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The End For 1888

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Tlie programe lorcoinmcncetneut week In the L'niversity, has been giren to the public, and is as ibllows: Saturday, Jane ÍS, 9 a. m - Examlnatlon of candldateg lor admlulon. Sunday, Jane !U, 8 p. m.- Dlscourse to the graduating classes by Preêldent Angelí In Ünlverslly Hall. Monday,June;:,, 3 a. m.- Exauiluatlon of candidatos for admitslon. CLASS DAY, DKPARTMKMT Or MEBICIHÏ ASD SURQBRY. lúa.m.-la L'niverslty Hall. PoembyGeo. H.Cunklln. clans hlatory by Chrlstlne K. Anderson, B. 8. Oratlon by Will L. Grlmn, B. S. Prophecy by Horace Wllcox. Addres by the clan President, Henry Halst, A.M. CLASS DAY, DEPARTMENT OF I.AW. tp.m.- In Unlverslty Hall. Address by theclas President, WilllamSimpson Krost. Poem by Charles AlllDg, A. B. Oration by Marión De Verles, l'li. B. Clans hlstory by Perley Francls üosbey, A.M. Class prophecy byAlmenda Kllza Hltohcx)k. Consolatlon by Lodowlck Fltch Crofoot. Taetday, June ÍS, 10 a. m. Annual meeting of the Board of Regenta. CLASS DAT, DEPARTMENT OF MTEBATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. 10 a. t.- In Unlverslty Hall. Oratlon by Morltz Rosenthal. Class hlstory by .lames Nathan MoBrlde. ;. ín.- Under the Tappan Oak. Poera by Riste Jones, clans prophecy by Laura Oliver Tupper. Address by the class President, John Havard Powell. 8:30 p. m -Class reception In the pavlllon. CLAS3 DAY, DEPARTMEHT OT DENTAL SUKGEKT. 0:30 p. m.- At dental college. Address by Preuldenl. Thomas 8. Maxwell. Poem by WUUain O. Kandall. Class hlstory by Krank H. Esslg. Onitlon by Kgbert T. I,oeffler. Prophecy by Mis Harrlette Parkes Brlerley. ALUMNI DAY, DEPARTMENT OF I.ITKRATUKK, .¦SCIENCE AND THK A HI1. yfednttday. Jane 27, 9 a. m.- Speel al reunión of classes. Meeting of alumni of Htudema' Chrlstian Associatlon In the asssoclatlon room. Aa.)).- Business meeting of the alumni of the department of lllerature, sclence and the arts, In the cbapel. hp.m.- In Unlverslty Hall. Oratlon br Floyd B. Wilton, A. M., of New York, of the daas of 1871. .Subject, "A Neglected Science.'1 DEPARTMENT Of MEDICINE ANDSUROERY. 3 p. m.- Business meeting of the alumni of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, In the lower lecture room of the Medical College. Address by Lewls V. Pllcher, M. !.. of Brookljn, N, Y. DKPARTMENT OF PHiRMACY . 10: ; a. m.-In room 20, Chemical labratory. lluslness meeting of the alumni of the .School of Pharmacy. l!:SOp. m.- Dlnner of the alumni, followed by an address by Frederlck Stearns, of Detroit, at .'J p. m. CLASS DAY, HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEOK. ¦''. in. Under the Tappan Oak. Oratlon by John H. Lawrence. Poem by Hutoka Lucy Porter. Class hlstory by Miss Llzzle A. Hendershott. Prophecy by Miss Mary E, Thompson. Address by clau President, Kugeue V. Ruggles. DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL SCRGERY. 10:30 a. m.- At the Dental College. Meeting of the alumni. Addresses by the members of the assoclatlon . 7:30 p. m.- In Universlty Hall. Annual commenceinttnt concert gtven by the Amphlon and Unlverslty Ulee Clubs and Orcheitra. Part I, "A Summer Idyl," a cantata for soprano, contralto and tenor solos, chorus and orcheatra. Libretto hy Miss KIste Jones, of the graduatlng class; muslc by Mr. K. U. Cote, of the graduatlng olass. Part II. - Incidental muslc for orchesLra from "Orpheus," by Gluck; "Oypsy Chorus," by Lassen, wlth costume and actlon; scène from SVeber's opera, "8vlvuna." .';). m.- In the chapel. Unlverslty Kenate reception for graduates, former students and friends of the Unlverslty. THE FORTY-FOOKTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMKNT Thunday, June Z8, 9 a. m.- The procesHion will form in front of the Law building. 10 a. tn. - In Unlversity Hall. Commoncemenl exercltes. Oratlon by Thomas. C. Chamberlaln, LL. D., President of the Unlverslty of Wisconsin. Conferrlng of degrees.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News