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Tiie days ure as long now na tliey e?ei will be- this year. The semi-annual barvest of the bnggage wagons is now on. A rain evrry tbird or fourth day g what s needed on Aim Arbor's gravel bed soil. Sumlay was one of the dnys " you hearn teïl on." Ouly 95 In the shade ot au Ice house, that' 8 all. A paper was read by Dr. W. J. Herdman before the State Medical Society meeting in Detroit lust Frlday. The Ann Arbor Dramatic, Co. playei to h large audience at CheWei Saturday evening, and gave (jood satisfaetion. J. L. ötone was electeil a iikmiiImt ol the executive commiftee of the Btati Hotel keeper's Association at Detroit, las week. The Allegan Journal very familiai Iv and ungallantly refera to otir coloree lawyer and preacher (?) as "Steamboa Thompson." Dr. A. H. Jone formerly travel ing saleamnn for the Egan Truas Co., is now doing Michigan in the interests of the "Chicago Trusa Co." The steamer was out Saturday fore iioon throwing water on the court banu lawn. By and by, when the lawn needs water t will be ipl to " go dry." Dr. T. Y. Kayne was In Detroit las week attending the State Medical A-n ciation where lie uxhiliited the "Chtnagt Truss" of which the doctors spoke vory hlghly. During the hot days about the 011I3 cool place to be sti uck is In the coui house, but it is tbouzht that it will grad ually begin to wurm up there as tliecani paign progresaes. The closiug of St. Thomas' parochia school occurred Monday. Laat evening a musical was given in the hall of the school, which received inany good word. frotn those attcnding. Prof. Chas. A. Kent devoted a hal hour to enlighteninjr the women attending the Eqiial Suffrage Convention at Detroit last Friday upon their rights, uu der the laws as at present conslituted. The commencement address at the Michigan .Military Academy at Orchan Lake was delivered last Wednesday by Hou. Kdivard P. Allen, cougrespinu froin this district, and i.s spoken of ns a masterly etl'ort. Dr. Huntington of Grace church, New York City, preached a most exceden1 sermón before the members of Hobart Guild, atSt. Andrew's church hst Sunday evening, hls subject treatlng of the secret springs of success. While running a buzz snw at tlie planing mili Monday, Will Armstrong was hit by a piece of board that flew frora the saw, Ptriking him across the riglit breast. Dr. öniitli, who attvnduil linn says he will come out all riglit. The water which the people of the city found awaiting them Alonday and Tues day in their faucets miglit have been excellent for wasliing sheep or íwine, but to use it for washing the insiJe of one's stoinach was a dangerous proceeding. The manner in which the city o r 5tl ward cemetery is kept up la coiiiiihmkIible tor those having il in charge II there were more trees in and about tlie grounds it would be one of th; mosi beautiful picces of ground to be fouiid in the city. The musical portion of tlie pror.un held In th Stil ward church Ust Friday evening (ia Itpntttd at C I!. D.ivison's resideuce, Mond ly evening, (or the bcnclit of himself and wife who were miable to attend, and whose dlDjrtatata were participante Freeman Galpin, of Superior, had 11 cdrn house struck by lightninsr 1 ist Thursday, and the Washtenaw MutUnl Kirt Insurance Co. will psy for iis bvlnjj repaired. Mr. Galpin was standing only a short distance away and was GOlllHlerably shocked by the fluh. A case of trover, Mis. Juliana Sorg siiot Sol link Wiiml, was coiniiicicril in the court ycstenlay. This srovvs out of the deticiency of Albert Sorg while city treasurer, and the handling of the stock of turned over by Sörg 10 Wood to make good the bondsmen. There wua uu exi-itln; ganit' of Invt ballon the fair grouüds l;isi SainnliT betweeu the Detroit High School nine and the Ann Arbor High Schools. The resul t was 20 to 2 runs in favor of tlie Ann Arbor nine. The batteries were Lewis and Booth for the Ann Arbor and Jerome, üussell and Carter as pitchers anil Clark catcher for the Detroit. The Detroit made 2 runs, 3 base hits, 17 assists and 7 errors; and the Ann Arbor club 20 runs, 21 base hits, 20 assists and 4 errors. Struck out by Lewis 12. by liussell 4 and Jerome 3; base ou erron Detroit 1, Ann Arbor 5. Umpire, Clinc. The cars carrying the Alger club3 of the state to Chicago passed Ihraagti the city 011 a special train Monday at about 9J o'clock. A band accompanied the train, and a stou off was made lon enough to rejfale the crowd with u lune, wlio sent tliem eheering on their wuv. " What's the matter with Aljrer? Ih-'s all right!1' appeared to be the battle cry. Tliere were eijrht cars besides bargae and (Irawiiig room coach, each coach bore one of these mottos: " Al?er enlisti-d u a private and rose to be Mnjor General." " Alger, the Right Man in the Iiiyht Place.'1 " When Alger leads It is alwavs to Victory." "Gen. Alger rescued Micliiian from Democracy In 1884." " Algev, iirevet Major General for pnllant conduct at Trevellyan Station." ''Alirer, our Cavalry Leader will sweep the Field." There are certain perlods n our lives when it seems as if It was one contiinial funeral proceseion to the grave. We return from the burial of loved ones but to bllow the remains of other friends to helr last resting place so frequently that t would seem as if BOrrow woulil overshadow all else in our lives. We are leac o inake these remarks by the burinl on Sunday afternoon of Miss Jennie Van de Venter, who had been for i nuniber of yearR a faithful and trusted employé n tlie Courier establishment. The deceased had been ill for several weeks with typhoid f ever, from whicli it had een evident from the iirst that she oiüd not recover, and from whieh she dicd Saturday p. m. at 1 o'clock. Without any relativas here she was given the very best of care and attentiou by Mrs ohn Boylan, at whose house fhe was oardinjr at tiie time she was taken sick, nd to them and the many friends who asistetl them, mucü credit is due. Miss Van de Venter was born at Itidgevvay, jenawee Co., on August G, 1851, and aine to tiiis city eijihUen years ago lait April. She leaves several brothers and wo sisters, Mrs. Katje Baldwin, of East ordan, and Mrs. John Carny, of South Arm, Oharlevoix Co., both of whom arrived on Thursday and were present at the funeral services which were held Sunday afternoon from the residenee of Mr. Boylan, Iiev. Dr. ü.nnsay deliverinr tlie dlscourse. Tlie lemains were taken to the 5th ward cemetery and interred upou Mrs. Baldwln'a lot. The deceased was a true Christian womaii. and the beautiful llowers that kiiul hands hal placed upon her casketwere lymbolical of the spirit that left her body to enter tlie great mystery beyond the Krave. One episode of the Chica-jo eonvention now In session is quite aniusing as wdl as in8tructlve. A delégate trota Missouri appenred to be í-xtremely bitter itgainst Oen. Aljfer'a candidacy, not Rtidtaft the vocabulary of the English langiuige siiüicient ID wliich to tind words to abuíe liim. Lea rn ing that the delégate was a graduate ol" the University of Michigan ome of the Michigan cmitinj;ent endeavored to ascertain the cause fot his bttternes. Finally he told them "thnt miy man as governor of Michigan who coiild be go blind to bis own interests is (o veto an appropriation tbr t he {{reatest educational institution in the whole United States, wat not a man of snfflcient calibre to aupire, even, to the presidency, and ougbt not to reccive the support of sensible men," or words of llke Import. Upon being told that Gen. Alger was not the culprit, bnt had always been a friend to the university, he changed over to his support and is now doinj; excellent service in liis cause together with more than half of tlie Missouri deíegatlon.