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Arrival Of The Pony Express

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St. Joseph, Mo., Sopt. 3. The pony expresa with dates to tho 2"2d of August, arrived laat cvciiinp, on time. ÏIic pony expresa which loft St. Joseph August 7th, arriyed at San Francisco on tlio 21st, bringing delayed letters that left St. Joseph August 3d, The detonsion was caused by sorac Indians wbo croatod a disturbance at Dry Creok and other point9 on tho California aud Salt Lake route, surrounding two stations, and driving ofl' the stock from oeo. ïho t roublo continuad till Lieut. Weed arrircd from liuby Valley with 25 soldiera, on tbo 12th of August, whon bc attacked tlie Indians and killed 17 of them, wounding more, with a loss of throo men woundcd on bis sido; It ia supposed tbc bostilo Indian3 are now drives iVoiu tho express route, and tbc arrival ut ('arson Valley to-day of anotber pony, with St. Louis dates to tbc lOtb conlirras tbc opinión that the routo is proteoted and intcmiptionscndcd, Political meetings aro held witb romarkable fretpucney in the interior towns. Senator Lathr.m addressed 2,000 peoplo at Sacramento o:i Saturday, strongly advoeating Brockinridgc. This is tho Bonator's place of residenco, where bc is pcrsoually very popular. He was very ooolly reeoeivcd by tbo largo r.udicnoc, wbo votcd down Breckiuridge resolutions aud ebeorod Douglas, and tbo majorïty of tbe meeting mauifestly boing Douglas party rcuewed coarngo tbroughout the State. Tho polttioal newspapers havo mostly taken sidos, and stand 2-1 for Douglas, 21 for Breekiuridge, 7 for Lincoln, 3 for Bell. The Steamer Paciflo arrived from Northern ports on tho 19tb, witb Oregon aud Washington dates to the llth, and Britisb Ooluinbia to the 16th. Tho Sccretary of State of Oregon has refused to issue the certifícate of oloctioa to Shicl, lately eleüted to Congross as suocossor to Stout, on account of the election being prematuro aud unauthoriied by law. Eich gold mines havo been discovored at Walla-Walla. 14,000 worth of the gold camo down by tbe Pacific. Considerable exoitumont prevails at Portland on tbo subject and a rush had comnionced towards the new diggings. The larmcra wero cutting by far tho largest and best erop of wheat ever grown ín the State, Douglas, Republican, and Breckinridge Clubs wero organizing in all tbo principal towns, and each party claimed to be the, without auy datu to form a plausible estímate upon. Au ospross had arrived at Portland from Dallas, bringing account that Major Steins' cömmand had a skirmish with the Indians, killing fivo of tbcm. Tbo Legislatura of Washington Tcrritory standapolitieally - Counail, 8 Demócrata, 1 Eepublicau - Aesembly, 23 Demoorate, 7 liepubliuans. Considerable cscitcment provailed around Pugot Sound on account of favorable gold miniqg reports from Rook Creuk, near the bsaJ waters of Simil Kamee. Tliis district lina Soutb-east of Fort ITopo, and is mostly North of tho British lipe. It was the opinión of many gold mincvs that the main diggings of ÍJritish üolumbia and Washington Tcrritory would bc found in tbis región.