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NO FEE t! I ssTiBtisHï 1851. ) Merrill UNTILBETTER fnETROIT.MICII. ƒ Block. X X=3Sr The Eegnlar, Old-Established jL_yp PHTSICIAÍí & SIRGEON J$ 1' tlll tmtisg with tb ereitert %A SKfLL AND SUCCESS YOUNG MEN,MIDDLE-A6ED MEN nd all persons who by thcir own acts of Impni tlencf or Folly at anv period of lifc have hnmjjli upon themselves, the evil effects following: close I unon the heels of tran siTesinn of the law ot nature, should consult the ccleliratetl 1 r.t l.irk at once. Keminbrl Nervous dlaisC with o without dreams) or debllity and loss of nervi power treated scientifically by new methods witl never failing success. 49It ni.ikcs no dffferenci wlint yu have taken orwho has fat led tocur.; you JtfyT'.ie trrihlo polsnni of SyphllU mul al bad blood and kin diseunes, completclv cradi cated without mercury, iU'inember that thisono horrible ltseae, if negiccted or improperh ireatctl, cursen tiic present and coming generutions -All unnaturnl discharges curcd promptly Without hindrance to btwincM. No experimenta lïoth exes consult rmitlih ntlally. Ag;ean( npfrinirr important. A wrítten g uarantce of cure glven In evory case undertaken. r-SuiTerer from any chronio díñense write History and Syniitmis of your case - plainly Cades sulicitcd which others have íailed to cure. 7"Send two stamps for cflebratrd worki on Cnronic, Nervoui and Dellrate Diseases. You have an cxhauntive symptomHtoloKT by which tu study your own case. Consultation, pcrsonally or by letter, free. Consult the oll Doctor Thotisaml cured. Oflleeft and parlón prívate. You sec no onc but the Ductor. Befon confulinK your case consult DK. CLAKKï!. A friendly Icttrr or cnll may save future suffering rtm ihame and add golden years to life. Medicines lent everywhere secure from expusure. IIuur bto 8; bundays, 9 to 12. Addrcws, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MI -K CURES Coughs.ColdssthmaJickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy,Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Distases. Il YOUMC'S II Co u gHJ DanSTllle.MIch. % i Howeil, Mlcb Au. 15, 1874. - J()ct. ai, fH. - I I waa atucked ( hare trled Dr. E. with a aeveref m t A.Young'8 Cough cold and ! J and Lunu Synip ened with lung i _ _ ! for more than a fever while on a I m jrear, as I had ocvi-it to Hudson, ! m 9 a remeMlch., Kliiiot ti !dy for üolds and month ago, sol fCouffhs, and miich so that ij a founditareliable wai unable to flll ¦¦ medicine. I have an appolntment used hls Agne to prvach on' BK tand Llver Syrup account of my , In mjr famlly with eere coughlng, ¦ ¦ the best of ocbut nimiuKvd to ! I ces, curlns my LÏÏÏIr'rupThad! U !""" '"l"""In the house, and ! I est 8ttacks of mrcouKh leftme ! _ (erernd Aüue, as soon as I 1 S after the second menced takln It, : M chili and fever. and 1 flnd ' II take pleasure nent relief when in recommending I am attóeked , ¦ the above reme. by cough or J! dies to all who I unir cotuplalnt. - - ¦ need thpm Bev. Kobt. Copï. I Bar. S. B. Kimmcll. Sold by all drugglsts. Price, 25c., 50c. and Í1.00. I.ari(o bottles sent free on reeelpt of prtce W. JOHNSTON A. CO., OETWOIT, MICHICAM. Nut iet' to Credltors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN.County or 7 Notice ie hereby given, thatby an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waehtenaw, made on the tweniiKth day of Jure, A. D. 1887, six months from thnl date nere allowed for creditrs to prevent their claims araiogt the eetate of ucy W. S. Morean, late of sald conoty, deceoeed, and that al) creditors of eaid deceaeed are required oprcsenl thelr claims lo eaid l'rohale Court, at Uu ProbateOföce, in the ciiyofAnn Arbor, forexamtnation an( allowance. on or before the 2()th day of Jcccmber next, and that such claims will bc heard before said coart, o Tueeday, the SOth day of leptember, aad on Tuesday,the 20thday of December MZt, al ten o'clock lu the forenoon ol eacb of ald days, Dated, Ann Arbor, Jane 2), A. D. 1881. W1LL1AM t. HAiUtlMAN, 1367-1361 Judtre of Probau. C. H. WILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Aritor. The oldeat agoncy in tbe city. Establlshed over aquarter of acentury ago. RepreHenttng the followlng flrst-class conipanles, with over $60,000,000 Capital and i. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA. INS. CO., of New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT 1N8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON anl GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Ratea Low as the Lowest, Loases Liberal ly AiljiMril aud prompt ly l'aiil. C. H. MILLEN. FRANCÍSL YORK, M.A., Wlll receive during THE COMINC SUMMER A Limited uurnber of Pupila In PIANO, ORC A N AND HARMONY, At greatly BEDTJCED BATESApply by mail or at SO. 30 SOUTH INGALLS 8 TUE KT ANN ARB0R Small Fruit Nursery ! AU Kinds of BERRY PliANTS. Fine Planta of the SHARPLESS, Tilt lïest Strawberry (Jrown, niOIT AIS ORIAHElf L TREES Krom BLIj WANUKR A IÏARHY, Koehefiter, N. Y. Orders must'be sent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. Hweet Home-made Wlne for Invalids and tlie KucharlHt. Sour Wlne, KaHpberry srup. slirub Pear Syrup, and ' l'lymouth Ilock Eifgs. EMIL BAUR, W. HURÓN ST. 148J-tf RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, A1ÍD Flour and Feed Store. Wc keep conBtaDtly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Whulesalc and Retal! Trade. We shall alpo keep a supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Oei hl Flour, II) e Flour, Buck wheat Flour, Eorn Ifloal, Fcel, Elo., At Wliolcsnlo and Hetail. A Koneral tock of ÍROCERIES ui PROVISIÜNS Constautly on hand, which wlll he old on as reasonahle ti'rms as atauy othor hoase n tho city. Ch pid for BUTTKR, KGQS, and COÜNTUY [RODUC'K Renerally. tloodx dollvered to anv rt of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News