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Foreign Intervention In Mexico

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Fioin the N. Y. Tlmiw, August 27, We hava the best authority lor stuting that the Mexican quo9tion is uu tlie point of being perernptorilly sottlod by a decisivo intervention of four of tfio great Powera most deeply interssted iu the restoration of ordr througliout tho dominions oí our distracted neighborh'xid. Franc, England, Spain and Prussia have signad a oouffentionf or tho pauification of Mexico, to which tht-y in rite the adhesión of the United Staten, but which they propose tocarry in;o effeot without the adhesión shuiutl lbo Unte 1 Statee refuse it. The bases of toieration for all religiou? opin'ons, and of a modifiüd estulishmeat I-r the Korri'in Oatholio (Jliurch, are understood to hare been alroady acneptei by tho constitutiouaüsts undor Juar. , on tho one part, and by tho cler'cal party undar Miramon on tho other. An armistice of tvvolvo rnonths' duration i to be declared between the rospoctivu leadora, and during this portod thjsy portions of Mexico occupied by each are to be held without dispute by the actual ocuupants, joint action beiñg taken to seouru the oarrying on the i.ejessury busined3 of the public adniiriisiiMtioa aml tho raaintenanc of order. At a time to bo hureatter lixed, tho people of Mexioo are to be callod upon to elect between tho principios represuntod by tho two. factions, and tho respective leaders pledge thoinselvos to resigo il their authority and arins into the ; hands of tho govornrnent thus deaignated under the sauction of the intervening Powors. i The givmods of this ap'ion, alfeady 1 snbmittod to tha adininièlration at Washington, aro, that the party of Juaraz, which might have been established as the supremo executive more than a year ago, under the terras of the treaty proposed by Sanor üuamp.) through MoLane to tho Washington government, has demonstrated i's in capacity of conquering power, and tbc United States have definitely abdica ted their pretenaions to aid itinthia oonquoBt; that tho party of Mirami in liiíH mnnner has proved itself dupoi ent upon an isolated intervan i n by Spain, whioh is in every point of vit, uade. i ..blu ; and that the in tere jta of the subjeotü ol tha intorvening P)vers, and of cixilization gouerally, can no longer be luit at the mercy of the partisan warfare whioh has'raged for six years in Mexico, and bas reduccd the country to thu vary brink of chao?. It i.s unnecossary for us to poiat out to oui readers t!io gravitv and iraportance ot' this act on the part oi' the Europuan State. Our own govarnrnp.t is under.tood to have announced tha', whi'e a pacific intervention of the sort contemplated, if it fails to coramand the aesistanop, cannot provoko tho hostiffty of the Unito.l States, no arrned intui'íerj.'iíjd to enforue its provisions must be made without due provious notice communicated to tho administration at WnshingUni. Tho ïüsulis roaohcd are attributod principally to !ho aotivity of the Prussian Minister in Mexioo, whose country - men are largoly ropre3ontoJ in tho foreign population of tha ropublio, and to the influenoo of L rci Jo!in Tïussell.