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GRE AT BARGA u ■. - rúa,ynarx], Stebbi; s L . ITT HAVE 0 UN I':: II I v'-! ■' VV u ■ ■ "-J9r seioSf W' lii' WAS '-vi1'1 offtiwl v ■:■■■■ onc islMr asean ba umn-' We want Ioney I ííreál Sacril'isM'H on Am; we hare to t, r.i.r (x& OLD N'TES AND ACCOÜN fWe crtrdiiüly invite ALT, CASH CTSTOM7. US to cal] and exïiïïiine our Ooo N aul ï3"iccs. ÏT Prompt Pay ing Custcm to comí and huy tïv'ir (invp'iö fOï 11 V. . tta hr.; oñes thai ar &P : to cali, we u ï'ó ih i... . courage ■vittifut longer waitii !or highur pricif, ooope ü . old tcores,au(i theii at such prlefifi ü irill ni kc up nll lrt;r(( It jr; L We have Evcrythi A large aHBortmcnt of nHPEING, CRÜCKi: DRY GOODS, M IIIINK?, ÖRO 1 RIEB', J.' Al NTS, riAT , APS, BOOTS, SI1OES YANKEE NOTIO Jfc.', iLc'„ &c O(L1U .?3O O[EU M. W. HAWLEY'8 Celebrated EmbrocatioD, For Human FIcnIi md iuimals. f X ealllne the attentim. o( the PnbHe to tbis Medicine 1 wê would sav that tt bas been fnlly tried, nn 1 lnmrdK who have nse'i H speak iti the most oom]11mentai7 term of lts wonderful eflV'cts iipAn Human Flt-stt and tbc brute cretttion. 1? fc fast paiuinif popularjty. ver Ü1 it ii recoivtd wit!1 icc ainMloiis of wy, nd proonnccil .o bf tho cn-fttt-ft Kemedy for Acties and Paius rerofTered t" th Enblto. Iti mt#r1y effect ovor dlsoast, when Applied, et vea it a celbrity nnisurpassed y any external prepjiraiion now tn ft. Therefore wy cao say, wlth tl, e uUuuet u-uiiduuoe, bat the Xmbrocattiv wlll Oan RlteumsHsm, Buril and iScald " Weaknefi? üf Joints Swellings and Tutnor% Hemorrholds or Pileö, Chllblalns, Tooüiacbe and Cbappcd llandi, JitliiiiÉllnil nin Care 1d Soiw and Cram Boilfi and Coma, Contractid Mnsclo, Gallsofail kind, ■ Rin Bone and Poll Evfl, Callouy and Bparin, fcaVTocattoc wlll Otut Sweenj aj)d Sitfaat, " Springhaiilt and KlAtoI% 6cmtcne or Greafiti Eitt-rnal Ioibons, 8and Crack, - Lamencss and Siraina, iatrooaöon wlll Oar Foundenxl Keet, Man (re Ciwked Tete, Gari!ttn Oowii Koot Hot in Sheep. Ai'hik:,. St. ., Marcli 9, 1M0. W, tb nB(!erlfmf1, do certify, tliftt we havp and M. %. HA.WLKY '8 CeDÍHKATED EbftBOOATXOK, for lntí:.iuttjtor and Chmniu I'.lieumallm, and chevrfully reoommoiMl ft m tho btt remedv we hve ever asodi J. M. Morri. M. !., James I, Itawgon, L W. Clemente Orrin Hnrd, Petr Fiero, 6. F. Gould. J B. Roblnfion, of Prophetstown, 111.. Bftys : I ctrnn K kbe best Liniment I hnveever known. It ives univertai iatlsfn-ti in, and I can tetfüfy to ita efïkacy froiii n.y owb ♦xperience. Manufactnred by M. W. HAWLEY. Anbnrn, N. Y. U N. TUTTLE, Auburn. N. Y., General Aint, t wbom all order should ba addrt-sd. Bold by all Dmggbta and Mercbuutfi tlirougïiout tb ao , uj 1SAÍNAKI , - ■ I 5; Aun A bor, ïlïch . GOOD8. UICH GOUDS! Cheap Goods! ! BACH & PIERSON MATEJUBI OI'ENl D TUK CIIOICEST STOCK -OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS to be found in this City, consistmg of GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN.' eulistmitifil and duiable, GOODS FOR LAD1MI GOODS FOR THE MECHA NIO GOODS FOR TUE FARMER! DÖMESTICS, STAPL'ö, Bil , Cniefully seleeted, ffarftnttd to piense, and for sale elieap. C7O3VE33 jíV3XTX SEE. BACH A PlEHbOK Octobcr, 1S60. TGStf nHE TEORÍA MAKIIsE & FIKE X INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PE01UA, luLlNOlS. Capital, - - - S-iOO.000 one of the IIEAVIF-ST, PAFEST and BKHT Innuraace Co's. in tb U. S. lDHure on roMonablQ ivr m, -i . (t wny py pKMnjrtly Thprc iu no brter Fk Jin-jrimso Ayer' s Sarsaparilla A compound remcdy, designetl to be the mosl cífectual Alterativo that can