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SOME DOCTORS hont'stly atlmit that they can't cure Klicuni jtisin and Neuralgia. Othera say they eau but-- dim't. Ath-lopho-ros says nothing but - cum. That's the secret of its success. Years of trial have proved it to bd a tjuick, safe, sure cure. OooeQHLX. Il .- Sfpt 3, 1887 In my own taunly AthloimnroH wan uin! as a last niiort, the naar tuvintr auflVred from rhriinmtiwm for yearn and havin In-i-n treattiï for the dfaease by different 1 'hysicianei in tuin State and Mh.hha-1mi¦ without even temi-urary rtuME, ¦:i my momnifinlation bcoivh of peo. 113 liavf uwhI tilín mutxly with the Bame ruüulu claiuied for it. C. II. Wijübon. Dubm.iit. lowa. Jan. 3, 1W& Athlopi.nroe Iihh oom pletuy cured me of nerrouü h adueñe, aiui I feel thaukful for all thütfoud it lu tloiir nu-. MrH. IiOUIBI ClIERRT. 4EScii'l fi oenta fr the beautifül eolored pío turo, " MoorUh Muiden.1' THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wat! St M. T. Long-Standing Blood Diseases are cured by the persevering use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Tliis medicine is an Alterative, and rauses a radical change in tin; systenx. The process, in somo cases, may not be quite so rapiil as in otliers ; but, with pcrsistcncc, the result is certain. Raad these testiiuonials : - " Kor two years I sufïered from a severo pain in my rifht sule, ainl had other troubloi cauaed iiy ;i torpld livor and dyspepeia. Alter (riving several medicines a fair tiiii without ourOi [ began to take Ayer'a Saraaparilla. I v;ls greatly benented by the. tirst bottle, and alter taking five bottlea I was Cüinnletely rureJ." - John W. Beuson, 70 Lawrence st., Lowell, Mass. Last May a large carbunclo broke out on my arni. The usual remedies had 110 effect and I was confined to my bed for eighl weeks. A íriond inilueed ino to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less than threa bottles healeil the sore. In all myexperience with inediciue, I nevor saw mora Wonderful Results. AnolluT marked effect of the use of this medicine was the strengthening of my ¦" - Mis. C'arrie Adains, Holly Si.rinss, Texas. "I had a dry sraly humor for years, and sutïered te'rrilily'; and. as my lirother and sister were Bimilarly afflicted, I presume the malady is hereditary. Last winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandina, Fla.,) recommended me to tako Ayer's BanaparillA, and continue it for a year. For ftve months I took it daily. I have nut had a hlemish upon my body for the last threis months." - T. E. AViley, 146 Chambers st., New Vork City. "Last (all and winter I was troubled witli a dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notieo it much at flrst, but it Biadually Rrew worse until it became almosi anbearable. Durlng the latter part uf this time, disorders of the stouiach and liver increaaed my troubles. I began takina Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, atter faithfullv continuing the use of this medicine for sume months, the pain dUappeared and I was completely cured." - Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush, Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPAEED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer te Co., Lowell, Mass. l'ricc SI; di buttlea, $5. Wortb $5 a bottle. pRTRICTS CBEAM lts superior excellence proven In mülionslo homes lor more than a quarter of acenlury. I isusfii ty the ITntted SiHtes government. En clorsed hy the heads of the i-eat Unlverslties as the Btrongest, Pnrett,and most HealtbuJ i ir. l'riee's tiieonly BakinR I'owderlhat does not eonlaln Aniniohia, Linie or Aluin. SoU onlv In raus. PHICE IiAKIXG POWDER CO., NEW YOUK. ( 111CAQO. 8T. I.OÜIS 19 I U MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratea Four Tripa por Woelt Eetween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. ItmAce, Cheboyfian, Alpena, HarrlavUle, Osooda, Sana Bearh, Port Hurou, Bt. Clair, OakUnd Houbo, Marine City, Every Weolc Day Betwcea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips d urine July and August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS XLAtca ttnd Excursión Tickets will be fumished by your Tickot Agent, or addrses E. 3. WHITCOMB, Gon'l Pim. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. Piso's Cure for Cona sumption is alao the best 3 Cough Medicine, g If you havo a Cough witliout disease of the EB Lungs, a few doses are all E3 3 you need. But if you nef B Kloet this easy moans of Hl JJJ safety, the slight Cough fgf tj may become a serious S 3 matter, and soveral bottles will be required. DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE S fes contains no Opium ordaiL BK Hf Kerous drug. Can be taken 4SBB5sB_H by any one at any time The lulett and best Dit' A?V.-y {¦ covcrr for HEADACHE. flBSLH NKIiVot SNKSS, SPASMg. V ¦L¦¦ S1,KE1'LESS'ES8. KITti TssVssVA NKX1 il, WGAKNES8, an jflPVMMH NEKVülS VISEASES. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Freí iiiiin i; iinli-il are tliose wlio read LJ T f1 (JT Vthis and then net; they will flnd iUUUU 1 lionarihle ernployinent tbat will not take thein trom their homes and families. The prollts are large and uure for every indtistrious person, many bave made and ar uowmaklng aeveral hundred dollars a month. It is easy for ïiny one to make 16 and upwnrds per Uay, who is willln to work. Either sex, young or oíd; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new No speolal ablllty reqalred, you, reader, can il wi U a any one. Wrlte to us at once for full particular, which we mail free. Adüress stiuson & Co., Portland, Malne. "CHICAGO TRUSS. " 'l SÊM!WÊÊt cheap. ApSpring '1ussS Ppro ved by lhud Rubber ( the highest ral; l.ight J-K Medical Aui 1 ran, (.'ooi tBÈm thority.Wurn D u r u b 1 e , 3sHsV d a y and nlglithymi Infanta week old or an Adult 80 i tl adjutted. It muets all forms of Nerotal, Fermoral, Inguinal, and Umbilical Hernia, in bith InfuuM u'ni AdulUl. Satisfactlon guaranleed In in uil cafes. Any de¦lrable iiressure oht.alned. Lady's tlmbilieal Tiiissfs a grand suooess. If your druggist ¦ lot s not kl ep this Trusa, endose stampa aud II II . TRL'SS CO. lit Eaet Randoph tt., Office same plnee. Chloajto. III. T. V. KAYNK, M UIAOKK.


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