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Tolwlo, Ann Arbor 5 TIME 8CHEDII.H To take erïect at 12 o'clock, noon on R l:y, Nov. 28th,l88. ' Train run by Standard Tme QOINO NORTH. 7, - - . A -Í1m S-éJ_5 WAN8. f o Ú "p..r. ¦ a. V. Lve. ïïiTr- - _ H 10' 15 S 15 Toledo "T;' 6 17. 8 21) 5 20 Manh'ti, Jnnc ï 5 ' 1 ï 6(t0 ÜÏS Si Alexf, J 5 } 5 7 W 8 42 S 46 Samarla IS ' ' U 1) 7 12 4 ijO H ( Muimie jnc S,10"'S 8 02 4 1(1 6 15 Dunde rÏ,1242! 8 26 4 20 B2t AmIU S118Ma 8 44 4 SI 35 Mil SSI2s""li ) 4 46 50 Uranhi ï ", - ': Mt 9 io t ra too Pittífleíd ïll11" 10 08 5 10 Tl Ann Arbor - ' M 10 80 5 30, 7 : Lelanrt Ii"iï S45! 7 4K WhUniVke "i'" 7 20 9 30 Dnr.Dd '2 " ElfH 8W :::: ï :::::5Si?STiK.' :¦¦:::: SSï 9 SS 11 48 St-Lonl, I 1! 9 41 11 58 A.ta I27 S7 ¦¦¦¦ 10 30 ia 45 Mt. Plea..nt_7Vl!g Jl South LyoiTBraiiii] NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. 8OUTH BOÜNB M Train 1 IÓ30 Lv. Leland Ar 'iïi 10 40 Ar. Worden, Ar 2 15 11 00 Ar South Lyon L; J JJ Junctton. with Wabafb, át. Looi. Á fcf,"'1" at Plttifleld, wlth L.S. 4 M. S. Ky ,. ABi w': with Michigan Central R. R., nd n 8oii,h ,'W with Detroit Lan-lre A Northern H 'r ¦ Mlch. A. L. Dlv. of Grand Trunk Rt ."ir td hare with M. A. Line DlvBon OranÍTríík : j?" At Durand with Ch gó A mud Trn„k R?r Detroit, Grand Haven k Mllw.ukw R'v aYL?" ci Jiinction with Detroit, c,r„id Haven Jlljï"" kee Wy ,nd Michlftan Central R. R. ASL fe with üetroit. UiiKlrn A Northern R. H. fcïï nav. Valley A Ht. LooIb K',. At Alm w Dehv, Unalnir Á Northern R. At Mt. Hc-auit2, FlintAPereMarquetteR'y. "eaauit ltt w. h. ¦wwTSi.E'Al;.1wl""t THE ANN ARBOR SAVÍNGS BABK ANN AHBOR. MKHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Businea CAPlTAlir $60,000. Organized under the General Banking u n tbli 8ttf, the stockholdori! are indlviduillj hm. for an additional amouut cqual to theatock held b. tbera. thereby creating a Jnonmtee Funiifotih! beneflt of Depouit.irs of 'ww $100,)00.00. Three per cent. lnteret is ullowed on all Sivliin Depolt of cine dollar and upwarni.aceordlitio the mlM ol the liank and iutereft aeini-Minuiilly. Maney to lan on nnlnciuotierl ral entate and other good nocurlty. DIRECTORS : CUR1STIAN MACK, Wm. ü. liAKHIltX W. W. WINK.S. DAN1KL HISCOCÏ WILI.IAM DKUBXL, WII.LA RU B. SMITS DAVID KIN8KV. OKFICERS: C. MACK, Pre.. W. W. WIN KS 'ce-Pre, J. H. HISCOCK.CHghlet. H WSSS clasnt" wltb employment at home, the whole of ib time, or for tiielr pre njomentü. BuUneo ne lijfhl and prollla'le. Perwin of eithejr eer eaall) earn irom 50 to .".00 per evenine.'and a pmpor' Miinal eiim by devntini; all theirtime to the bni uews. Boy and ulrl earn e aru neurly as muih men. 'Ibat all who eoe may neiid thelrtd d'ew, and tent tne buslnesp, we muke tbla ufter To such a are not well timed ih wil] sc-nd om dollar to pay to' the trouble of writine. Full part'culnr and outflt free. Addrass Oeokiik: Stih-m ft Co. Portland Malne. ÉTRE 0HL1 nUB .