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The State Normal school is 35 years old. Tliere were 115 graduales from the Normal tilia year. They are wbooping t tip over at Saline - whooping couh. A Saline llrm have the job of palnting A. W. Clark's new house in Ann Arbor. Dr. Sliaw has removed from Chelsea to Ypsilanti uiid will enter upon practiee there. The Womcn's Relief Corps of Milan reeen tly refcllzed $13 77 from an Ice orean social. ('lover is said to be a poor erop this KMQn, but tiinothy and red top are excellent. Philip Dyer, ol Uuadilla, bul nceived letters patent on a farm gate ol bis own laveotlon, Milán has elected a red-hot prohibitionist as villaje marshal. Now lookout for blood. Prof. J. H. Shcpard and Miss Clara R. Duraud, both of Ypsilanti, were marrled last Thursday. You can deposit money in the Chelsea banks just as late in the day as the stores will selt you goods. Mrs. 11. II. Marsh has opened an ice cream parlor at her residence or. Ann Arbor Street, Saline. Rev. ür. Holmes, ofOhelsea. delivered the address befo re the graduating class of the Quincj High school Hoy Copehind, of Dexter, has been appolntéd assistant to Prof. ,1. C. Wood, in the Homeopathie department. It is said that the whieh luis now hended out develops an unusutil r.inount of sinut. Well, tliia is a political ycar. The sweet country school marm is now visiting het inicie, her cousins and lier aunts, and eiijoyiug a well deserved rest. The meiubers of St. Joseph church, Dexter, have madeextensive preparallons for the celebration of the 4th ot July today. The new Cathollc church at Stóckbrldjre, will cost between $3,000 and $4,000, of which $3,000 has already been raised. The Saline Odd Fellows have elected J. G. Khnis, N. O.; V. II. Smith, V. G.; O. K. Hawkiiis, Secy.. and J. H. Fish, Treas. Ex-Representattve James M. Congdoni died at bis home In Chelsea, recently aged 83 years. He has resided in tbis county 50 years. Manchester tramps refuse bread and butter with scorn, and cali for pie íind frosted cake. Pretty tony tramps over that way. A Milanite was beat out of $25 by a sharper on the train coming home from Detroit the other night, and compromised by receivinit $15 back. Deputy County Clerk Brown, was over here Sunday. - Saline Observer. You want to look out for hini Ue told us the other day he was loaded. Prof. Lnomas, fonnerly of Northville, will superintend the Manchester schools the coming year at a salary of $000. He is well recouimended for the position. Cnvanaiigh Lake lias commenced business for the season, and the Ohelsea summer resorters are on the tip-toe of expectatiou for a delightful time this summer. The free trade canker worm bas eaten into the price of wool this spring, and by so do'mg bas rotted off niany a proniislog vote for the democratie tree trade party. The low prico of wool is traced directly to the Mills tar II' bill whicu President Cleveland favors. Wonder how our farmers like it? Free wool and protected sugar! Nice, isn't it ? The pupila of districts No. 0 and 8 of Lima, of which Misses Alice Guiñan and Ilattie Carter, respectively, are teachers, liad a grand picnic iu Koengeter'g grove, Lima, on the 22d uit., which was atteuded by about 200 people. One of the hired men at Dr. Watson's went oiit to the field, Sundiy, to salt the cattle, and in gome way broke a leg of one of the doctor's best cows, and the animal had to be killed. The hired man ikipped, - Saline Observer. The Normal News, the publicatlon of the students attending the Stato Normal school at Ypsilanti, will be edited next yearby P. F. Trowbridge, '8Í), as editor in chief; Ransoni George '8'J, as assistant, and F. J. Hendersou '89 business manager. The saloon keepers of Manchester have v.w.h reoievcd notice, trom the "law and order leaijue" that unless thcy confonii to the law they will be prosecuted. If saloon keeper." everywhere would obey the law they could stop mucb of the liquor agitation. If it bad not been for the wakefulness of the wonien at Brlghton Jast Wednesday nifjlit burjrlars would have robbed the breeches poekets of half the men in town. Aa it was they made quite a haul of money, watches, etc., befo re waking up the wonien folks. Sherman & Morton is the name of the new firni that wants to relieve Cleveland & Co. from natlonal servitude on the tth day of Mareh, 1888.- Milan Leader. If Bro. Smith wasn't a strict prohibltlonist he would be accused of being slightly "off" wheu that was written. The preunrt must have been high at the camp meeting one Sunday recently, near Ypsilanti, where live horses were killed by the heat. Still it is reported that this awful illustration did not melt the tough sinners of Ypsilanti to any considerable degree. - Brigbton Citizen. The Plnckney Dispatch editor Is get tlng up In the world, huviog been elected captain of a base buil ninc- Dexter Leader. AVe find by experience, Bro. Allen, tliat we get down(ed) more tban up so far.