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A. F. Freeman, of Manchester was in the city yesterday. Robert Smith, of the Ilhaca Journal, was in the city Frlday. l'.ro. Smith of the Mllan Leader was in the city Monday on a business trip. Miss Smith and Miss Ballou, of Ypsilantl, are vislting at M. C. Peterson's. Mr. Orville Sextou, of Genoa, Livingston Co., has been In the city during the week. Mrs. M. Tripp lias gone to Jackson to reinain some weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Bennett. Miss Libbie Brooks, of Canandaigun, LenaweeCo, is vislting at W. R. Payne's on E. A ti 11 st. Judge Best and wlfe, of Minneapolis, Mimi., are in the city, the guesta of Judge Cheever and wife. Maj. Soule, of the U. of M. treasury, will altend the Legión of Honor reception at Gen. Alger's, Detroit, to-night. Mrs. Chas. B. Woodward went to Detroit Monday to join her busband, wlio is permancntly located at the Brunswick Hotel. Grand Lecturer Arthur M. Clark is expected to be present at Golden Rule Lodge F. & A. M. to raorrow, Tuursday night. An enjoyable hop, given by Mrs. John II. Miner and Mrs. Kd. Eberbach took place at Masonic Temple, last Monday even ing. A surprise party last evening at the residence of Mrs. Dow, on Huron st., celebrated the 21st birtliday of Miss Libbie Wahr. A couple of sleigli loads of merry makers expect to have a good time at Maurice Hogan's residence four miles south of town to-nlght. Müj. W. C. Stevens and J. T. Jacobs will attend tbe meeting of the Legión of Honor at Gov. Alger's to-nlght. Col. Dean did intend to be present, but a lame limb prevented. Hon. B. E. Fernam U. S. Commissloner of Forestry, spent a few Uours here last Saturday with Prof. V. M. Spalding and others. He had been in attciulance upon the Forestry Convcnüoa at Grand Hapids. The If. C. R. R. force in tuis city Is bcing reinforced. Last Thursday niLht Station Agent ïlayes had an asslstant sent hini, and tbe beauty of it is, the said assistant is his own son. Quite young, thuugh. John Reniick, of the M. C. R. R. force, now gets up In the night and shakes down the coal stove, steeps catnip tea, And a thousand and one things that you wouldn't think he would do, all without a grumble, cause it's a boy. Dr. Rexford, of Detroit, arrived here last Saturday evening and was quite sick and unable to preach on Sunday morning, but preached En the eyening at the Unitarian church. He was the guest of Mr?. N. B. Beers, 51 E. Liberty st.