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Coninienceuieiit exercises at Saline June 29th. ' Alexander Smilh ha? been elected marshal of Milan. South Lyon hopes to have a foundi y started soon. The Chelseu flre eiigine is now in Bood purnpiDg trim. The Milan Baptist oontHbnted $10 75 Children'g Day. The late frosts injured cherri.s n tli-il he erop wil! be llght. The Manchester base bnll rlnl. leat the Chelsea clubreceuUy. One farmer uear Btookbridge lias nut )Ut 150,000 cek-ry phints. The Plttsttehliipophi nrecreiHted witli good road work this spring. The Northprn Lenawee farmers are to picnic at Saud Lake, Huturday. Rev. O. B. Tburaton, of Plnckney has een enjoying a two week's vacation. The Milan Sons of Veterans expected o be inustered into camp last eveninjf. 'Picnic at Joslyn Lake 8turday by the cholars of diatrict Xo. 1, Bridegwater. High School eomnieneeinent exercises t the Chelsea towu hall Friday evening ext. Not quite as niuch barlpy sowed as sual, and the condition !)á percent.comared with average years. Geo. H. Mitchell, of Lima, ia to put in fruit evaporator this year having a camcity of 120 buebéTa .wiy. Several large trees on the Ann Arbor lighway were blown down, yeaterday. uring the storm. - Saline Observer, June l Oracious! the Sun lias rolled srounrl nother year, or the year has lolhil he Sun at Stockbridge. How f ast cylee it. John A. Duim, of Saline; Adrián II. ranriper, Ypsilanti ; and W. Kennedy, 'inckney, are among tlie ncw penaionrs. Tb Mgt council Royal Arcan um of 'psilanti, celebrated their lOth anniverary last week, and it was a great sucess. A big apple erop s anticipated this 'ear, and where the (rees have been pntyed the fruit will be free from worms. On June 12th the four children and welve grand children of I. B. Godfrey, f Saline, helped him celébrate his Cötli irthday. J. J. Stephenson, of Ypsllantl, has aold lig photograph business, and about July st, will remove to southern California or his health. Tliere have been more oats sowed this ear in this county than usual, and the ondltlon is given as 9G per ceut. in comarison with average years. Prof. A. (oodfellow, tormcrly of Fenton, will have charge of the South Lyon chools the coming year. Miss Ètta )oty la to be one of the assistants. Mrs. M. D. L. Branch, of Stockbridge, ïad a cataract as large as a marrowfat ea and the shape of a kornel of coffee emoved from her eye rcceutly, so saya ie Sun. The condition of meadows and pasure as compared with average years is 9 fc ; clover 90% ; apple prospecta 'J 7 nd peach prospects !1 per cent., accordDg to the June erop report. Only 8 out of 25 milis and elovators i thi county reported to the state delartment last inonth, and their ligures re 17,783 bushels of wheat marketed In riay. Tliere have been 561,027 buahels marketed since August lat last. The wool market about here is no go. n other pmrts of the State B sinall amount las been marketed from 10 to 22 cents. - )exter Leader. All on account of tornooi Iegislation by the democrats in Confiesa. The people will pass upon it in ïovember. Mr. Andrew Campbell returned from he eaet last week, having atte'nded the anniversary of the Home Missioaary Soiety of the Congregational church, at Saratoga. He comes back tilled with the nthuaiasin whioh thoae grand ocCMioni ngender. - Ypsilantian. Cards are issued announcing for June 21st, the marriage of MissSudic McLouth of Brookingp, Dak., to Mr. Theodore A. Stanley, of New Britain, Oonn. Oon;ratulatione, in which Miss Sadie's many riends in Ypsilanti would be only too willing to join. - Ypsilantian. The condition of wheat in this county, compared with vitality and growth of average years, is 62 per cent, und there s only six per cent. of the old erop still n the hand? of farmers. The per cent of orn acreage this year ia placed at 10., and 3 per cent. of acreage MM to grow. George H. Ingoldsby, of Jackson, agent for the Collins Road Cart Comany, lost hls hat out of the car window aat Saturday bet ween here and Jackson. {inging the bell, the train waa itopped nd backed back so that he wm able to ecover it. - Stockbrldge Sun. Who says corporations have no souls 't The Germán Workingmen's Kociety of Saline, is oiHcered as follows: PreKldPnt- John Frank. Vloe-President- John Keuenincticr. SöcreUiry - Freü. Weitmlner. Treasurer- J. (. Flnils. Standard Doarer- Oeo. Doelknr. Society Püyglclan- Dr. C. V. Uuterkirclur. TruateeH- .luliu Cook, M. beeger, John jiitz, Ueorge Schmldt, nnd Oeorgo I.ludcucUiuldt. While ridine on a bicycle thn othcr day Bro. Chllson, of the South Lyon Picket, feil and blacked one of his i i-. - Plnckney Dispatch. If it was almost any one else than Bro. Chilson, we mlght have lald it to a stick of kindliug wood llyiiii; up and htttlng htm in the eye. But we shall implieitly bcllevc the bicycle storj'. This villaje i qow a Ure politlcalPiUsr-hat-tovvH. The bata are white, the Demócrata belng diatinguiahed from the Kepublicans by bavlng a black bami, the bands on tlie others being same color ;ts tlie huts. Tbere ar eifrbty of these hata now beTnjt worn by our citizens.- Milan Leader. It teems perfectly proper tiiat tlie demdcrata ahould have black (crape) bands iround tbelr bats. ItlsgoJna to be moumful times lor tliem. Oor contení po rarv tbe Cheteea HeraM ragkes free ue of Tbe Sun very wek aerTlng up is readen with si, Ie Aishea trom i'ureoric.sM)ii(ents. without even a contplinieoi to tbe eook Wehave heard it K!ii.l ihere is booor amonf ihirvc-. sic San. It you can get any aatlafacclon oul ol oocoanul yaa ara a 'Maiiily,1 :mil tl dilor.s of Ulifi entire tecÜOD wil] club t.invtlirr and buy iroU n new pa,ir of se(aara or soMeUilag. The onlon iwanp on the pole raad in l'ittsiiehi, about live milea nortbeast of tou n, dow pivscnts im aiiiniated scène. rhare are abaut 300 acres Mt out to the f ragrant onion, whlch is kist now being cultivated and weeded, wliich work gives employment to a large torce of men and boys. 'l'lie place has a new name, Kappsville, a large sijfn bearing that title baniriog oa the building ol an oW conntrym in, who settled therii a few fWkn ago and by thrifc and industry has made hinisclf a coml'ortablc home.- Saline Observer. The June erop report has tliis "loomy pntsropli f.-,.„v ,',, ,w Sniinty; "Wheat very backward - sorno pieoea will iiot be harvested. On cl ir land wheat wil] not ba hal a orap. Ou "i.i ¦ elly soil sotne Jields look well, but Tt is mostly lljht. A few fair pieoea on low land- many Qe.lda vvould be plowed up it nol MT.Ir,!. Cold, dry u,. ulier kept wheat from UDering, cousequently it la thln where tlierc is any. Il maat be ;i verv light erop. Think wheat rood for twelre busliela to the acre if berry ia plurnp. 'heat mostly poor - is nou nelped by the reeent raio - may make two-thlrds of a croj), not more.


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