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A $5,000 Boom

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Promptly at 12 o'clock standard time Friday, Mayor Smith called the meeting of Uz-payen to order, reading the cali therefor. On motion tieo. II. Pond was elected Mcretary. Horton Bryan and Geo. B. Schwab ere cliosen as clerks; and Fred SIpley as ticket-taker. The following resolution was offered by G. F. Alhnendinger: As It lias been deemed wlse to encourage business and manufacturlng Interest In Ann Arlor, nil as no city funds exlst with whlch to carry on these ends, in accordance wltli Seo.SofTltle V of tlio city charter and in aooordanoa witli tlio cali issued by the Coraiiidii ('nuncll, be lt llceolved, That the sum of f.5,000 bi raised by tax for a city Improvement fuud to be usi'd for the purpose indicated lu the cali. Whlch was adoptcd. Polla were tlie opened and ballots receivtd, until 1 o'clock standard time, when after due proclumation they were closed and the ballots received were Oonnted, the result being as follows: For the Tax 230 Agalnst the Tax '8 Total 306 Majority for the tax, 152. Considering the efforts made by cert:üü partiet to defcat the proposition, the result ni quite a handsonie victory, tbonjth t would have been much better had more of our eltizens taken it upon thtinselvcs to vote. "Why don't yougo and vote:"' was asked of one of our prominent cltizens. "It isn't necessary," was his ansvver, "there"s nol :i partiële of doubt about the resul'. Kvoi yboily is in favor of it except a few ch'.onies whose number wc all kliow." And thal eonversation exactly exphiiiied tlie reason why so light a vote was cast. Everybody had made up thcir mind that the ainount asked for would be voted and so did not take the trouble to cast tlieir ballot. The result of tliis special ek-ction proves that Ann Aibor fully appreciates the situatlon, and iuteiids to keep abreasl of Ihe times. One of the flnest located cities In the state; one of the handsomest cities in the unlon; one of the best plaoei to live in In America, Aun Arbor proposes to let the WOrld knmï ut hof aclvantapes. Out of drlit, w til no fireat burden Weighing down her ta.-payers; with all the modern taxaties of water worki and electric lirlits, and new stone depots. 'i;li the best public schools in the state and i univenity knowu whererer civiliiation extendl; with cverything in faet to induce people to make their homes with us, another f;ct is now publislied to the world, that her cltizens are alive to their best nteresta, and propose to keep pushing forward. linies liave paaaed when men or places can sit down and expect wealth or business to come to tliem. If they want either now they must pcek it. Ann Arbor propose3 to seek. " Wliy dotti yon newspupers warm i to that M. C. R. R. for layin;; tlieir track in the (treetf I teil you.if I was runiiin a paper I would scald 'iim ; yes sir, scali 'urn ! " aml the eminent citizen grated hi teeth and sliook his list n a horribl manner. "Whero ? " iiuiocently nskei the reporter. " Why, aiu't you onto It U's on the south side ot' their frei;h house, that's where it Is. They liav taken possession of at least four feet o the street, ind bimeby tliey'll fence li the bal] town, if tliey are not set dowi on. Yon newspaper fellers orter scali 'um I teil ye. I wish I was runnin' paper for a few weeks." The reporte didn't continue the conversation, but h thonght (ind thought about the e. c' words, ;ind the more he thought tli more he believed some people to be un mtefal. Tlie M. C. H. K. has been do iiifr a mand tliing by Ann Arbor. To be sure the city invested $5,000 in a no veiy liandsome bridge, but then it wa woi th $r,000 to tlie city to have the wors looking old rookeries and dilapidated oli ¦tractores that ever disgraced a town rr moved, (tl o same being lomled wh r every stianger comino; to the city saw llicni the lirst thin:.) Xnt only has tha been accomplished but In their stead a mtgnlfieent building has been erected (if whioli any city in the country mlgh be jutly proud, and the grounds sur ronodinf! it beautifully laid out and caret for ; handiome stone walks laid ; fountain erected; and many other tliings. Thei the mprovements in and about the oh freirht depot nre of a {rood kind abo Taken all together the M. C. R. R. ba been expending about $50,000 here dur ing the past year or so. Now if tl e citizen who growled so oVer the u?e of i few feet of a by-street will only expone that mach in building1 lip nd benefiting tlie oity we will guarantee that he will be alloweil the ue of just as much street ao tlie M. O. 1!. li. haé taken, if he want? it for the public good, and not a soul would sluike his list at hlin for taking it, elther. The following paragrapli going the rounds of the prees is worthy of repro duction n every paper in the country "Toung mail, wlien yon jeer a lady passing along the street or liaunt or startle her witli your glances, does t ever occur to you tliat some other seoundrel mlght insult your sister, your wifc. or, in coming yeurs your dausrhter in the sanie inrmnouD marnier? IIow would you like tliat? Woulil you think itsmart? Would you repard it as manly or an ovidenee ol l'looil f If so you ought to be kicked from 011e end of the eontlaoBt to the other and horsewhipped back again. Capt. Alk'ii, one of the offlcers of the G. A. R. a8sociation of Southern Michigan, is worklnghard to make the reunión and encampment at Adrián August 30 tul ;1 and September 1 and 2 a great üuccoss. A regiment of state militia will le there to take part in the parade September lst, wfatCD frivps promise of being ane of tbc fincst niilitnry parades ever een in tliis section. Comstock Post of ihll will be present, and Comnander Kelly has been selectd as officor if the dav on the tblrd Oaj in camp. - Manchester Enterprise. Lnst Tuesday the Detroit Eveninfr News celebrated its fourteentli birtliday vvrtli a niammoth edition irivin tlie history of its carcer from the beginiiiL witb 2,003,950 copies in 1874 to 12,834,894 copies tlie past year, maklng a total of ] 17,186,038 copie in the fourteen years of is i xtence. The New8 has been a L""! newspaper, though bitter In its en motie, and 6ometimes taking a mistaken view of tilines, - wliioh is human - yet it lias generalij stood for the right, fearlessly. Tlie Free Press announced Tuesday that Bishop Chatard, of Vincennes, Ind , hnd been translatcd to the See of Detroit vacatcil sometirne since by Bishop Borgess, hut the NTewi last nitfht says it is not trne, and we wlll bet tlie News knows best.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News