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SOST PERFECT MAK Irc pared with special rrjzard to healtli. Ko Ammonia, Linie er JEhUB. , wcé sim powder co., CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. KI Y ' SPECIAL JZ Hextracts MOST PERFECT MADE hmt an1 stroiicst HfttanU Pruil Flarors. V imilla, Lctiií. n. Ormnge, AJmond, Rose, etc,, Aaror m delicately arid iiatunilly as t)it fruit. maUM, PriceBaking Powder Co. öt. Luns, MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE v TT-i"fr v l Pat. Oct.iOth, 1883. _, - larto onivof (lio flnoHt nnd host.nalily of loss lor witliHtnuding hvut. Evory good thing is Oounterfeited, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS ol these Chimneys made of VERY POOR G-LiASS. See that the exact label ia on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is alwaya clear and bright G-lass. BInnufactnred OXI.Y by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttsbarh l..ul OIium Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERa Z ik, Cenwnnil A w.nt M--, - l - JÑÍ ' "ll jflr 3 ff ï ¦%ï Medill lid Diplom, H-t0KÊ0CS' ?! ï XJÍ inrint the worlil. A-1 2 ' IC n-kolaalt i Rilad. OU Bth! lUnewnl. P L s.nd for circuit. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLETE ARRAENGMENT KOU Fhjiician ni'Fasiliu. Neater ad Chsaper ¦¦Ai AND MORE THAN A STATIONAHY BATHTUB, WITH NO KXPENSK OF BATIi ROOM PJ3P m (AND FIKTÜRES. Breathes thcre a man wlth soul so dcad Who nevcr to his wite hath said, I will a flower garden nafcs, fcoth for my own and thy dcar sake, And sow with sccds to come up quick, Which youf of course, will buy of Vick l" If such therc be, I pray repent, And have an order quickly sent. Then sweet thy rest, l'm sure, will bc. And thy dcar wifc will smile on thee. rheGt'inn is a work of 150 pages, Colorcd Plates, 100a aiustrations, with descriptions of the best Flowan tl Vegetables, pnces of Seeds and plaats, and how to grow hem. It tclls y ou what you want for the gafdco, tud iiow to get t. I'rinteJ in Eofflish and (iennan. Price snly 10 cents, which may be deductcd from first order. rrVONI.rVICK'SSF.EIW, ATHr.ATKrARTKRS. JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rochester, N. Y. RINSEY &SEABOLTS BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale nnd Kutall Trude. We snall also keep a supply of SWIPT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! lellii: Flour, Bye Flour, Buckwlicat Flnur, Corn Mcal, Fced, EU'., At Wholceale and Rctall. A general stock of GBOCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Conetantly on hand, which will he nolil on as reasomibh' temie as at nny otlier honce tn the city. Cash paid lor Bl'TTKR, BGM. and COUNTlfY PRODUCE Mnsrally. Oaodt flellTered to any part of the ciiy without extra charge. KINSEY & SEABOLT. RUP TU FL 3E3. tl i. N's IMPERIAL Tlïl ss. graded Drom i to fl ponndfl in pri usure. WORN DAY AM) MIOHT, byan lnfanl a week oíd, oran ¦dolí 80 Mar. Ladlee TroiMi porfcctlon. l itampi tol ti-stiinonlals oí cures, etc. KtiAN IMPERIAL TRUS9 CO.. ASM ABBOB, HIOHi I AT UTO WANTFfl for dr. scott's ¦ I LM I V """ ' -" bcautidil Electrlo Rlir I ACorsets. Sample 1 ree to thoe beHULI1 I V cnminrr acrcntn. No rixk, quick sales. Tprrjtory sriven, satifactiuü uururneed. Address CR.SCOTT.842 Oroadway St.,N.Y. A f f tff ' prxtfiwii '¦' i away ' I -end luScenta p t iK'vnd 0 1 1 I I by mail you will get ree a ¦11 I ptekaec of i.umí "' lnro UUjUUU Talm', th:ii wVS lUrt you In work that willat onoe bring vou In mono] ht thim' elM ID Ani.rica. All abont Ihe ¦ihukhI in rri-M wi'li each box. Agenta wanted everywhere, of elther nex, of all aicn, lor all the time, or cpare time onlv, to "rk f r iif ut their. ownhome. Fortune for uil workera atwolntely assured. Don't delay. 11. Hai.lktv C, Portland, Maino. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of a physician who haa liad a life lonc experience in treating fcmale diseases. Is used monthly with perfect euccess by over 10,000 ladits. Pleosant, safe, efTcctuaL Ladiea askyourdru pist for Pennjroyal Wafers and take no substituto, or Incloso postaeeforBealedparticulars. Soldby aU dnieclsts, 1 per box. Address E EUREKA C1IEJUCAL CO.. DïiBOIT. Mica. Orders Ulied, postpaid, by E:jcrbach & Son. 1308-1JW


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