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fROYALÍsa,nj ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powderuever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strermtli and wholesomeness. More pconomical iiKin ordlnary kiinls,:uid cannot be moIcI In competlllon wlth tlie multltiule of low test, short welpht, alum or phonphate powders. Sold only la Cftns. Itoj ui Itakliis Pow.ler . lOe Wall st.. N. Y. SKIN aSCALP. Cleansed, Puriiled and Beautifled by tlie Cutïciira Remedies. For Cleansinif the Skin and Scalp of DiefiguriiiLT iluni'-i-, for iti':r. irnr Jtchinp, Btirtiüiii and li, il tnnn tt'Oh. lor c uring the firnt fymp tornt of Kczemn, Portals, Milk Crnst, tmid üad, Seio'ula and ottaer intaerltfü k!Il aniï blood dimane. Culi cura, the grvüi Skin Cure, and Calleara So?.p, an exq:iine nkin Heautifl-T, rxiernailv, ai.d CbHcina UoBolveot, the new Blood I'urifler, iüu-rna )y iu a Ubl, A COMPLETE CURE. I huve snfïered all my life with skin dieeisiïi of il ü-T'-ur kindr, ;iud have never fuund permanent relie , astil, ly the advice of a lady iriend 1 aced yo;ir v iluabli Out ie u ra Remedies, l inv thi-m a tlmr ¦nijrh trial, Mlns eix buttlen of the üuttcura Rcêoltent. two boxee oí Vut cura and ceven cate of Cuticura Üoap, and the rceult was just wliai I had heen toid il would he-acomjlete cure. BELLE WADE, Rlchmund, Va. Ruference, c?. W. Latitner. D ugiL, Hichmond, SALT RHEUiH CGRED I Wt trouMed with salt Kbaam for a uumbor of yearw. po that th? j-kin anttrslj cam-i off of my (Dtnd frmti ihe fineer t'jM t the wrlst. I trit-d remedies utid docior' pnwerlptttma to no parpóle umi1 1 cnmmenced t.-ikiuL Cuttcura emediet, and now I ni cntireiy careri. E. T. PAUKEit, ;i: NortharaptoaSï., Boston. ARCG6ISTS EKDORSE TIIEM. Ha t' nold a qaantity oí your Cnlirara Reme die-. Odc of my custumer, Mm. IK-nry K ntz, who bad lelter on her li .nd= to sucli an extent ae mem-r hkin to peel oft, amt lor eight yi-iri-hv inffered jreatiTi fan CDtupk'tely cuiii by uw use oí yiur medici) Ui N. :YiO, DruiigiBt, Cantón, Ohio. ITCniG, SCALY, PJCPLY. For the last year I liav ) had a npecïeR of HchJBg, caly anü pimply huranw on my to siiicti 1 li ;i ¦ ipílieti a re-ti urn y in Mtn.'de of IrcatmuDt without Biiccei!, and which epefdily and ei.tircly cured by Cuiicura. Mns. ISSA'J PUBLPS, Have ia O. 0 MEDÏCINS LIKE ÏHEM. V h tve 8old yonr Cut'cura Remedies for ihe Int fix j'art, aiid uo mciliciuetj ou our il glve beier utractlon. C. P. ATHEKiuX, DrugKlüt, Albany.N. Y. Cuticura Remedirs are 11 evarywher". Price, Cl liirliA, SO cenia; IÍKSOI.VKKT, 1.00; BoAP, ii Prepand by liie Potter, Vruu and Ohenrtenl tt., Bortón, Mi, end lor"Bw to Cure Mkin ItlHeaMeH." P Dl I DC Phnplei, 6Md Blemlshhhn, and Baby VJ 11 U DOi llumors, cured by Cuticura Slap. Catarrh to Consumption. Caturrn in its dettractive force etaods n-xt to and undoubu'dly leads on to conuraptkm. It is thtrefoic oliivtilar that tbuee atllicteil wilh thU leariul dieaue nhould cot make it the otj er of iheir ltvts to rlrt UmumoItm ol it. Deceptive rniedies conCiHïted by inoraut pretender to medien) knowledge httve wenkened the coLfldpnre of the yreat nujority if altere rs in all advert!ed remeaiec. Ttiey bectjme reéigned to a life of misnry rathtT than tortare themselves wlfh doubtful p;tlllativ'B. Biit thin wi 11 nevcr io. Catarrh must be met t every 8taK and comhaited witb ail oor mlht. In niitüv oanoi t'ie digease hae a-nnnvd danj;eroii' eymptoms. The bonee and cartilage of the note, tlie uittil ol hearing, of tjeeing and of iaimtr so ffected a to be uBeleap, the nvnla io ctotujated, the throat so ii.rtamed aod Irritaled at to produce a con-tani and ditre8-inp couffhSanmpord's Radicad C'ukk mect every phftí of Catarro from a utmple head cold to tb- most loathsume and destracttve Btugt. It i local and CuiKitulion. Tnstant in rchevinp, permanent iu carias safe, cconomical and never-failmj;. Kuch packae conntain-1 one bot t Ie n( the ItADl(Ai- iVüK.oiiL' box of Cataukiial Rksoi,vknt, and n' Impkovki Imhalkk, wlthtreatlfle; pricf, f 1.00 I'o tkk Dküh ikd Chemical Co., Bonton. jQto KIDNEY PAINS. Mf With thcir weary, llfuleaB ttllgone, enr JH Mttisa ever prvwnt wlth tlio?e ol in Ifl imed kidney, wenk back and lolim, JI,.tchinK bipe and sldce, ovcrwurkedor !¦¦- blhtj or disipauon, r Iteved In one minute and Bpcedüy cured by the f utii ur Antll'uin 1'laHter, s newoiilnnl.eiegantanil miallilili- antidote to pain mul iutlaroatlon. At all drafTL-iiiB, je; flve ior 100; or Pol'er Druï liimton. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! o. 4 South Main SU, Aun Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. EntablUhed over a quartr of aceotury ago. Represent Ing Ibe foüowlng rtrst-class companles, wltb over #00,000,000 Capital and AsncU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., oí New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. c ; 1 KA Ki) INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. ( i i.M M KHCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GL0HK. WASHINGTON PIRE and MARINE, of DoHton. Ratei Low as tlie Lowest, LoNses Líber;ill Adjnsted and promptly l'aid. 0. H. MILLEN. TRAVEL VIA CSSgS==] Thmugh Traint wlth Dlnlng II 'jH IImTiI ars' utlman Palace SieepII 0' IIL-JII II"''' Cars, Modern Coaches. iBHiJiiimBalJI Uure connections In Union I I lM iBBBI eP'5 clt 'ts terminal points, 1 1 1 1 1 II rtSII ""' trains from and to the JSt C"st, West, Ñorih and South. ¦VPPVPbI Cheapest. Best and Quickest II Ruute from Chicago, Peoría lmmmÈÊÊmMm } ur St. Louis to DENVER, ST. PAUL, SAN FRANCISCO, MINNEAPOLIS, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH, CITY OF MEXICO, ATCHISON. For Tickets, fíates, Maps, Ac, apply to Ticket Agent of connecting Unes, or address T. J. POTTtR, H. B. STONE, PAUL U0RT0N, lst V. P. 0. IU. 0. P. A T. A. For a Pronouncinir Plctionary cont&lnlnff 33,000 word, 85 putfew, end 16c. In stampa to i'wnl Murtun, Cliicitffo.


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