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In the yiar book publislictl by the M C. 1! R.Co., ciititleil "Fncts uncí Figures Aboat Michigan," we flnd pome itatlstic Iliat may le in torest iiifr. Kor instaiicr. tiie atsewed valnaMon f Ann Arbor is at least 96 per cent. Mgher tlmii in any other city of like populatlon In the State uní is cinly excefled bj Bay City. Detrolt Eeal Suginaw, Qrand RpkU, Jackgon, Èatemazoo and Lannng. A few eoniparteona inay dm be anlateraatlng : n,„ Assend uu?", valu'01 DeblAdrlnn .II $#% 1S.000 Alpcim WK 277,080 Aan Arbor 7,712 l,9MU,66tJ 2,000 ,.„iiIh ( r.-ck Í.06I 8,848,478 100,(100 i;,i city -K.'1'Í74Í348 :.T7.()i) Itiit ltHpids S.ü'1 1,988,015 45,000 Ooldwater 50W ,59,0ti() Kiil Siiiiiimw 29.086 9.1SH.:M.5: 7iö.üOO Klint '."1" I.Vi.'.TK.i Qnuid Rupldl 11,888 2084.915 TOl.KKi Urand lliiv.n 5,08 190,764 02000 ,.,n 18.100 6,7:i,4:iR 185,447 Kalamazoo ti,l(i7,(i33 LaoslOg .7T4 5,217,11011 llü.UIX) Pontlac 5.M7 Porl Huron lo,;tw 4,iki.oik) :io.ik) WeatBayClty 9,-iW) 'iWi.v-vï4,ooo rpsllaiiU - 5,:)l 2,4S7í 5,OUü The quratlon natural ly armes, is Ano AiIj'ii' -o ïinuli rlcherln real property, or have oor uperv1oii Kipt ralsiag the vilii itlon bere until it s out ot propoftfon wiiii otlier citlei f la ii poMlble tlint Ivit Bafrinaw with nciirlv four timet our population isonly sbout ;in mucb Bnlnf r thiit l'ori HuroD, with 8,000 more population is nui m lirli Into 300,000f or thal Alpena with 2,000 iimrr populatlon is worth 2,000, lew f Or tbat BhMIb Creck wltli over 2,000 more people bat $1, (WO, 000 leu property? Or tlint Adrián wiib uiWHrtls ol 2,000 non usoplecaii nol in u-ter BB muck re. 1 ii(i.crty hato 11,000,000? Or tliut Aun Arbor't valiiat ion ii more than doublé UihI of Ypilantl I lomethina radlRlIy wrong R.mewbere Eltlier Ann Arbor II auetseu too iiili "i1 ll'iM Olher placel nul Ingli tnougli Wbicb is il t


Ann Arbor Courier
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