öriRON Htonic ¦ ¦ th LlVER and KlDNEV J T KcSTOREtheHklVLTSandVIO V L OH of TOUTH. DynpetiA,WaDt H i& o' Appetit. Indlfteatioo.LftUüt H i fckrenittb und Tirod Fwhngr iH i aolutolr cured: Bodm. mui H iL clas and oerrM recir os force. Enlirens the mioJ c and upplÍM Hrain Powpt. ¦ 'mwmTmaSt HuffarlDs froto compiftintaperu I AlllCg liiirtotïi-KiritMzwill tindinDR liHUICO HABTER8 IRON TON IC i uf,pdr care. Gítm acteur, healthi compUiion All fcttempti at countrfeitin only add to itt pouu lnrily. Do not experiment- Ret O RIO rN AL ANDBUI („_ Dr. HARTER'S LlVER PILL8 V Car Constlpatlon.Uver Complalnt and fllekl H- daohe. Sample Dom and Drum Bookl malled on reoeipt of two centa in poittg. f THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, iO. Tutt's F -t limiliit. ¦, the torpld llver. lrncth nl In ¦ 1 1 iu 'stlt'irK ¦¦¦. rt-i;ulitltbu bvwelH, mul ure uuequitled u au ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, 1 1; inulnri ui dliatriot thelr vlrlncnan Mlalrl) riK n i zeil. u !¦¦¦; oHvpw uuur irwpriu-. iu i r. .li.jr Ui, ,) lem Irom Ihul Hioii. riiu-Miillt siiKt t'ualcd. lo-t' siiihII. I'rlcv, aScl. Sold Every where. üllicc, 44 Murray SU, Nnvv Vork JfmK A6ENTS WAHTED A Jk FOR THE ngA AUTHORIZED ] LIFE of LOGAN KJÖH mrs. locan Thiü BlOfrrftphr has been more that two reart Id prrpurntinii. (en I, otean hinmelf fumished tb data to the autbor. Oeo. KiHnrli Omuioi, b liiiinmte fneinl and aLciate; nnd before bil deftüi be read all but the cIokíiik chapterN ft the wort in4 f %re It hls unquahtied endorKement. Mrs. Uww itatea tbis in the Introduotlon, A. mlilln a-i nlrfn of the ilftti] rhieftuln wrnit thuthrllltic itory of bis grrat erer in peaoe and wir. Splenilldly Iliuntrattfil with portralt and btttli icenes. Send qtiJokfl for outfit and fret cboto üi terrltury . Ada ress C. B. BEACH A CO., Chicago, I'iliCiilillEllii AX AUBOU, MICÍIKiAX. MHiiufaclurerH of ASH, CHERRÏ, OAK, ANTIQOÏ AN1 WALNUT BED ROOM SUITS, salesrooni t NO. 52, SOUTH MAIN St. li-i:!li. roniinisonrr' Nolice. STATKOK MH'HIQAN.Connly ol Wai-hten""' Thu undiTKitfiu-d havini: been Hpiioime'l "ï1 Probnf Coin t f.i-xaid Connty. CommtocjloBtn rcccMvc'. eiamine and actjnt all clainu and dern'w ¦ I all mwi imioKt ibe c-auueof Mry Mi late of -aid coimtv, rteieed. herebT Ce Jtlc' thHt-li mmitl" irom duic llowcd. by o" wid l'rubHIe Court. lor to pnten' "' claiin aimlnat the wtnte ..I mtld di-ceaeil. nú to ihoy w i 1 1 ni.'.t at the nfflee of Zlna I1. Mi ' Ihe c-ity of Ann Arbor, In id county. nlu .Uy. tli'.-7lh da of .hlne. and on "? Tlh day of September unl, at ten "cl0"H,d VI „I ,-hcIi of aid days, to reerive, eiamire aoout a!d claiine. Dated,MHrch7, 1S87. JOHN Bl'KU. iComniêiiono1 WILI.IAM N. STEVENS. ( STATE OP MK-UIOAN. Tlie Circuit iwj for th.Coui.ty of Wnchicnaw, In bofir' l-'.lillini HUI, c'iin).liilli.illt. I V. Rrnest Day II III. licfi-ncliiiit. { HKtlfiu'tonlv pperliiK ly im1.vlt tn .lc-irii.l.iMi Pui Hllliaiicl f ]ntrthlHHtale. but relclc9 at '"'¦íl'i. ,t he state of Illinois, m mollon of r"? r. Wurni-r, s.ilicit.r-i lor rniiiplKlunnt. II ¦ I.T.-.1 ll.ul the saul (l.'IVn.liint, l-.rueta il ui rto upeaiwnce to '"' ''".h.ViK) hls mum wlthln Wur month from t"eh',T .1 ttaíl antear, lo wit: on or before lheJ"["uii r Aun!, a. P. 1SS7. and Uai " "" w luM.-ol the blll of complaiiit I" tlils eiJP laken iis oonfeued by the alil Jeieuaw"DaUsJ, Ann Albor, April 26, if yN 6w.lS485 ClOlt


Ann Arbor Courier
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