bc made. It ii concL:itrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, K combined with other substnnces of etilí i grentor alterative power as to afford an i tive antidote for the discases Sarsapai illa ú reputed to curo. It Í3 believed that such a remedy in wanted by those who suffer from Btrumous complaínts, and that one which will 8ccrnplis1i their cure must prove of iinmensa ■crvíce to thi8 largo class of our afflicted féllowtitlzens, eomplettly this compound will do it has boen provn by experiment on many of tbe worst cases to be íbuiid oí' the following compluinfs : - ScitOFULA ANl) RoROFlT.OUS CoMPLAISTS, Eruptionj and Ëroptivb Disease.í, Ulcbks, Pimtixs, Blotchbs, Tumous, Salt Rheum, SCALD HÊAD, StÍIÍILIS AND SypíIILITÍO AfrECTioxa, Mr.ucriuAi, Disu.vsi;, Duoi'ST, ; BAXOIA OH Tío DoULOUKBUXi DlillILITY, DïSPEP3I.V AXI) InDIOESTIO, KllYSIPELAS, Ro.iB oa Sr. Antiioxy's Fiúf, and indeed the whol clan of complaints arUing {rom Impujmty o THE BlOOÜ. Tkis compound wül be found a gret promotor of he.'ilth, when tak n iïi tha spring, to expel the foul humor? which feífer in til bload at that seasou of the ycar. Bythitimaly expulsión of thom many rajJtlinz disorders are nippod in tbe bud. Multitudes c;in, by ths aid of this remedy, spare thertuclrea from thj endurance of foul eiuptioiu an.l ulcerou eove, throuh which ths system will Btrive to rid itiolf of corruptioijis, if not ai ited to do thia llirou;h tho natural bhanñeU of tho by an altorative medicine. CleanM out tíi vitiatad blood whenever you fln I itj impuritie bursting througli the kin in pimples, eruptioníj or sores; eleanse it when you find it is obKructed and sluggish in th: veins ; cleansa ii whencvvr it is foul, and your fcelinga will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder 3 felt, pcople enjoy better hcalth, and livo longer, for clcansing ths blood. Koop the blood healtliy, and all is well ; but with thi$ pabulum of Ufe disordored, thero can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later Bomethinï mu3t go wrong, and the grcat machinery ol Jife is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla ha.-i, and deservos much, the tsputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously doccived by prepai ations of it, partly becauso the drug alone ha not all the virtue that is claimcií for it, but more becaue many prepnrations, pretendin to be concentrated extraets of it, oontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During lata yeara the public have been misled by large bottles, pretendüig to give n quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla tbr one dollar. Host of these have buen frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarbaparilla, but ofteil nt curativo propevties whatever. Honce, bitter aud painful disappointment ha3 followed the ue of the varioua oxtractd of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become gynonymom with ünposition and cheat. Still ivo cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue tht name from tho load of ohloquy wliich restJ upou it. And we tluuk we have gruund for belivrins it lias vlrtaea which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the dueases it is intc-ndid to cure. In order to secure their complet radication from the systtm, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directioru oa tbe bottlo. PKEPARED B7 DR. J. C. AVEK & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frico, 91 per Bottle ) Six Bottles for $. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has Tvon for itself such a renown for tho cure of very varicty of Throat and Lung Cuiupl .int, that U ia entirely unnecessary for na to recount tho evidence of its virtues, wherover it has bccii cmployed. As it has long been iti constant use throughont tliis section, wc need not do more than ftssurc the people its quality is kopt p to the best it ever luis been, and that it m:ty ho relied on to o for tlicir relief all it has ever bceii fuuud to dt Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, POH THE CTTED 02" Costiveness, Jaimdice, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Dysentenji Fout. Slomach, Enjsipelas, lleadache Piles, lïieumatism, Eruplions and SYn Viseases, Livor Compfaint, Dropst, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worm, Gout, Nevatyia, as a Ztirmer Pil!, aíidfor Pttrifying the Blood. Thcy are sugar-coated, so thut the most sensitKu m ink e tjhem pleasantlv, and they are th best apericTit in the worlü für all the purposes of family physic. Prioo 5 centa per Box; Fivo boxoa for $1.0(X Greatnumbersof Clergymen, Phvsicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lont their nnmes to ceitify the anparalleled use fi tin esa of these remedies, but our space hère will not permit the Insertion of them. The Agcnts below namrd furHish gratis our Amkkic.yn Almanac in which they êjegivfin ; with alao full descriptions of the aboye eoniplaints, and the treutment thut should be follow.d for their cure. Do not be put off by unprinciplcd dealers with other preparations thcy make more profït on. Deuiand Ayku's, and takn 110 others. The sick want the best aid tliere is for thein, and they should Wve it. AU cur remedies ore for sak by & N tin ; ' y j. , . : . 1 where. i Li 1 11. L Ttave iuu' AgentJ ■ ■ ' ': ■' 1 a ■■; Le 1. . I ;■■ ■ 1 1 n Í Tl ' 1 1 ■ ;,■ oillt ■ ck - .■■,]■; . . . : '■ the I r 1 lid it ï -: !-- ■ ■ ■ Hoi :■■ fn Wh ■., , ■ ■- -, lïh.k■ . . c . nacute Q ■ tnuficuls ■ . ■ iria] of ■ i.i'-'n !. ■ . ■ e Invalida so ] 1 bd ■ " ■ ,i; ■ :..- - ■ B ■ ■■il acial es, a tul I ha n to air m-l ex 1 whici f . ■ miliar to i .1 iii_v bi' sa! ■i.-'y ti.nic vi .W.t] u ( 1 . ■ ■ ■ nHietii g ;i l rty, atnun? othera, ivh i1;1 ru ikfts ii forj iUs : ' - ü-i net and s[n.'cy wluch fotnis in !i. D . . . hux ui" (iit'-f 1 i i's hitvc often RitfB the in" ■ ■ n 1 1 ■ ín uncbècked Diarkikea, even wl ■ m:ic ■ . I In the 1 trengi U,lobllttatinK ciwjrh, and remltfeuf fjectie, wuich gétiera nj ;liüI in'.■-. 1 1 1 Sc -. ifti '. ■ ,-t YV '., ' I ;■ ; n h;'.s )■ ■■] far 1 ■ 1" the ra ■( oautlous! , li.r.ane'L'l prepajnwloüii of iodino, without 11 ny of aoeir wou kno q II UI ■ pnnoii o' Foraale cannoi botooconfl lently nvited t" thi r '■■■'■■'. -ui 1 rutorative m tbe ca ■ p ■ iliairly 1 In Rhtinrwttsni, boÜl ■ -in tlio .:■ - ii Uu bèéïi nvariably . :iii' i.iin and retluciog the jOlüt ;i!:'[ rail tn ■ r it itiusl-neo ■■■ rmtTem, :■■! l .■ ; . ■ ■.■:■ ■ 9 in the qow seifl mr ■ ibly be one ol nown ai ■ Vn rei 1 '■ '1 in 1 lio whnle h f story o lioine, h : ch e ■' sucli py -■■■■ ■ 'h, wil 1 an tioa fór active and cheerful eïorei -. imtpeJlately follow H u-c ■ Put up in neftt flat molat boxes cpatining 60 pills, Will be -i-ci ',';■ -ti.' 1 ' of the priw. fcMÜ icttW 1!. I'. ■ ent. 4T7.vl 89 ;:.-■ ;:■.■... .N. Y. DEFOREST, ARMSÏKONG fe 00. DRY GOODS MGRCHA'STTS, 8O 82 St. ]V. Y. Wbat tncy ;iro o] omu .:y, in in w ;ui-l boa ALBO tuk A Hew Print, vbich excolfl every Print in tbe Country tion of eteeutiQD aniloéignia full kladdjer Coi ora. - Our Priatd aro chcflper Uiun ftójf íd uj.u'uft, aad i WQctini wth extonaiTQ sale.


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