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GftEAT. GREATEH GREATEST B &.GA1NB EVER (ïïllï] 1859. Jjyï859. ! n tliisOi' v, ure imw being öffèred it. thn QHEAP, pLpCK WATCHj & , o w oli'y StoreM' Subseriber w.iuMsny In th' citizpniot Ann Ar. hor i p-irti'-uliir. and the rt'-t of Whtfinaw un in nRiiüra). tlii h j.iBt IHPjORl'ED ll: ('TI.1' ft-nrn KüftOTE. Tremeiulous Stock of Watcht'sl ui which bfl liimle liimm It t, aell CHE1PER Iban i'ftn bé b ui:tt wc.-' of rvfru Vut It ' 'ty. 'D Fuco í'ylititi' r VVoU-hn rum ftf) to Si' ■ ■■ Ii l.rvir d'i do ri td 21 g r lo do do H to 3S do lo Ovlinrier du do 9 to 28 iW WiitPhos frmn 20 to 150 i avo nl.u toe i'KLEHK TKI ii:!l CAX rV AT'JIIES, : h I v I] 'i i r ;: '-. forerv wni-'h warranted to . mi rt i 11, o ili' montïy retimded CJgcJ s. jpwf.lry. PtateJ v,r..t . Qoodo 'i,ii -n.i. ■ i ,-tr ijiut'iitfl iH Htlii'ürt, (Jotlery, ftd ■ ■ ■ r h vHru-ty of every liiry umiM'v kepfbyJèw ♦ i '-r ('mi '■!■■ ughtfai fit: (M'Xi i-iü'-'v d.iy ar v ' ■ 0 W N PRICE8! OUs bnyiag Aiijiïini.: M w-ll -nowii pptab me ittcHn ciyujj i gviting goud1 exact' 3 rep ui 't. nr tl; m. y r-'undtd. i'.il nrl Hitft -■ e tiio '"'3' bargaint -ver oifered i f lM ity On" word in rpprd n U( pair.Qg : art1 prpiirod 10 intike r v ff 01 nr cotnw ■- ■ ■' 1, oven to m ktntfter ü entfre wtitrh, ary. Rp8Írlg i I' -ks ■ d Jan !ry ns ni tisothe mannfscturlni pi BROOt H?. i y !.; ■ . ' . , 'min e,,! í rtÍB.Go1d op f hort no ivi'.Tüvi ■■: in U u ranch' iéjctwnïed wirl n'iii Bnd rilspatca, J ' W 1TS. 1 , .1 1 -. astil !859. iiw Somethtiftg W rtli Reading! c-lïolï irliflrrJ Rl UiAIN ON f. N!)..urh-T.'d i,t,. : I . ■ ,■ orsNorliiof FrHnkün House,] with Ih. irn-i caplütettnd extensivo Assortmei;t -oirlooks a??d Sfatiorer'y, all and Window Papers, Jil Painted, and Gold Boicieied Shades Cuitai Sollers, Tassels Coids, THÖUSAND AND ONE THINGS !, Hdo, ENTIUE'Y rKi NUM RUP TO ' :NTION. whirh thy un vite tlmir l'ri nds . ai o tho nbïii g' neraliVi lo B( forp Purcl.asiiie Elsfwl.erp. 1 t'e" flattpr stoflmseJvfsthai thir Ptylr rr ■ :■ c nnotfnfl'to prriTc ntlifptnr. . .. lrboT Vny I, 'H.e9. ïlüitACE V tRS, 3 33 w a 5 , N w Y n r h lii?llsïiir of?Iu Ie aml Mui IïooltH An qkÜbr ia Pi;i!)os( Melodeoiïs, Alexandiv Organn Organ Accordecus, Martin'p celehrated íind ttthor Guitars. Vidünn, Tnir Viols, ViolinceJloBj Accordeons, Flutinas, Fl utes, TU'. Tri'ifjles, Clariinettp, Tnninr Poiks Pipes uidHanvrnerb, Viojin Bows, best [uA ian Strinrs, Bra ïiiaïrument for Bandsj Piano St ]?, inil covtsfftj, and uil kinds of Musical Tn'ruiiii n. f lx O O t IN'T. 11 S i ■ . ■ : ■■■.-. ii . ■ , ■ . kitwi ■ ■ ■■■... . , " . aper in I ■. f Ij e tiO:Wfl i ' r i í1 ♦■ s v w i fa ei 11 % . T5, I ■ , -1 S, 50,anduj lo $800. neen 1 1 ui v :■...■ : ■. .-. i'::. - ■ ■ Hand M ■ h 1 : . aii . x-.ii ; ttve -■■ ) í ■ ■■. ..■ ., I Lliirtn-i -:'i. i ),-. 1 ml 175: A . Iera1 ■'-■i ■ mj . ■ !li. l;, tilinll'".'. . ,.-. .■ ■ : ■ . Lra-n -■ ■ : ■ at tin I tmdi - . laisuf íhi 'lixuif VViHcr Ti os j;i Mí-I.kIíwüh. . . nf . ■■ .' íi:k1 ; ■ ■ ' ■ -■■:-: - . 