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John Gillen is the manager of Wallace's new opera house, Saline. The Herald wants the Sunday tipplers of Chelsea sent to j;,il under the new luw. The Stockbridge Sun is anxious to have a lecture course sccured for that thriving town. Cheteea liad a frcight train collision last Friday. You ece Frlday continúes to be a bad day. J. W. Blakesley is now one of the city dads of Milán, succeeding Chas. Oaunt lett, resigned. Manchester's last baseball game ended In a row, and the poor umpire was kicked at vigorously. The Milan Leader man lias boen presented with a whole barrel of applos. Lucky fellow. The Chautauqua Circle of Dexter is in a very flourishing condition. But there is room for more. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fallen, of Chclsea, celebrated their 20th marriage anniversary on the 2Ist uit. K. W. Wallace is having eome folding chalrs manufactured at Ann Arbor, for liis new hall. - 8aline Observer. Monroe's bed spring factory will not go to Ypsilunti, but will remaiu in Monroe - Ypsi's B. M. A. was too slow. Chas. Hyzer has boen appolnted engineer of the Ypsilantl Electric Llght Works, and E. H. Jackson, Jr., lineman. The Ypsilantl road, now that the tolljate system bas been abolished, is being improved by graveling. - Saline Observen The editor of the Saline Observer eats riotatoes weighing one pound, ten ounces. My! My! What a whopper! The potatoes we mean. Rev. H. Palmer of Urna, has rcturned ;o his charge from a vlslt to Pktsburgh, Pa., and Is writing up his trip for the Chelsea Herald. Prosecuting Attorney Norris is on the ;rack of concealed weapon fellows. But jow about the saloon violators, Attorney ? - Dexter Leader. The ladies of the Dexter Congregatlonal church society announce a chlcken sapper, at the residence of Mrs. James, "or Frlday evening next. Our cltlzens are short on their supply if coal. - Manchester Enterprise. Ila ! ia! Here's our list. Now let's both strike the comblnation that causes all tuis trouble. .Toseph Bickford, of Ypsilanti, who is said to bc In a debilitated condition physically and mentally, ha9 had D. B. Greene appointed as a guardián to take care of lis property. Natural gas secms to be gettlng near Ann Arbor; it is now only 28 miles away. We don't see what tbey want of more gas at our county seat. Gap, gas ! why, you will fiud it there in crowds. - Dexter Leader. So you come here occasionally, eh f The Plnckney DIspatch was unfortunate enough to be burned out recently, but most of lts outfit was saved. One jreat loss for a country editor (we speak 'rom experlence, having been there) was a good wood pile. It is a thing liurd to jet and quick to disappcar. The following recipe for sweet potatoe aies is taken from the Western Rural : Pare some sweet potatoes and stew until :ender in water enough to cover them. Draln, rub through a colendar. To every ruriip of potato add two eggs and two ;ablespoons of sugar, with cream enough to niake custard. Season with allspice, and bake with one crust. The one who sends a long communica:lon detrimental to the character of a citzen, and appeals to our honor to publish ibe same, ought to have honor enough of tiis own to attach his name to such letter. - Pinckney Dispatch. Yes, be ought, Ijut, he hasn't. A person who would write such a communication is ilways a coward and most alwayg a slenderer, and :lu; lrss a newspaper man has to do with lilm the better lie will be off. Mr. and Mrs. Finley are In receipt of the gratifying inteligence that the slgnalIng apparatus inventcd by their son, Lieut. John P, Finley of theSignal Service, has been fortmilly adopted by the Qovernment and will be U9ed in all public service wbere signaliüg is required. Thia determines the closing of contructs with European governments, which were dependent upon the approval of the United States, and whlch will be protitable to the talentcd inventor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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