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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thia powrter never vario. A mirvel of pnrlty, Ktreugth and wbolcvomenás. More economical than the ordínary kimin, and can not ! -nl-l in competiti 'ti with tht; multltnde of low test, short weiht slnni or ph fjhate p"wiler. SoM only in tone, Kuval B ¦lKINU I'owiiKK ('o , HKí Wall 8t.. N. Y. EVERY NIGHT I SCRATCHED I mi! ihr skin w un raw. Body rov¦rril wlth Kralen llke apotMof niortmr. 'u red l the mlcura Remedie. I im goiüg totell yonof the wxtraordinary chttnpe your CUTicURA Kkhmhkh perfoimed on me. Ahoutthe flrat of April lant I noliced himiic rd pimple libe coming out all over my body, but thoughtnothingof itnntileomethne later on, when it hcin to look Mke -puts of murtar epottcd on, and whieh carne o(T iu layéis, uccoinunnU-d with Hchipg. I would ecra'ch every niht aottl I wjih raw. Ilion the nezt nipht the Mül t, being formed im;amvhik, were ucraiched off ag'iln. Iu valn dld 1 connult all the doctors in the country, but without aid. After #? ivinti öP il" hopet of recovery, I happened to seean advertir1 ment in the rewwpaper about your CuTictTRA Kkmedies, and purchasetl tbem from my druist, and ohtained n'moet lm medíate relief. I in-m to nn'fce that the gcaly vrnptfons ffradually dmpped off aod dianpe&red one by one, and have bo'n ful y cured. 1 nad the dieafe thlrteen mui h? before I beyap takínjí the CUTirUARKKiMKsand ininur M Ilv(' w.kM was entirely cured. My difleane w u ec.em-i and psorl' ai. 1 recoinin iid d ihe Ci'Tiouka Kkmkdiks (o all iu my vicinity, and 1 kn"v of a great in mv who have taken them, and tbank me lor the kaowleflge of thtm, especial ly motheri who have babee with fcaly ernpti(nt on Hielr headf and bodieï. 1 cannot exprees in word a the thank to yon for what theCUTKURA Hkmeihïs liave bef n to me. My hody w;w cuvered with realen, and I was nu iwlul pectacle to behold. Now my nkin + n nice and clear ti a baby'. GBO. ('OTEY, Merrill, Wis. Hept. 21.18K7. Fcb 7, 1888.- No ft tmee whatoever o( tbeditteaae from whtch I miffjred has nhown Itaelf iincv mycure. EÜ. COTKY. We cannol o in-tire to the esteom In which 'i TicuRA. the reai 8kin Cure, and CuticUBA Soap. au exqu&ta kin Beaatifler, pro pared from it. and Cutí i" ka Kksoi.vknt, ihe new Blood Purifier, are held by the thousnnde upon thounandn whone livee have been mnde happy by the cure of flonlzici,', hnmUlatlog, Kchlng, sctiy and pimply (lifi-rt-fs f the skin, acald and blood, with loss of hair. Sold every where. Prlce: CuTicURA.ftOc. ; Soap, 15 C.; Rksoi.vknt, $1. Prepared by the Pottkk Druo Chemical Co., Boeton, Mass. ff"Send for "Uow to Cure Sktn DUeasen," ö4 pages, 50 illuntrations, and lOOteBtiraoniaU. Dl MPI'KS black-hcadi, red,rongh, chapped and rllVI oily tskin preveutedby CUticuba Soap. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers tr Buffocation whlle lylngdown; to breathc freely, steop BOandly and undistarbed; to rie refrcíbed, head clear, braln active and fre Irom pain ur acbe ; to knuw that oo poiaonuas, patrid maiter deillea tbe breath ainl rot away tho delicate mactainory of smell, taste and hearing ; to feel that the system does not Ihroush lts vein und rteries, stick up the poison that is sure to undermlne and destroy, is Indeed a blettsint! bi'youd all olhiT human eLJojments. To purchane imuiunity from 8UCh a fute sliouhl be the object of al1 alHicted. But thoee who have trled many remedirá and physiclans despair of relief or cure. Santord's Radical Cure muets evi-ry pbAAe of UaUrrh, from a pimple head cold to the mont loatlisome and destrnctlve stages. It is local and couititutlcmiil. Instant in rellrvini', permanent In t-iiriii''. safe, economlctl and never faillng. öanükord's Radicad Cvhk consista of om: Dof tle of ihe Radical Ourk. one hox of Catakriiai. SolvInt. and one Iüprovku In il x i.kii, ill wrappcd In one packsge, with treatise and dlrectlon, and sold by all drui'ists for il . NoRheumatizAboutMe IT OXE MINUTE M Tfc Cullcur Antl-I'aln ÊT Planter, relieves Kbelimatlc, Hela J tic, Sudden, Sharp anrl Nervim l'aln, Pf 1 tmiiiB and Weaknesnes. The flrst 7Ër+""i only pnin-killliiK pliwtor. New, ¦ r original, ln-taranu"i, Infallible, nafe A marvelltiua Antid te to Pain, Inflainmaïlon and Weukues. lit.rly unlike and vastly cuperio' to all other plasrs. At all drnwixti, ÏjcenW: five for $1.W); or, pon'aue fn-e, of PoTTBS LlRLu & CiiKHUil. Co., Bnaton. M ibs. THi - AM ARBOR SATINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. 0reaul7.ed nnder the General Banking Law of thlsStat", thestockholaors are individually Hable for an addltlonal amount eq nal to the stock held by them, Iherehycreatinií a (uarantee Fund for tbe benent of Deposltora of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest is allowed on all Savlnjr Deposita of one dollar and npwards, aecordliiK to the rules of the Bank and Interest compounded emi-annnally. Koneyto Loan on nnincumbered real estáte and other good secnrlty. DIHECTOHS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HARRIMAN, W W WINES, DANIEL UISCOCK, WILLIAM DBUBKL, WILLARU B. SMITU. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICKRS: C. MACK, l'res. W. W. WINKS, Vlce-Prei C. ii. HISOOCK.f!;ishler. IuaaUMIMH lin revolutionlzed the wnrld MTTPlUTTnlu 'lurliiB tlie lattt half century. Il V lili 1 il Nit loaHl iiriioiii; the wouders "'""""ui lnventlve progre la a method And oystern of work that can te performed all over tli! country without epartIng the workerH from their bomen. Pay liberal : any one cando the work; eltherex, youñg or olü ; no special al.lllty requlred. Capital not neoded ; yon are Htarted fr.e. Cut thU out and return U uh and we wlll end you frea, Boinethlng of great value and linnorlance to yon, tliat wlll start you In business, wblch wlll brlng you In more inonev rlghtaway than unythlng elue In tbe world. Orand outfit ree. Addresn True 4 Co„ Auguat, Malne.


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