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1 PAINT I I HTfxInr WIT A COS ONT.ríHT BTGiY P WTT W Paint Fridfty. run it to Church Sunday. Sight J" Fahionabte Shades: DlacJc. M.iroon. Vermilion , a ? !¦ líluc YUow, Olive Laica, Brewstcr and Wj. , LÉá Green. No Varalihéng necessara Drkw han) : rf MIÉ a b!ne." Une and job fa done. A S YOUR BUCCY ffl . 1 !p tnp fjr Chdnt Lan SeaM, Sash, Flowrr 5 =a T ;¦ ¦ . i. v C irri i ;¦¦.. i irl i I rel -, I urnltore, _o UJ 1 ron! Doórs, Store-froots, Screen Doors. Boatl, v=. 5; Man! -. [ron I tverythlpg Jiim L-5 ¦ [he Uilng tur tlic U.Jil-s tu ue about the houst ËFOR ONE DOLLAR p 2 COST'S HONESTÉ tÊS Are ynu pothL '" Wl fhtl y.. ir? IfD, clon'i Imy ,1 paiiil containmg w.ner or benzine wlicn - ü I Ibrthe 1 ¦ raoney(orncarlyso)youcan procure - = ¦ 1)1 I I u'S l'lüfc PV1T tliat ís warrnutnl V "- bean II0XE8T, .KMIK LI-8KK1O1L PAIX 8" C3 ii'l free froin waleraiui benzine Ih-nmml fhlB L ZT l.rHnl ;.n.l Uka i. otii.r. M rchanti handHng = ¦: W' il our agems and authorizcd by us.lti fchring, s z - tu wnrrsnt it lo fur t YKAI1S Uk.1 tOATH f &L" +m TfKRfl ilh 2 COAT. Our Sh .des aro the ' ' the EaJt now bc-corning UJ so popukir Ín th West, and up iil Ihe times C r-y # Try üm brand of IIONKST l'UT and ou ili f S W nevet Kfrct it. This to the wlM ti luAdcal Oy HOUSE PAlWTlj! % COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS áíl P.-int that never rtried beynd the sticky point, 3S S Next time c.ín for CO1T k ("O" H.immI l'UM ü X ' popolarar i nñtable h.,Ac ,, wmiiti4 ( drj !¦_ 1- linr.l l .1 I.mU .wr t.itl.1. Nj ti ible Ng I-, l;HW0NTDRY$TlCKys5 ffottae to Craftton. QTATKOP MICHIÜAN, Counly ol W ii-lncimw n u. Nottce íh karaby given, tlmtby an onlnr nf the ï'robalu Court for the Colllity f VV'aíhti-liaw made on theneventaentli day r Jnly, A. 1. Ihkx, híx iiionths froni thut itatc veN allowed for credilors to present thelr claim hl'hmihi IjieaaUtaorJennie N. Vandeventer, lata of p-aul ctmnty, decciused, aiKÍth it all eredton of puid deceted re reqnired to pr- ni thelr ckilmi to tnd ('ourt, al thc ProbataOfflce, iti thc ciiyufAiin Arbor, forexaminuiiuiiHii'1 jillowance. on or before st-vi-iitcenth ilnv ol .laniiaty ticxi, tnd thut ench claims will be iiranl l)rl(rt' lald courl, uh Vi-dn;day, thf MVflnttít'tith (Uy oí Octoher, a:id 011 Thurfday cii T'-'iith ilny t)l .J:inuary oext, at ten o'clock lli the forenoon ol oirh oftfafd tlrty. Daud. Aun ArlK)r, July 17, A. D. 1888. W1IXIAM D. HAKHIMAN, 1412-1418 Judaeot Probare. ¦ IBiilii l{ t axli'il are tlioHe who t.iid h I UI Ytliis íukI the" ¦"! lMey wlü flitl iUlliM I 1" i'iiiployment that wlll nol take them frotn thelr homes and families. The prullts are large and ure for every Indnstrloaa person, maiiy have made and ars now mnkmt; severnl hundred dolían a moDtb. lt Is easy for any one to make S5 und upwnrds per tlay, who is willing towork. Kithi-r si'x, yonng or oíd; capital nol needed; re Btart 70a. Kverythtng new No special ability rcmiiied, yon, reuiltr. can dn it as wel I :is any One. Wr'lte lo ns at once for l'ull partlcnlars, whtrh viu malí free. Addreaa Biinson i 1 to., l'urtianu. m FOR Jams, Confections and Preserves MannAtOtnrad by the Anu Arbor Preserving Co., go to ÍSTBROWN Sc CADT, Mi Solé Afjents for Ann Arbor, or to the factory Plttstleld road .8out h. flflflH ea wnll'i' exlstln thousands of ( ( (Jl'irms. hut aresurpassed by the mar ¦¦i V1'ls "f liiventlon. Those who are Ín 1 1 of profllable work that ean be dono wlille livIOB at home should at once ena :helr address to Hallet & ('o., Portland, Mnine, and recelve free, full Inrormatlon how iithcr ser, of all ages, cau earn from J5 to t5 per day and upwards, wherever they Uve. Yon are starlc-d freí', capital not reqnired Rome have made over $50 In a single day at thls work. All sacceed. ¦BA MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Lovr Rates. Pour Trip per -Woelt Betwecn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Iirnaoe. ChboKn. Alpena, Harrlaville Ooodn. 8ncl BoHih, Port Burou Bt. Clair. üuki.nti Houao, Minne City, Every Wook Day Bctween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July nd Augu.i. Our H.lustratecTpamphlets Btoo nd Kiour.lon TlokeU wlll b f uniluhsd by jour Ticket Aent, or ddrei E. B WHITCOM8, San-I p.„. Ag.nti Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co DETROIT, MICH. Piso's Cure for ConH sumption is also the best Cough Medicine, ö 9 _ . yu liavo a Cough H 3 witliout diseaso of the H 3 L.U11KS, a few doees uro all Ej a you need. ButifyouneH H Bleek this easy means of HU A safety tho slïght Cough H 3 Illay becoine a serious Ki 4 "'Kittcr, and soverai botH tles wiil be required. M GIDER WiHIlERÏïsss-asFHEE ' A.ddres3 C. G. HAMPTON, Detroit, Mlch. {


Ann Arbor Courier
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