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CBEAAfT IfaPRICESj á ! SPECIAL 11 w 1 '" gAKlNg I pQwngR i extracté V --_ I--rTÍ! NATURAL FRUIT QggjiTcy Navors MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared ..-;h strirt rojar'1 to Purity, Strootb, and IIiBlthfulntK. Dr I'ruK h ilakinirr.nvclercontiiina Do AmuHuiiii, i, i nu. Ahnn dr Phoaphates. Dr.Prtc6 Bxtnctai Vanilla, Lemuii, etc, ilavor deliciuubly. MANY T, AMP CIIOTMTS ARE oft'crtMl lor salo i''i(''''s'!iU'! as g-ODtl as the Famoiis PEARL TOP bit xm:v ARE NOT! And liko all oiiiiirfoils Inclc lbo Rciuurkablo I.ASTIXJ ()iuilii es OF THE liEXI I.C. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And In sist yTnV TUIS apon Q p Exact H.WIXG MMyftiiaR] L A B E L tli 'm ¦1 Wj on Each with ?58 CHIMXEï Pat. Oct. 30,1 SS 3. The PEARL TOP is Rmnafactured oi.y by GIO. A, MACPTH & G0„ PITTSBURGH, PA. G.H.St.CLAIR&SÖNS MAM I'A( 1 TÜKliS ( F SÈölilCMrcli itüxitui E. QMk hoüsij mm WIND-MILIA ;c ii'rw preparad t naanaftictaof School and Ohnreh CornHure, and Opem BODM l'hiurs, I.iiuii .Sctl.i-s, ('iiinp Tablet and Ih.' TRIUMPH WIISTD-MILL The best mul s inplest umi most rellable In uw. RepalHng done on slmrl DoUoe. ai.s.i dealen in ri Mi's, t vi.iMi:iis. I'Ipks, ktc. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PKACH BOX E BEQftY CUATES, In f:i-r , any artlcle mad i oirier. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, NN AliliOü. MICII. KOR DYSPKPSIA. MENTAL AND physical:exhaustion, nervousness, weakenedienercy, indicestion, etc, etc. ir m tlowfordb ACID PHOSPHA1F. A llqnld preparutlon uf ilie pbosphatei nd pliosphuric pld. Recornmcnileil ty ilhfclclHMs. It makps ¦ delician clrluk. InvigoiMUn umi sii 1 li.iiiu;. ramphal free. KOR BALE UY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Proyidonce, - Itliode Isnmü. 0TBEWAI1E OP IMITATIONS. 1ÏEAL ES1A1E AND INSURANGB AÖEN6Y. J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNKY AND MOTAUY PUBLIC Rpal Kstnte sold or rpnted and rents collected on reasonable lerins. Nuiie but old md flrst-class InsurníK-c Companle rp)resentcl- willi Inauranca rapital of !1O,OOU,imi. HüIck as low lis auy other iiisiiniii-' c-oinpuiiyaixl lOMea promplly piikl. Office over A morleaii Kxprets ollloe, Muln street, nn Arbor. Mlrli. n. TJPTU R. Eï. tEOAN'S IHPEBIAL TRÜSS. Spiral Spring, graded from 1 to i poundH in pres8ure. WORN DAT AiiD NKSHT, by an In faut a week old, or an adultsoyears. I,;uile8 TrusseR a perfpctlon. Enclofie stampn for testlmonlalH oí cures, etc. EGAN IMI'KKIAL TRUSS CO., ANN Arikik, Micrr. INSURANCE KICAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Otllce, Nu. '2, First Floor, Hamilton BlK-k. I'artle deslrlng to buy or sell Real Kstate wlll flml It to thelr :i'lv:mtage to cali on me. I represent 15 llrsit BiflM Flr Insurance Cuínpanles, havlng an aggregate capital over 130,( Ratos I,ov. DOHM Illiorally adjustod and promptly pald. I aUo Issue l.lfe :iml Uivcstment 1'oIIcIcn Iii the New York Mutual Life Insurance Cora - pany, Assetts, 875,000.01). Penom deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly policles wrltten for (hem orTraveler'g Coupon Insnrance Ticket Uxued at Low rales. Mie to Loan at Current Hates. Otrice lioiirs from K a. m, tn II in. and 2 to 6 p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton lilock.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News