- Pinckney Dispatcli. Why don't you knock 'em out witli Disputen. The Saline republican club, tliat has more anxiety for the prosperíty and welfare of the workingmen of tliis country than respect for the English made red bandanna liandkerchiefs now nnmben upwardsof200 members, and the good work is still going on. Victory is in the air tliis year. The coming fair of the Connty Society will be agood one, or all tigne (all. Il ia evldently going to be an excellent yeai for a good growth of vegetatiou, andan erl'ort will be made to bring out a largrr display tlmn usual. The bojrg and girln slwmld cotnmence getting somefhlhg ready to brlng in and tluis help make the display a grand one. Schmid & Hnlbert liave bought almiit 20,000 pounds of wool Iliis senson, the highest priees paid being 22 ets. Freeman & Burtless havebought about 2."i,oOO pounds, paying about the same price, and it is thought that our dealers have secured thelr share of this year's clip thna far. Saturday will be the delivery day. - Manchester Enterprise. John J. Stevena' Camp Ko. 13G, S. of V., with 24 members was instkuted at Monroe, Monday. by CapU V. W. Drew of Dundee. A Women's Relief Corps, G. A. K., was alao instituted during the afternoon, by Mrs. Robbins of Adrián. The olrleere of the Camp and Corps were publicly installed In the evening, after which a banquet was served. - Dundee Reporter. The county papers ncarly all have excellent reportsoi tlie f radnatlng exerclaea of tlie schools of their place. 'J'liis is commondable on the part of the papera. If therc is any one thing that builds up a comniunlty, it is tlie cliaracter of il s schools, and here in Washteimw county there is nota villaje or city but mny well feel proud of tlieir schools, frota the primary grades up. Prof. II. Loomix, of the Chelsea schools presented an exhaustive report of the schools of that place, the ch.-inges made and neeessary to be made. The enrollment at the high school of 77, eateeMi thatof former years by 20, the incr being mostly non-residents. The graduates are now admltted to the university an diploma, and a general air of success pervades the entire school syatem. In atuer words it is improving, " booming," io to Seak. A sharp, heavy clap of thundW followcd almost instantly by a blinding flash of lightning, last Thursday afternoon, coming f rom clear sky, startled i nuniber of our citizens, and frightened not a few. The bolt of li rlitniti r struok n a pile of old brick back of Wallicc's block, and was distinctly seen by several people. - Saline Observer. We have heard 3f "old bricks" going for "old lightning," but this is tlie lirst instuice of lightning going (or "old bricks '"on re:ord. J. II. DePue, of Readlng, has been to California a year, and on h8 return writes about the state as follows: " California Is the hottest and the coldest, tin' poorest and ricliest, wettest and dryest state in the union ; with more streams nd leas navlgable waters; more laborers und lesa labor; more gold and silver and less money; more cows and lesa butler Eindniilk; more chickens and less eggs where house flies live and Seas never die, and men pay $1,000 an acre for clltnate and have the land thrown ín." We aupposed ererybody knew tlie Jangerous cliaracter of tlie tojr pistol th:it explodes paper caps, and would furbld it to their children ; but wc aaw two little boys amusing themaelves with one on the street, a day or two ngo, and if one of them should get an atom of the biirning upon bis hand, and die iu the agonies of lock-jaw, it would be no more than has happened to hundreds of uthcr boys In tho last few years. Those apparently harmless little toys are as dangerous as rattlesnakes, and their bite is quite as fatal. It is Rtfange that anybody can yet be ignorant ot it or indifferent to it. - Ypsiiantian. Dundee had a lire last Thursday morning which destroyed the Johnson block, a three story building containing two Btores on lst Hoor, olllces on 2J tloor and a hall on the Jd tloor, which until ]tbe erection of the uew opera house was the only hall in the city. It was the property of J. IJ. Johnson, of Dundee, whose loss is placed $7,000, with no insurance. liesldes this was the loss of L. L. Flint, grocery stock $1,200, with $l,0OU insurance. The Mra. E. C. Kenyon dry gooils stock between $7,000 and $8,000 witli no insurance. There were minor losses by removing goods froin adjofnlbj buildings. The tire was the work of an incendiary without doubt, mul will be a big loss to Dundee. Tliirteen old men, Uncle Thomas Spafard's old friends, gave hlm a surprise last Thursday, June 21. Fivo of the men were over 80, and uncle Thomai said it was ivmarkahlo that since their (irst meeting, two yeurs ago, at Harvcv Squiers', no one of their number had died. When Mr. Frank Spufard found that his house was besieged, he camefrom the lot, the teams were snon stowed away In the large, commodious barns. Afler refreshinente, and by the way, did you know that it takes an artist to set a table as wcll f.8 Mrs. Frank Spatarü Krank propoMd tliat the comp'iny should all be weiglud, and it was jolly to see 14 old men mi Uu hay scales asking the macliine how lieavy a load it had on. It did not coniplain, however, of the whole irsljrht, hich was 2112 pounds.- Mancliostir Kntcrprise. -, Tlie Woman's Bicycle Club of Washington lias already seventy members.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News