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Council Proceedings

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The common counoil held its regular monthly meetttg Monday eveninsr, with one or two vacant seats. After au liour or go spent in rendí;.' the minutes, ie Recorder remi a corarnunication from David Heiining. settiner fortli tliat he was the owner of block 18 ot Ornisbv & Page's additlon to the city of Anti Arbor, situated iiorth of the M. C. R. 1!. Riid between Htute and Pontiac sta.; that the city liad discontinued State Bt. at the north end, thns shultinjc il a passage way from his properlv, and had raised thfi highway ou the Pontiac st. front 15 teet on the south end and six feet on the north end, thns renderint; hls land of Httltí valué; and desiring an "amicable adjustment gatisfactory to both partías, and that a reasonable conipensatlou be made to hlm for the Injuries which he had sulloit d." The matter was referred to the street couimittec together witli tlie city attorney. iVrmission was gran teil the society of the Christlan churcli to u?e one-third of the sfreet in front of thelr lot at the cor. of 'NVilllam and División st9., for building purpoMs. Aid. Mxrtin from the Flnance Conimittcc, reported the expenditures for the nast month as follows: lstwardfund $ 12 74 Üd " ¦ II ¦ 7 8d " " M KS 1 1 li " " liM 01 Bib ¦ " . ,s II 8th " " 1 75 Gen. st ri't-t lund 193 i i (tt'iitTal ' „. iït 79 Contingent " lt 17 City comelery lund % m Total $1,214 -i A bilí of J. W. Koblsou for $1.50 was also allowecl; one of Judge Joslyn, for extra compensaron laid upon the table; and one of K. li. Gklley for $75 extra services us meiuber of the boiinl of health was referred to tbe liealtli ofücer for c.rtitieation. The report of M. J. Frite appointed to examine the booka of the Tieasurer and Heeorder was read showinjf some clerical errors which had been properly correctetl, and ilso recommendlnr that "when money is paid into the city treasury a duplícate receipt sliould be tiled witli the Recorder, also that the Treasurer should ki-ep a cash book or hla present journal might answer, a full account of ull tax monies received and disburaed, as tlicre 8 uothing of this kind al pri'seut and certuinly seems proper sucli a complete record sliould be kepl of all tux funda." Aid. Almendinger offered it resolution for a sidewalk on the weít side of 4lli st. froni the soutiiwest corner of SuiinnU añil 4th sts., to a point eight roda fïoiB Sumuiitst. which was adopted. The report of the city t reata rer then read showing the followiug balance: Contingent finid on hand 1,9 '8 97 General overdrufi :,D2X 73 Ueneral St. " ou hand 98 03 lst ward lund ] in: "il 2d " " l,(il 84 8d " " 1,1U3 5 4th " .Mi) :)9 5lh " " 51152 Ot.fl ¦¦ " 3l4 32 City ceraetery fund „ w 8 Dog tax " is 83 Delinquent tax " overdrafl 1,683 57 Water woiks " ou liand :i,47 08 Tota! balanctí on hand $ 4,71 ÍK Certifícate of C. E. Hiscock attached. City Murslial síipl.y inpnrtiri the followinf; expenditure of the poor fund for April. lstward $ 5 50 2d " 13 15 id ' 35 1 4th " 9i B8 5tll " _ o 71 6tu " „ n US Total .' $2W 8) Marshal Sipley also reported 8 arrests for the nioiith of April, 5 for hulag drnirtc, 1 assiiult anl baltery, 1 violatlon of city ordiuance, 1 violation of Aid. Witiesoffered the followlng wbich was adopted : Resolved, That Recorder have prlnted a sultable receipt book tobe used by Lhe Clty Treasnrer comprislii!; duplícate receipt, oue of which Is to be glvun any olly oñicer or othur pursou who inay pay money lulo the city treasury, and its dupllcule to he lssued and tllel as sucli wlth the Hcoorder, by tue Treasurer. A recess was then taken to examine bonds. The constable bond of Hemy Mash, and the bond of Manu Bros., druggists, were approved ; the liquof bond of L. Kehoe for better guretics was returned; and live bonds approved. The bid of the Ann Arbor Savlugs Bank for the city funds was 3 aud lU-100ths per cent. per unnuiu, interest to be couiputed on daily balances; and the bid of the Fartner'a and Mechanica' B;ink was :( per cent. per annum. On nioiion of Aid. Kearns the Savings Bank iiUl was accepted. Aid. Waie broiiiiht up the condilion of Pontiac st. in the 5th ward, and thought that some action ought to be taken, uiul that the city engineer be requested to establish a grade preparatory to the opening of the same. Eli VV Mooie also adilressed the council in reference to the same. Moved and carried that the matter be referred to St. Coni. witli power to act. Aid. Allmendinger brought up the question of the health oHicer's salary, and moved that the same be fixed ut $1ÓÜ for this year. Carried. A i$o:ird of Review was theo appomted as follows: Ist dist.- John W. Thompson. 2d dlsl- W. J. Clark. 3ddU)t.-E. P. Masou. On motion of Aid. Wines the nuance coiumittee was instructed to report sonie plan for raisiiig the necessary funds lor the coming year.