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Republican County Contention

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Met at the court house, Tuesday at 11 o'clock a. in., called to order by Chairman Osband, of Ypsllantl. Prof. Austln George of Ypsllantl, was made temporary chairman, and on taking thechair went to business imtnediittely. Evart II. Scott was made temporary secretary. The following commitlees were appolnted : Credentlsls-Dr. F. K. Owen.of Ypsllantl; Wra. JuiUou, of Chelsea; Wm. DanslugburK Alli;unl(i. B,ra,"t Oreanlzatlon-M. P. Case, of PitUfleld ; Geo. S. WhBeler, of Salem M L Raymond, of Sharon . Adjournment was then had until VU o'clock p. in. Upon reassembling the committees upon credentiala and pertnanent organizntion reported and their reporta were accepted and adopted, the temporary offleers being made permanent. On inotion a committee of tliree on resolution8 were appointed as lollows: K K. Frueaiiff, of Aun Albor; Wm. M. Osband, of Ypsllanti ; and Qeo. 8. Wlieeler of Salem. The convention then divided into leislatlve district and chose the followine delegates: STATE CONVENTION. lat District.- J. T. Jacobs, Ann Arbor; E. H Scott, An ii Arbor; E. E. Leiand. Nortlifleld: Wm. Judson, Sylvan; A. R. Beal, Sclo; F C Huun, A A. town : Oeo. 8. Wheeler. Salem ; Oeo. H. Mltchell, Lima; Chas. E. Hiscock Adu Arbor. M District.- A. E. Ford, Tpsilantl town; EB. Stooe. AoKUgta; E. F. Pyle, H D Platt, Plttsfleld ; C. F. R. Bellows, Ypsllantl' - Wprtley, Ypallantl ; W. 8. Crafts! Sharon: H.8. Boutelle.Ypsilantl ; A. F. Freeman, Manchester. CONGRK8SIONAL CONVENTION. lat. District. - K. K. Frueauff, Thos. J Keech, Cha. H. Kllne, Zena Sweet. Ann Arbor; Orrin 0. Burkhardt, Lima; Frank Duncan, Norlhfleld ; Oeo. II. Pond, Ann Arbor E. 8. Cusuman, Webtter; Ferry Townsend Superior. ¦IA. Dlstrlct.-nr. F. K. Owen, Ypsilanti ; H. P. Thompson, AugUKta; A. R. Uraves, Ypsllantl town; II. J. Taylor, Ypstlautl ; M. Cady, PitUfleld ; Oeo. Rawsou, Bndgewater; Archlbald Foster, Ypsilanti; P. W. Carpenter.Ypsllantl; J. F. Nestell, Manchester. EmcIi delégate was empowered to a[point his own substituto. Un motioii of Jas. L. GDbert tlie deleÍTfttes to the state convention were requested to cast their votes for Cyrus G. Luce for Governor, a ml to the congresslonal convention for Hon. Edward P. Alien, for congress. Adopted by a rlsing vote1 At tliis polnt speeches were called for, and PROF. QEOKGK, upon belng called out.observed the approprlateneas oí tlie cali, and sald a few words Ín a very happy vela. He referred favorably to Gov. Luce, and was glad that Washteuaw couoty had spoken in favorable terms of hls candidacy. Th party of the county were practlcally unlteü In askln;,' hls reuomlnatlon. Tne service of Capt. Edward P. Allen as coii{resKUian from tlils district were pralsed hlghly. Hls tari ff speech had the true ring to H, and he would llke to see lt In the home of every peison in the cminty. O EO. g, WHKM.h.l! was then callad for, and he started off by the bold ansertlon : '-Gentlemen. I am full ''and obaervlng that the laugh had been turned on hlm, he made buste to add, too full for utterance of the canse of the people In this campalgn. He had watohed the course of this campalgnand feit elated. V herever two or three men are gathered together they are talklng tarltf and the reault Is always favorable to Ui republlcans. Four years ago many people voted for Urover Cleveland becanse the democratx prumlsed us lf he was elected thl country should be boomed as lt never had been hoomed before. He wanted to know huw those promtses bad been kept? You farmers know. Business la prostrated everythlug Ih at a staudstlll, men are ldle and factorle8 are ldle; there Is no sale for farmers producís ur market for hls wool, and this state of thlngs has been brought about by the mlsmanugement of the democratie party. You all know the prosperltv tha canil' to ttils country under (25 yeiir oft republlcun rule; a greater prosperity than ever eame to any other nailon uiuierthe nun. TIib demócrata carne lnto power wlth every. thlng In excellent a surplus Ín the treasury, aud everythlngingood ruuuiug order aud what nave tlaey done? They have had the same Implemento to work wlth, the same meuns, the same Ihws to govern- they have not been smart euough to makc any changes- have had the same condttlon of thtngs, and yet they have signally falled. lf under thoseclrcumstauces they could not succeed and brlng prosperity, 11 la time they gut out, they have been lu power long enougK " Unworthy servanu get the henee." NOw ubout mllllonatreH. Four yeara ago the Kree Press raade a terrible howl becanse Uov. Luce owned soiue 8'ock Ín a llttle comí. try biiiii; , what han that paper to say about ¦nllllonalres uow ? IL'g candidate for governor ib quoled Ín BradNlreet'H Reporteras mu' of the w.-iilt h irsi men in the state, a milllonaire, a bondholder, a bunker, etc. How do the greenbackerH llke hiin ? aud then Mr. Moran, of Detroit, another mllllorjalre, land lord, boudholder and bauker! What lias the Krue I'iesagot to say about hlmf They are too much for Burtley Breen. Jle can't stand so iiiucli boodle, and so he luformed the deinocruey that he was through haullng tbeir chestnulct out of the Ure. If he had auy more vhestnuta lo haul out of the flre he sbould mul Un ni out for Breen. Diere are more boudholders boodlers, mllllonalresand inonopollsts in the democratie party to-day than there has ever been before In any one party In the hlstory orthlH nntimi. The money óf that irreal staudaril olí monopoly Is betng UHed to re-elect Mr. Cleveland. The speaker ! han relerred to a number oí wealthy arlutocrats who were leudlng thelr influence for Olevelaud's elecllon, and asked the laboriUK men whai they thought about the democrallc party belng the poor man's party when such arlutocratt were leadlnglt? There Isno moreattlnlty between the democratie party of to-day and the poor people, than there Is between water uuu oll. Mr. Wheeler contlnued to brlng up polnt after polnt and lay theiii before hls hearers. After showing how thlngs might be cheap under free trade, yet he UHked how people could buy a tblng when they dldu't have the money? (A volee called out ' go to raUlnr sugar.'i Mr. Wheeler reaponded, "yes,1 they mlght goto Louislana and ralse cane. And yet he couldn't see any good rt-ason why the men In tbose soulhern slates who ralsed the ilnvll for a few years should be favored ¦ i' i w at the expense of northern farmers, lu - bururs and capital.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News