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From The Philippines

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The following extract f rom a letter from Prof. J. B. Steere to Mrs. R. A. Beal, we are permltted to ve our readers: We are now ncarintf the end of our work and can begin to look upon it as au accomplished tact. Eightmonthsof liard work here are behiiul U8 and only a little over tliree befora U3. We have clung pretty closely to the plan I had laid out before starting, and have visited the Islands of the western part of the archipelago first, then those ofsouth, then those of the center, then those of the east, and now we move on to those of the north. We have now visited eleven of the principal islands of the group and have three yt to visit, when our work will be complete, and we shall havo rcpre6entative collections from the fourteen largor islands of the group. We have already a large amountof work new to science, and are hopinj to do more in in the time stl'l remainine to u. We are already able to see some of the chief outlines of the distribution of animáis in the Philippines, and the results are striking and new. The members of the party have kept in jrood health most of the time, so that we have kept at work continu illv, and with guch a number we have been able to do ïnucli more thorcugh work than onc alone could have done. 1 hope that the Uulversity Museum will be very much ennched by the results of the trip and that the study of Zoolojry in the Uuiversity will receive an Ímpetus nlso thiit will be permanent. I have enjoyed the trip very much, and have had a grand opportunity for adding to my knowledge of1 animal life. There is no way so good for the study of Zoology as to go to the woods and the seus to do it. Editor Cressey, of the Center, the prohibition organ of this state, announces that ii is paper is for sale to the highest bidder; that he has spent three years of hard, earnest work, and given lus party a red-hot organ, hut tbe time has come when he can lose no more money; but must sell out and pay hls ilebts. AVhen Tippecanoe was nominated in 1840 the rank and tile of the Whig party wanted theirfavorite leader, Henry Clay. The times were hard; a change in the tariffpolicy from f ree trade to protection was demanded East, West and even South; and the great defender of American industry was the natural leader for the canvas?. The Whigs dld not get Mr. Clay, but they made a rattling canvass under their Harrlson, and were victorious. The republicans now have Harrison in place of Blalne, their natural leader. Let them work and they will win. - New York Tribune. The following report of the coraparative wages paid luboring men in the several different manufacturlng enterprises common to tlie United States and free trnde Knjfluiiil inay prove of interest to our readers: U.S. Eugland. Implemeut8..$10.5 $8.46 BootnndSlioes 11." -(.37 Building traden 14.9 7.21 Carrlages aud wagon 13.89 4.8 (ïothint; 10.91 li.71 Priutlngand publlshlng... .11.87 .'.52 Woolen goods 12.19 B.OT Furnlture 11.04 4.S6 Artlsans' toola 11.8} 4.S0 The democratie party asks every laboring mau in tuis natiën to make that lirst column confurm to the second column. In other words to take the bread anl butterout of his own mouth and put it in the mouths of his English competitor. Willhedo it? When the lay Iaborer of this country wants B pair of wooleu blnnkets tokeeptlie paunsof eold frora hls chllilren's shiverlng boilies, lie pays 101 per cent tarllt', but when Jtiy Gould wants dazzllng dlamonds to bedeck hls wli'u wlth he puys 10 per cent tari tr.- Caro Democrat. Exactly, Mr. Free Trader. Xow please teil us how many dlamotiüs are iiianufactured In the United States; and how inuch the tariffon diamonds protocts any laborer in tliU country? Jay Gould's wife may wcar diamonds, but Jay Gould liimself wears broadcloth, and lie wmn a goutf iuallty, lt is supposed. liroadcloth 8 a product of wool, and in the manufacture of woolen goods of all kinds thoinaiids of men are employed in the United States at an average salary of $12.10 per week. In Enjiland for the same work in the ame class of faetones, t lie laborer gets $5.67 per week on an average. Take oft" the tariff on miinufaotured woolen goods and the BngtUh manufacturer will rush bis goods in to this market at a less price tlian the American manufacturer can possibly afford to sell at. The reu son why Isplaia to a blind man, because labor is so mucu cheaper there than here. Wooltn blankets can be bought f rom $3 to $5 per pair. Mr. Gould bas to pay trom $45 to 186 i snit for his fine clolhes, according to quality. By reducing or takiiifr off the taiïll' be could obtain hl fine clothes from $10 to $20 cbeaper perhaps, but evcry cent of it would come out of the American laborer, for when the two markets are put on an equal footing t'.ie price of labor in the two countries must of a neces8ity be placed on the same level also. The day laborer might aave from 10 to 30 cents upon a pair of blankets by rneang of free trade, but Jay Gould would save more than ten times as much on his fine clothes, and the homes of our laborera suffer by theso-called gain. Free trade means cheaper goods, cheaper labor and untold misery for the masses. Is this nation ready for it? IÍ so, vote for the party that advocates it, by all meana. Tlie youngsters are planning their sum uier cumpaign. Ellen, wife of Thos. Flowers, of tliU city, died June 27th, aged 60 years, ol consumption. Funeral services were held Friday. The old mashannock (pronouneed mashon-ick) potatoes are coming nto popularity once more. They were considered the very best grown, some 35 or 40 years ago, the pink-eye being a close second. Bridget, widow of the late Owen Clark and inother of Patrollman Mlcliael Clark of the 4th ward, dled Monday aged 80 years and 5 month?, of cáncer. Funeral Thursday at fl a. ra. from 8t. Joseph church. Philip Stimson, who has been doing business in East Sasrinaw for tlie past year, will return to Ann Arbor and run a grocery business to be started by Wm. McCreery on Ann st. Mr. C. C. Warner, who has been with Mr. Stimson will also rettiru and be employed in the same store. For a wonder, onr village has only a sligle aspirant for honors on the conniy democratie ticket this full, bat perhaps the other scekera aftur pohtical fi are merely waitlng to see how hls Doom wtll materializa at the couvention. And here's Iiopiru' that Saline' candidato wil] gtt there witti li' ¦tli I' i'i at the nomioation of the ticket, whlch is equivalent to an election. We would say gomathiny ahnut the candidatos on the oppostte side of the uolltical l'ence, il there was any chance for their Ketting within forty rows of apple-trees of bcing elected. -Saline Observer. Ooly onc candldate! That is newg indeed. How about Frank Jones for pro seciiting attorney? John Gillen for sheriff'? A. J. Warren for register of deeds? and severa] yet to liear faom ? It Isn't so certain yet Mi at ever}' republican candidate on the ticket In this county will not be elected thisfall. Don'tsquander anylliing on it. How is tli Is for a tramp story. It is a true mie I Hm told. Lust week one of t líese " eentlemen of leisure " who travel overland on loot, oalled at a house and aaked for somethiiiK toeat, addlng "I would prefer roast beef." The lady, so the story goe. was so ftinused she tbought at flrst sh would glve hlm some roast beef as Hlie luid gome In the house, then lndlnation got the better of her and Bhe would not give lilm anything.- DemOc r& t. And if that lady would always allow her Indiftnation to guide her actlons when these fellows apply for fioil or help, she would be doing a service to herself and the comuiuuity. The Kalamazoo Oazette man keep an eye out for the Rood things of this world and writes one of tliein up as follows' " The Ann Arbor Baptists have a unique way of roping in quarters for the cause l'liey hold roll cali meetings at whlch every inember Is expected to be present and answer to liis name. Then supper Is announced In the chapel at G o'clock and of course no Ann Arbor Baptist is so rreen that he ciin't take the hiut or so mean as not to be real liungry about that :ime." He ought to come over and try It ilmself some time.


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