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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlil powilor ncver vnrli'B. A in irvel of purlty, fi'ii;;tb and wbolufomaoua. More ecouomlcal ihan me oriiinary kladt, mul cannot be fold In competlti'1!! wüb the of low ti'st. hort m): lit alum or ph tpbate pnw&er. Sul, I ontij in tana. HoïAl B kinu I'uwukk t'o , ltW Wall St., "w FRi m ii m Skin Miiirrl) gone. l-li-h a uiutn of liMui'. Iav dliiilnihiM I one tliird In nlze, í'ond Ilion liopelcMN meil bf die 4 iiliciira rt in. M. . l-iT thii-t: w-rn 1 xs& almotl crippk-d with an awlul nore leg f rom mv knee down to my ntikle ; the -kin wia entirely #oue, and the nVnh was ofte BUI oL dlaease, 8 me phytMciaim pronoDnc d it iiH-uirthli'. Il hud dtlDlntshed about eme third the ¦tse "i thf ntber, and 1 was in a hopelcea condlilon. Alter trytrg II kinds of remedien mul pending huudreds ui dollarn, Ir in which 1 gol DO relief liHti'wr, I peraoaded to try yourCuricuBi HkK'ik hi (1 iln; rwoll hh as foIWms: After tbree laj e I noticed a decided charffe for the tutter, and at the end of two m mihi 1 wasemaplWely cured. My (laeta was purlfled, and Ui bo ; wliich had in-on nnoMd tor 0 a rttar) ir t ''und. The ilc-li bfftmtogfow and tn-day, and fttr iitarly (wo learu puat, inv eg in a? u-ll a- ever it wa. eüUDd in erery rea eet, uui nol i sffn f thedln-KBc tube een. S. J. AHbliN, Dubuin, Dudgtf t'o.. (ín. I ¦ i i nu II 1 i mu Skin 1 m'HM'n I have been a terrible soffftrerer for yearn from dUcaset; o(' ihe akln and blood, aiid have beeu rtblfged t shun pibilr plucea hy rea-on of mv dtsftgartqg humors. Have had ihe bem of phystciaus tiid H[n-nt tiundreds ol dollar, bat Lr't no relief until I ii-ed thfl iTtk'I'ka Iír'm KiMKf, which have rured m9, and left inv (?ki as cl'-ar and iny blood aspuru astu-lifltU. IUA MAY liASS, Olive BnnchP. O., Mlw. Krom 145 IoiiiiIm to 17L l' h. I hnve taken Mvenü bottlei of Ctmouiu Uksoi,vknt with alt the resolta I ciild wich tor. Abont tliif timo IjicI yt':r, wUen commncfDg its ove, I welg i#d 1 1" poiindtand tn doy l uretgh 172 pounds. QtiO. CAMPBSLL, Wnsliii u-ton, U. C. Kon- Th CUTxetiftA RxaoLYBira beyoiid all doubt Ihe gmtWt b!oid puriltur uvor conipumded. Cüticura, thr great wkln cure, and OoncURA Soap, an cxuuUile Skin BeulirtT, ezterawllj, and Cunci'RA ItEsoi.vKNT. the dw blood purifler, internally, are a pofirlve cuie for every fonn of gklu iid blüud diiiací's from pimplen to scrofula. Sold t-verywhere. Mok Cutici'ra,50c. ; Soap, IScï RUOLTINT, íl. Preparad ny the I'dttkk Ultl 'U A CliEMlUAl. C.. liololi, M:i88. tSeiHl for "Mowto Skin Dheiaes," 61 pflgea, 50 Illafltral ons, and H) testimoníala. n A DV'Q skin and Scalppreserved and beaull. DAD I O iKd liy ('utk-uka Mkdi atkoSoap Constitutional Catarrh No sluiie diftMsc hut entailed more pufleringor lia-UMied the bttaklng op of the contitQtloo thau Catarrh. The tenae of amell, of tante, of slght, ol heanntTi (be human voice, the mind- odc or more, and sometlmea all, yield to ita deetmottre ii fluenct'. The polson it distributes t&fOQgbOttt the -v-h-in atlarki everj vital forcé, and breaks