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flpXAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty.sireriïth and whulesomenaaa. .Moruecoïoinieal thnn theordlnary klmls.nnd eannot gold n competttlon wlth the mnltltade of ow test, Hhori welirht, aluin or phosphate jowclers. SoM only In can. Koynl KaklnK Powder Co . 1O Wall t.. N. V. SKÍÑCALP. DIeMsed, Purifled and Btfcntifled by tin Cntieiira Kcnieilios. For nmalllH ttW Skin and Hc]p nt Dtotfl ng Humor, Tor al'nyinK Itcliluir, Burnlux and Inil unmttion, forcurint? the tirai #ymphin oi Bezem, PorUU. Mllk Croat, tcaM Ued, Bcroftla ami uther Inharltad t-kin and blooii dtoetao, Cuttcnra. the grrat Skin Cure., and Cutlcum Sor.p, an exq.nLue skin Beantiflur, exiernallv, and Callear Reno! vent, the uew Bluod Furifler, int.rna ly are lulAÜttto. A COMPLETE CURE. I hare wUfciad 11 my life with skin ttoaaMl f ditlen-in klndt, and have never founcl permanent reliei, imtil, !y the advlce f a lady frlend I u?ed your valuable Outicura Itemeilies. I eave them athorough trial, nsiue six of the Caltcura ïleaolcent, two boxes or Vutirura and seyen cane of Uuticura Boa), and tlie remali wmi Jnt what l had been told it wonld be - aconqdete cure, BEI.LE WARE. Kichmund, Va. Rererence, Q. W. Lalimer, DngglM, Kichmond SALT KHEUM CÜKBD I was tronhled Ith calt Rheura for a nnmbcr of years. so that the hkm i-niir.-ly came off of my hundofrom ihe fluirer tip to the wriít. [Mea remedies and doctors' preacriptlnni to m purtx-e unill I commenced tnklng Cutieura Hemtdles, and now I am enttrely carert. E. T. rAKKEÜ, m Northampton St., Boston. DteuecnsTS endorse them. Have nold a qnnitity ot yonr Cuttcura Remedies. One of my customern, Mrs. Henry Kintz, wbo had tetter on her handf to anch an extent an tocauKethe skin to peel off, and for (igfóTaua she sufferei freatly, was couipletely ca:ed by tne use il yonr medicines. C. N. t(Ytí, DrmÍ8t, Cantón, Ohlo. 1TCHIN0, SCALY, IMMI'LV. Por the laet year 1 hnvj had a species of (chin;;, scaly and pimply humorB on my face to whlch I have )iplied a Kreat miny melhnda of treatment without öuccese, nnd whlch was speedüy and entlrely curöd bv Cuiicar. Mis. ISSAC PUELPS, Ravena. O. NO MEDICINE L1KE THEM. We have told yoor Culuura Rnnediet for Ihe hir-t sii yt-ars, and no medicines on our Hhelves l' v.' better eatUfactton. i'. F. ATlIKRrON, ürugglt, Alhiny.N. Y. CUTICURA HEM E Dl ES are nold everywhere. PrlC: ('L'TICURI. 50 Cen's ; Kksolvicnt; $1.00; 8oap, '2kU. rrepaied by POTTKB DBUO AND ClIKmCAL Co.. BoStOU. Mead for-Hnw to nre Hktn liiraw PDI IDO I'iniple'. Skin Blemishlsheí, and Baby OnUüOi HumorM, eured hj Outlaw Sof. Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh in iindoatructive force stands nest to and nndoubtcdly leade on to consumption. It li therefore iupultir that thoac aflUcted wfth tliíi learful dlease nbould not make U the object of thcir ltves to rlrt theniBelves oí it. Deceptive remediea concocted by iuorant iretenderB to medical knowledfje have weukened the confldence of the frrcat rasjortty of aullV-rers in all Hdvertieed retnedfe. They become re1gned to a lile of Uiten rather tlian torture thvmtielveB wlih doubtful palllatives. Bnt tbfs wl!l uever o. Catarrh must be met ut every etae and comtatted wiih all oar mitú. In many caee the dimaee hae awnmed dangerou HvmpioniH. Tlie bones and cartilage of the noee, tiie o'ins of hearing, of eeeing attd of taeting ho aiïectt-d as to be ueeïeae, the uvula so elongated, the ttiroat si inllamed and Irritated ae to prodnee a constant and distren-li'K couh. Ci'HK mcets with evcry phaci; uf Catarrh, from asimple head cold to the mout and detttructive ttat:et!. It ie local and conatitution. Instant In relievlng, permanent in enting safe, económica! and never-iailiD. Ltch DHCktt contains onc bottle of the Kaih box of ('atakrual Süi.vknt, and an IÏCPBOYBD Inhai.kk, with treatlee $1.10. Pottsk Druu and Chkm ioal Co., Boston. 4to KÏDNEYPAINS. rlr In ¦¦ !Tlliiiit-, thatjweary, llfeleee f JH all-Kone, sensatlon ever present wllh ILtliofe of luflimed kiduays, weak back 1 Jland Mm, schlng hlps and sldes, uter lne pains. V'eaknes and IntlMmmatlon, is rtlieved and apeedlly cnred by the i'Hticiira Antll'alo 1'lHMler. a new, original, elegant and inflimmation. At all drnKK''. Mc.; ve for $1.00; or of rotter Drug & chemlcul Co-, Botton. WatchsprinG -ft -fjn OQO Qi o blo 6(0 ofl - bJï WHIi slidlng: Dctacbable Spr 1 ii jf s. L Better Ui i 1 1 Wlialebone or Horn,_L3 and (piaranteed ncver to break. Prlce, $1.25 For ale by lnuling Wholesale aad reuil csublishmcau. M AYER, 8TROUSE &CO. 412 Broadway, N. Y. , Manufacturera. ARTHMACURED CERMAN ASTHMA CURE InwUntty mlicms tb imwt vmltit fcttnek, and inaareB comf(irtahl nlep M WAITINti for KKUt Llh. BtHnit nwxl y inli&lation, it h art ion luimmediAltv din'Ct and cv rt iiin, and a mirn ín tho ¦Halt in all curablt oasee. A ttinvle tnal connui-Mt ttiunuwttfkpticAl. PricuMlo. aud $1 .00 of aiiy uruKKist. pr iy ninil Sample Kr tor


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