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FOR SALE OR EXCHANCE. Vdeslrable farm eontalnlng nearly 400 acres, favorably located In southern Michigan, with good buildings, plenty of tlniber, and well watered. One of tbc best stock farms in Mie state, wlll exchango for smaller farm, or ili'sirable property In the city of Ann Arbor. Kor particular inqulre at Courier Offlce, Ann Arbor, Mlch. w88 FOR SALEA AT A n.VRGAIN a flrst class square Box Cntter. Apply at IwM FERDON LUMBER TARD. FOR SALEIHAVEtl OCfl In notes and accounts agnlnst a prominent mcrchnut of tuis city which I wlll sell at a heavy discount. .85 II. K. -WHITE. JADY Canvasserwanted, Apply at j White Sewlun Machine O11ÍC5, MASONIC }5LOCK. EEAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1,0(10 to $(000 and contalnlng from one-nfth of au i,cre to twenty acres- all in the city llmils. llousese rentedon reasonable terms In cinIral localltles. Farms exchanged for city property. Enqnlreof J. Q. A. Sesslons, Atlornpy and Real Estáte Agent, Office over Express Offlce, Malu St., Ann Arbor. 51tf LOANING-Money to loau on flrst-closs Real Estáte Mortgage at Current retes of nlerest. Satlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista deslrlng Buch lnvestment. livery conveyance and transactlon lu abstracts of tltles carefully exnmlned as to legal effect. Z. I'. K.INU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News