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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever vnrles. A marvel of pully. strengt li aini wholesomeneM. More ecoomlcal than the ordlnnry kinds, aad caimot e sok! In OompetlttOD wllh tlio iniillilTHlc il ow test,, Hliort welulit, slum or phosphate )owilcrs. KoUl only In oims. Kn } Hl link lui; l'owcler 'o . 106 Wall ik, N. Y. AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH I ÉVljU CHOICEOF SSSSSSSSE1 f a" Routes; via rAlirnRÑIA DENVER, UAUlUn'cDUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, STJOSEPH, ATCHISDN on KAN SAS CITY. Por dates, rates, tickets or f urther Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting Unes, ¦ V or address PU L M OBTON , Gen. Pass. itTkt. Afft.,Clilcigo, III. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Xo. 4 Soutli Main Sf., Aun Arbor. The oldest ageucy in the city. Establlxhecl ver a quarter of a century ago. Representlng he followlng flrst-elass companies, with ver #00,000,000 Capital and ÁMeto. I0ME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IW3. CO., of New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. BIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. O i.MMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Bostou. Rates I.iot as tlic Lowest, l.os,cs Liberally Adjusteri and promptly l'uid. C. H. MILLEN. SKIN SCAÍ.P BLOOD Havinir been a nnfl'-'rer for two yoarfl and a huif froiQ a d meas u caused liy brulde on the let:. aDd when all other inethid and rem dl -8 failed, T decm ft my duty to recommt-nd thcm. I vihited Hot Sprlngs to nu avail, and tried severa] doctore without eucceH. and at last ur principal drugaiet. Mr. John P. Plnley (to whom I ?hall ever teel tjratoto L,pive thcm a trial with the reduit iliat I am perfecilv cnrud. There ie now no sre about rae. I think I can nhow the laru'f'Pt surf tce where my suif-;rinK8 cprang from of any one in the State, pkin cnres inantifactnr"d. I rafèf to drujreistJohn P. Ftnlay and D. D. (J. Montgomery,h'th of this place, and to Dr. Smith, of Lako Loe, Mies. ALEXANDER BËACB, Greenville, MIee. roquest, with reBülfeaí above stated. A. B. FINLAY & Co., DruggUts. SAVED MY MÖTHER'S LIFE. Ever dnce I cn remember, my motber haï pofftíred from a milk lee. Nottain would do her any good She liHd tho best medical talent, bat they all dld 8h uffered wllh her let; tbr tbirty yeara and never knew a well day. wiMil'l havu to !-it np balf tbe niht, bolding up her leK and monniuj;. t-he had do peace. SM ned all the mi known rt-medies In the couniry withoat cffuct. I nsked hor to try your Cuticura Kkmkiii i. Oot herabottleof COTicüR Rksolvknt, and Khe took it, nnd ha taken in 11 ahout 8tx or aeven bottlef, and now she is a wel! wonmn to-day. Her 1"k is entlrely bealcd. and her heult was nevi'r better. She can go out every day, somethlng Bhe has nut done in ten yearí, so you see I cannot telp slatlntí toyou anout your wonderful ('itkubi Kkmediks. Yon have a&ved my moth' r's Hfe. I cnnnot flnd worda to expres my EDWARD LL'EDER, 1505 Broadway, N. Y. Cüticura. the srreat nkln care, and Cüticitra Soap, prepared from it, exterually. und Cuiicuka Resolvent. the new blood pnriflir, Itttcrnally. are a positlve cu-e for every form of skin and blood diseasea from pimplo to scrofala. S'ld everywhere. Prlco: Cutici'ba, 50 cente ; Soap, 25 cents ; Rksoi.vkn i', $1.00. Prepan-d by the Pottkk Dbuo .t Chemical Co., Horton. ÖSend for "now to Onre Skin DUeases," U pages, 50 illustratlons, and 100 testimoníala. pi RII'LES, blackheadd, chaped and oily skin I 1 1 VI prevented by Ccticura Medicatkd SoAr. Sneezing Catarrh. The diutressinR sneezi', sneoze, sueeze, the acrid watery discharges from the eyes and nose, the painrulliiflimmation extending to the throat, the swelline of the mucou lining, causlng choking sensatlons, coagh, ringlng nulses In the head and splitting headaches- how familiar these ymptoms are to thoneands who mifler periódica! Irom licad colds or influenza, and who live in lnorance of ttantaneous relief. Bat this treatment In case? of simple Catarrh eives but a faint Iden of what thiu remody wlll do lnthechronic forms, where the breathln is obstructed by choking putrid miicona accumulations, the hearing effected. sniell and tante troje, throat ulceruted and hackine coueb RradiMlly faiteninu Hself opon the dehilitutod IJiiem. Then It ia that tbe marvelloua cunitivo powor of Sanfokd's RadIOAI. CUBI manlfe#tí Itíelf in Instnntaneous and gratelul rellt-r. Cnn: b!.'elns Irom Ihe flrnt aipllCHtlon. It la rapid. radical, permanent, economical, aud safe. Sandford's Uadicai. Cüri conslsts of one hottle of the Kadical i'uke. iio box of Oatakriial Holvcnt, and one Impkovk Iniialku; pricj $1 POTTÜK DRUG AND ClIKMICAI. Co., BO9T0JÍ. PAINS aflfl WEAOKSSËS OF IKTIALES Inlantlv r.-llevod by the Cutlrura Antl-I'uiii riarter, a mw, mosi agreable, iDntantancoiia and Lnfalllbl paiii'klllinK planter, especially adnpted tci relieve renule Pim ud Wi-akQBwoi. Warrantod vaslly superior to all othcr piasters, and the moet perfect Antidote to Paln.Inflammation and Wcakness yel compounded. At all drugglsts. 25 cents ; 5 for 1.ÜO ; r, postage free, of Potter Dkuo ar Obkmkai. Co., Boton, Mass.


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