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The Brigliton Citizen is novr a bright readable paper. Co. D. 5th Mifh. Cavalry is to hold its 2ü anuual reunión at Northville, Aug. 14. This week will finish haying and it lias been good weatlier lor it generally speaking. John Warner takes care of Milui' streel lunps for $5 per inonth. Chcan t dirt. Supervisor Burch claims that better road work bas been done in Manchester toWDshlp thU year than ever bVfore. Dr. E. N. Pyle has been eleote.l rnresentative of Champion Tent K O 'I' M of Milan to tbe OreatTent at Port Hiiron Aug. 1-liii. The wlteat erop will be from lü to i." per cent. better than farmers thought possible a montli ago. Heads are lilliii" out grandly. " K. H Marsh lias in his possession ono of the Wm. il. Harrison medals used in the presidential campiiigr. of 1840.- Saline Observer. The highest price beine paid for wool in the county is 22 cents, and farmers are selling quite freelv. It will be lower before it is hlgher. There were 32 males and 32 females bom in Manchester township duriiii? 1837, and 2G deaths. There are also 43 old soldiers in tho town. Wheat harvest will be fully two weeks later this eajnn than usual, and will probably not open for ton dsys yet. Saline übserver, July ölh. Hert Adftms, while IMiing „ t„. m]] pond last Satarclaj-, railhl hm erl trefcrhinjf two pounda and three eooCM. That made two last week. - Dexter Leader. A party of forty persons Catnper] np at lürkett's bont house, on Little Portage, on the 4th, and had a jolly time, os tliey' teil the story.- Dexter Leader. Kirk Todd bas been chosen superintendent and Will Wilsou assiftant of a new Sunday school, organized in the Merril district of Webster Township. We learn that the twelve-year old son of Orson Beeman, of Lyndon had the mlsfortune to fall out of a tree last week and fracture the bones in both wrists Dr. Palmer, of Chelsea, was called and reduced the fractures. - Stockbridge Öiin. Thursday raorning the house of John Doody, Dexter township, was robbed of $45 in cash. a dozen knives and forks, two dozen tea spoons and a number of other articles. The thief got into the house by cutting a hole into the screen and unlatchihg the door. - Ieadcr. The happiest boys In ten states are the Milan base ball crew who won a game trom tbc Clinton nlne last 4th, by a score of 8 to 2, and tlien turned around and ber.t the Detroit nine 13 to 1. The 4th seemed to be a bad day for Detroit players all around. The Farmer's Picnic Associatiou, whicli holds its annual festival at Whitmore Lake, Ang. 18th, will be addressed by President Willetts of the State Aericultural College. Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland and Livingston counties are interested in the atialr. The congresslonal record of May 4th, eontaluing the speech of Hon. Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama, on the tariff, caine addressed "Col. Mat D. Blosser." If any of our patrons desire to read the speech, or gaze on the wrapper it was Inclosed in they can do so by calling at the office and saltiting the colonel (?) Enterprise. A correspondent of Vick's Magazine says : Every one should know that a little e:ilomel mixed with tlour or ashes spriukled on cueumber or squash vines ill keep them cntirely clear of the yellow bug. Last year I used only twenty cents WOrth, and had a large patch of meions, cucumbers and all kinds of squashes. They go imraediately and " stand not oii the order of their goina;." A pointer for the farmer's picnic association. Last year about a half dozen representatives of papers, attended the meeting to get a report and the Picket with othersgave a full page report of the precedlngs. Not a thing was done for their convenience. We would suggest that tilia year a table or bench be prepared for the press reproseutatiyes. It will considerably lessen their labors and the kinilness will be appreciated.- South Lyon Picket. Miss Helene Stoot-, of wliotu uiention was made several montos ago in the Leader and Aun Arbor piipers, has arrived at her auut's in KhIudiuzoo from Paris, France. Jt wlll be remembered that her unele, Win. Bojrardus, of thiB place, assisted her finaucially to cotne back to her native country and State, which she had not visited sinco a child. She Í8 stlll in poor healtli, but hopea to improve during a lew weeks sojourn at Charlevoix, where her rehitives latead to take her. - Milan Leader. On Mondar forenoon Beu Myers was attacked by iiis black stalliou at George Plxler's. The horse threw liim down and kiieellug down upon him tiied to blte liim; he then rose up, struck at him with his feet, and iinally grabbed Mm by the calf of the leg with bil teeth and was chewlng the life out of hint, when Pixley came running from the yard and gralibin;; up a club stuck the norse a heavy blow which CHtised liim to let go of Meyersand run down the rond.- Manchester Knterprise. The Hepublicans of this township oranized a ilarrison and Morton club last Saturday eveniiifr, anti selected for offlcei-s: l'resident 1Í. 15. Davis; vice-presldenl, U. C. Spauldinjr; secretary, ii. J. Corbin; treasurer, II. A. Wilkerson; executive commiltee, B. J. Corbin, H. Pulver and EL A. Wilkerson. Light colord plug hate are to be worn by the bers, and J. B. Jolinson, was designatcd as comtnittee to receivu appücations for and procure sucli hats. The club hokl another meeting to-morrow (Saturday) evenlng at office of D. II. Covell.- Dundee Reporter. The following from the Iiighwi.y law may be of interest to pathmacten: Section 8. Evcry overseer shall cause tlie obnoileu weedt wlthin tiic limits of the higbwaya wlthin blfi district lo l)e ent clown and destroyed tnirein year, .mee before tbe flrst üay of Juiy and afain before tbe flrst of Beptember iind ihe requisita labor .símil be considered hlfrhway work ; once In every month t rom t lio flnrt day &t April to the ílrst üay of December, shall cause ;,l I lie loóse stoiie lyiDg on the beaten track of every road lyinu; wlthin hls di.striit lo !„¦ removed. A riy ovnsivr wlio sliall refuse or neglect to perform the datle reqnired by tliis section sliall be Hable to a penalty oí $25.