up the most r'biiat of coi ttítntlona. Inored, ber.uuue b t littlu underftood, by most phvaiclana, Impotently agnailed by quarks and charlatana. Uiose Bnffierlnc from It have liitle hope to be relleved of ít thÍ! síde of the t;rave II it time, then, that t e pOpmlar treatmenl ol thif terrible diseawe by remedk'e wlthin the reach of all paBtJed into hunda at once compeietit and trustwortby. The new and biiheito uut ried method adoptud 'y Ir. Sandlord In tbe preparation of Radical ti ui. huc won tho Ueiiity anproval of thounmidn. Ir ix inf tantaneons in utr-inlin relief Ín all head COlds, sueeziny. inurllnií and obstruoted bri-nthliiir.and rapidly remove.- 'he most opprettelve -yinpioinu, clearing the head, sweetening tbe bre-'th, reatOrtfig the Henees of amell, tawte and hearinii, and neatrallzlng tbe conatitntlonsl tundency of the dUcaee lowards the lunt, liver and kiilney. Sandtokd's Radical Cure cminfutr of one bottle of the Radical Cure, one box of Catakkual Solvent, and Impbovbd Inhalek ; price SI . POTTKK DRUG AND ClIKXIUAL Co.. H08TON . KIDNEY PAINS, Strulus and Weaknesses, Jiflli'ved In ode minu'e by that marvelnHp9 ons Antidote tu l'.iin. Iml .nnuiation aiul yHf WcikiK-. the ulicura Antlf lm l'.iin IMiiHlcr. Tbeflnt and uuly lk paln-lciliititr ntrciitiienliif; piaster. KnI Jk perially adapt.'d to Ins'antly relieve ar. d speedíly cure Klduey and L'terlne Paiiif and WeakiieHS Warrsnti'c! vatly mipvrlor to all other piasters. At all drogiUt. ! cc-nts; 5 for 1.00; i r, unstaL'u fre-, of Pottku Dkuu asu OuXUICAL Co., Boston. Mans. THE ANN ARBOR SATINGS BANK, ANN AliBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business, CAPITAL, $60,000. Oreanlzed nnder the General Banking Lwol thls State, the stockholdors lndlvidnally Hable for n addttlonal amoant equal to tbe stock held bj them.therebycreating a üuarantee Fund for the hencllt of Deposltor of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savlnc Deposita of onc dollar and upward, accordliiK to the rules of the Uank and interest compounded emi-anmially. Koneyto Loan on uniucumbered real estáte and other good securlty. DIBECTOR8 : CHRIBTIAN MACK, WM. D. HARRIMAN, W W WINEH, DANIEL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DBDBEL, WILLARU B. SMITU. UA.V10 KINSEY. OFFÍCKRS: C. MACK, Pre. w. W. WINBS, Vlce-Prf C. it. HISOOCK.Oashter. ¦ MIIHUMf HU ''s i i-vol ntloni.ecl the world TTriuTTnlU 'lurliiB the last half cantury. II lUll llUil Not laait araong the wunder ¦il 1 ¦¦( ¦¦, nventVe progresa 1 a method and systein of work that can be perfonned all over the country without Meparatlug ttie workers froin thelr homes. Pay llberal ; any one calido the work ; elther ex, young or old; no ppclul ahillty raqulrad. Capital not newled ; you are Htarted free. Cut thts out and return to us and we wlll Bend you free, BomethltiK of reat value and lmnortance to you, that wlll start you In buslness. which wlll brliiu you In more m v rlKht away than uiiythlng else In the world. Urand outfit free. Address True & ('o., Augusta, Mnlnu.


Ann Arbor Courier
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