M's of Michigan, which ineets at Kalain:imi on the second Tuesday in August. Services Ín St. Andrew's church next Sunday as follows : Holy communion at 7 a. ín. ; morning prayer and sermón at 10-30 a. m.; litany and Sunday school at 12 m.j evening prayer and sermón at 7:30 p. m. A nine of Aun Arbor went to Dexter yesterday morning and got bruten by a score of 22 to 7. In the afternoon they wentto Chelsea and were successful by a score of 28 to 22. The K. T. O. M's of this city announce a grand picnic mul parade at Keliof Park, on the 30th of this uionth. They are accustomed to a good time at their picnics, and this will be no exception to the usual custom. Nelghboring tents have been Invitad to join in the festivities and sevcral are expected. Clark M. Slv, who lived near Plymouth, died Monday night from the eö'ects of a runaway accident the lay previous. Mr. Sly was a forrner resident of Scio, just west of this city, was a meinber of Ann Arbor Couimandery, K. T, and had niany friends in this city and viclnity. Th Knights Templar will take charge of bis funeral services to-day. Tuesday mornlng Ooi. Dean received a dispatch tlmt there was a package at the express ofliee for him. He went to get it and found that it eoneisted of a handBome cane turned our of Michigan pine. The (r-tml Anny ht-adqiMrters had 100 or more of them made, one foreach mem ber nttending the reunión at San Frant'if co, and the "boys" will carry tliem in the giaml procenten there. At the regente meeting Mmiduy evening Hegents Blair, Grosvenor, Whltman, Clark and Field were present. Prof. Kent's resignation wasaccepted, butasuccessor eould not be ajjreed upon. The names of Hou. Wm. P. Wells, of Detroit; Judges Shipman, of Cold water; Van Zile of Charlotte; and Lovell, of Elgin, 111.; and Levi T. Gnffln, also of Detroit, were pn.pos. (1. 'ihe matter deferred to a special sesión to be held August 23d next, wlien it i8 hoped a full board will be present. - - ¦ - ¦ ¦ I ¦ Schultz the coal dealer now ha a telephone at his office nnd residence, No. 98; and J. A. Brown at his resklence, No. 30. A. J. Kelly has moved his truss office from 47 North Fourth St. to No. 6 East Washington St., over Rinsey & Scabolfs store. The weather clerk threatens rain and threatens rain, but no rain comes. The people would like somcthlng besideg til reate. Harry G. Wanty had a very racy description- or take off- on the University buildings in the Grand R.ipids Democrat of Sunday, July 8tli. The new dwelling house being erected by Mrs. Chapin and duughter on Bowery street, will be occupied by Mr. H. Woodard, as soon as completad. The fame of J. T. Jacobs & Conjpany's 50 cent pants and 25 cent oreralls are so great that they received an order Monday froin Breckenridge, Colorado. A couple of professional pugilists tried to get up an auüience for a sparring exhibition last evening, but failed In enlisting sufflcient funds to make It pay. An "electric bouncer," for horse blocks is the latest demand made upon the inventive genius of the age. There would be a great demand for a successful one. Some foot-pads collared onc of our young clerks as lie was on his way homeward Sunday night, after seeing his best girl, at about- well after 10 o'clock anyway. He says be didn't run. Many of our citizens went over to Island Lake Monday, to see the bold soldier boys in camp and witness the sham battle. Everybody who went report being higlily pleased with the trip. William Burk having purchased Jolin Clair'g building on E. Ann street for $2,500, is having the same handsomely fitted up, and John M. Gould will occupy it with a stock of groceries, provisions, etc., etc. The K. O. T. M's, No. 296, hold a meeting this evening (Wednesday), at Hangsterfer's hall for the purpose of completing the arrangements of their picnic and parade. All memberg are requested to be present. One of our old citizens suggests that the stone walk on the west side of the square ought to be made four feet wider. It will accommodate our citizens all right enough, but when the students are here the walk is far too narrow. The a8sertion thnt the aemocratic congressional convention is to b held in this city on August 17th cannot be traced to any reliable starting point. The time and place has not been fixed upon as yet, so the party leaders here assert. John D. Thomas, of Hamburg, died July 16th, 1886, aged 45 years, of consumption. The decensed was bom In Webster, and was the father of Ellsworth II. Thomas, of this city. His wife, Emily (J. Thomas, dled some time since with consumption also. The qnality of water wliich has been furnished of late by the water company, has been conside red pretty bad by those obliged to use it for domestic purposes. Water frorn the Iluron rivcr, even when mixed with spring water, is not healthy stuff for a person's stomach. Any person wlio will take boarders or roomere during the coming Saengerfest will confer a favor by hauding in their names, with all other necessary inforniation, to Anton Eisele, chairman of committee. All the rooms that can possibly be obtained will undoubted be needed. In the Homepathic department Dr. R. C. Rudy has been appointed Home Surgeon and assistant to the chair of Surgery at $350; Dr. G. C. Caron assistant to two chairs at $100 each ; Dr. Emraa E. Bower H8si9tant to the chairs of Ophthalmology, an) Theory and Practlce at $100 each. Dr. E.B. Patterson will ,be the ward ran9ter in the ITuiversity hospital next year, at $300 salary, and Chas. Stewart nurse. Ia the womau's ward Mrs. Ida R. Brigham has been appointed ward mistress, at f 300. Miss Mary H. Arlings appointed Asst. Demonstrator of u:tiomv at $100. Ben. Archer who was imprisoned on charge of attempting to kill liis wife was admitted to bail Saturday in the sutu of $1.000, with Fred. Huson and John Pflsterer as sureties. It is understood that he turned over a morfgage on his farm to secure his bondsmen. Jude Joslyn fixed his bail. A pctition signed by all of the county officials and nearly all of our business men will be presented to the Railway Association of Michigan to-morrow, asknr for half-fare ratea to the coming Saengerfest. So far only one and onethird fare has been granted. Mr. S. S. Blitz will present the petttion. Monday morning the young men arrested for robbing Geo. Cbllins plead guilty to the charge, and were taken before Judge Joslyn and genteneed. Wm. Butler was given four years at Ionia, this being the second time he has come before the Judge. Frank Clark and Geo. 8. Hough each received two years at Ionia. Miss Kal ie J. Roger?, the artist, has just completed a line portrait of the lato Lyman Wood, so well known to the pcople of this city and county a few years since. The portrait is very life-like. Miss Rogers bus also completed a couple more landscapes, taken f rom polnts about the city. There is plenty of beautiful study, for a laDdscpe painter aniong our grand li il Is. The fence HM Detroit street, at the intersectlon of Fuller streef, was put op by order of the .street committee, to prevent people driviiijr to tho 5th ward and beyond coiiifr any further down the hill. One panel of the fence has now been removed, thiis perrolttlng the passage of vehleles destined to the depot, with a notica requesting those bound for the 5th ward and beyond to take the right hand road, Fuller street. This will glve great satisfaction to many people who have been discommoded by tlie obstructlon in lts present location. The cxciivalion at the new depot building is frofn mie CO two f;et lower tlian the grade will be wlien completed, as it wil! be Ulied in witli gravel, etc., for n road bed, and clsewhere witli solí for a sod and on which to plant slirnbbery, etc. This tact, together with tlie tact that the grade of Detroit street in front of the O'Neil property which the city has purchased, is about ten feet below the top of the eartli on the rear end of the same property, will very inaterially help the proposed uew trert through the said O'Neil lot. The grade to the new station 011 this proposed new street will be abont tlie same as the present grade frora Detroit street to the present station house.