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Itucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve n the worli] for Cuts, Krnises, goree. Ulcere, S.ilt Kheiim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chanped Hands, Cbilblalna, Coma, and all Hkin Eruptlons, and poiltivt'ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is uaranteed to -rlve perfect satisfaction , or monpy reiiinded. Priee 25 cent per box. For Sale bv Eberbach & Son. An Illinois paper says that a species of duek flew into the offioti of a Winchester hotel the other nijjlit and was captured and catred. The rlarc of the ycntlemanly clerk's breastpin attncted tbii diick as the lijiht-house lantern draws the scabird. It was too tnuch for the poor biid. It was ovcrpowered. Cousumption Cured. An old physlciao, retlred from practice, bftylng had placed in his lmnds by an íst India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for pppedy and permaneDt cure ot Conáuinptlnn, Broncbltla ('atarrh, Asthma, and all tbrOKl and linif; Afl'ccdons, alio a poslttve and ra.liral cure for Xcrvons Dabifity and and all Xcrvons Complaints, after havlngf tested ie wondcrinl coratlr poweri ñ tboosanda oleases, has feit it his dnty to make it known to lils lufferlng fellows. i Actiiati-d by this motive and a deelre to I relieve human rafiering, I will jend free ' rf charga to all who delire It, this recipe i D crinan. Frcnch or Enrlish, with full i llrectloiu for prepariDg and nslng. Sent ' iy mail by addresalog wltb itamp, nami Dg this paper, W. A. Noyes, [49 Power's 1 [Jlock, Kochester, N. V. c


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News