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Fattening Hogs Early

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Theve is a timo for all tliinr, aurl ss we have said in tbc Farmer frcqtiently i:i sasousprevious to the present, one, tnere is a time of yaur wheo nature próvidos that animal sim 11 lay on füt or store up a provisión of carbon tor winter u.;e, and ihat timo is the noason when the fatteuing of animáis oaó bo sueured with the greatet euonuiuy and profit. Tlie followiug, from the Boston Cultivator, ia a coufirination of the views we have expiosed, añil he rofors to an article that appeared from a correspondent of the Ohio Farmer dctailing asericB of experuneuts. He first "hogged dowu" (u western parlancp) fortf acres of corn, betwoen the lüth of September and the 23d of October. By the hog8 being woighed when thcy weie turned in aud when fhey were takeu out, it wae fouud that they paid forty cents a bushei for corn, estimating the pork at four cents a pound, aud corn at 40 bushols to the acre. His next coursc was to take one huntlred bogsi, averaging 200 pounds each, which were placed in niue covered pens and fud all they couli cat of corn and oobs ground togothor, steamed, andgiven in allowauces fire times a day. In a week they were agaiu weighed, when, reckoning 70 pounds of corn and cob as equal to a bushel of corn, aud the pork as before, tho liogs paü 80 cents a bushei for the eorn. The weather wae warm for the season. The experiment tried again tlic first week in Kovoinber, -when the corn brought C2 cents, the weather being colder. The thiid week in November the corn brought but 40 cents, nud the fourtli week it brought but 26 cents, the weather coutinuing to grow colder, - Ant'thcr lot of hogs was fed through December, which tfblQb only gavo 26 cents a bushei for corn. A part of tho time the temperatura was at zero, aud then the the hogs only gaiued enough to pay iive cents a bushei for the corn, and aftcrwards, when the mercury went down to ten degrees below zero, the hogs only held their own. The iiiference from these trials is, that iu general it is not profitable to feed corn to hogs after the middle of November. - The diffcrence iu gain is certainly Burprising, and whether cau6ed altogether by the differeuce in temperature or not, no pergon of observatjon can doubt that the hogs gain much more in proportion to the food oonsumed, iu mild than in cold weather. It seems that the hogs gained ïnuch less holping themselves to corn in the field than when the oorn was ground and cooked and fed to the animáis in pens, under the equal advautagei of Itkigan 'áUgits.