1 . ■■■ :■ ■ ■■ - ■ Hu' Hk ■ ' .!-■ oi-.i r"U sn I in u - ■■ ■!!■■ r, i 85H. 03 ■ :' ni p] f , i-i ] f tiiiiik I l nii ■ -. .. i or twn mnre; they wiïl be murp j ■ ■ ■ u - :■ :l :■ V '' !lCf iniiUl'.'' - 'i' have two ■ i ' ■ i urp in 1 nr -f-mi■. nee of !iic:i hav been severefy teste1 for tliree ■:■-. u tify ty their jeitw1 quallty and dara ''m ,1 - Cp'.'nVy, Monnt Cfirroll, TIL ■'il. Waters, !■'}. - Iïear Pir: Having ■! eii oneof yoni no F"rfr-h f'-r two p.-i t. 1 hAve fooad histritmini. Al.'ivzn (,K.u', Pnnripni ïirnofrfy Hei hts Srmtnarii. '■The Piano I receiveO from you continúes t" prive sntlit n te beat in itrunoente n thp : - tj, íiAü-íK. 'harlextmt. Va. iïi hu ■ aafely arrHed. I reel nb! ■ t. ymi 1 iiuv : ■'■ ui iliícouut." Rev. .!. M. McOBMick, ■; -ri'ii S C lïie f i" "'as il'i'v reopivwl t1 ram'' in (-xpoUont I 1 . hl ;i.n, ;iüiT ii --i-, muofa i lm ■■■■ 1 tjr mj 'i iinerous : in. is-. ..■■(■'■n' my thanks foi; jrn ■■■ tnj tu ."- eb fj hrrettboTU, Brafyoed Co. r. 'Vonr tn ■■-■ ;. 11 i ';: ■ '■ nne in un 1 ity.' -Th iMaa A. I..i;íam. HampAalfté, 7fl. '.r iii very mucli oWifrei t you for having pt ■ -i . dtie i!il'uMVr í-.") i."- 1ík.wk.Hk[.i Coj, ■ Pf raí ■ 1 ïiorace Watere Pfano are known as amonjt the 1 V ave tnabl( 1 to upeafc nf íheite ínstrtth wiih i%":i!; lence 1 rono ■ onftl knowledjre t' then D1 lone and .lnrjlïi qnality.' - ' K EtttriprHxt 'Vecnn s}Mni1t f of tbe-Hrace W ters pt' i".-::u .■■'■■ 'u::1 bnowlotire h Iwing the yery tinerti h y - Ckrixiían ïntfütpenrer. ■X.t pi are ouilt of thr be I ftOfl ; ■ material. We Iw e 00 d , !i haps better, ar Mrs Ihan at :lV ,;■:.■ iouse in the llnion." - 4 dromt f and Journal. . Leoiui chaUeng mparittop i:.-, trherc la the ooantry " - íínte ïottrnnl . ■,■ ITaters' Piano Korte ure of Fuif. rich and ,,. t inl piifferful - If. V. Hüfieai Rrniem. ■ ,. ; wïll luid at Mr. Wattfrs' the very o ;;i o) Muaio hik! of Pianos tobe fouod ín ■...,;:■: ! VTQ lli'-t.' OUT .SOutilfm BHÏ WtrD .. iiiin 1 cali wlienever they go to New Vork."- CrVafttfW'i Maanzine Warrhouse 333 Broadway, TT. Y. -a b ba t h sTh ooi Bell. IOO )O iss'"pl In tfli Mnnths. Tlie iKi'urwwdeutwl ale of thiw book ha nduced the ptibttsher t afld ióai 30 new tunesand livmns (vitfl pre - ent si, without Axtra obftrge, exoegt on the cheap editioir Among themany b(autiful tunes andhvnri . I le i uiiiv in' fonnd:- "1 ouglit to Iotb mj mother;" "O I'H be a good cbiM, indeed I wiH." These and eigntotheru ir, .m il' IVM, M-civ Kling ál " ..■ -mi'bv Sc] lAaoiver„ry .il the M. K. ChllTebtt the Acailcmy of M„-ic, ,tii b mlause TM Benottalss nearty 200 tune na and is r,ne of the best collection evertaraed ..,-■ $10 per hnndredj portage elegntly bound, ■■■ ■l'gilt, ï5e, $20 per 10" It lm braa introduced . lanyof the Public Sohool. Hje b la publtohedinamall nnmïei ntltleo Annt ina Suoday School Mnaio Boojls, Nos. 1,2, 3, 4, in order to aooraroodate the million; price 12 í; $3 por lumdred N. 5 wiH Boonbe u"l - commencement of a'.nriirr book AÏ8O, Etevival Ubsto Books, N'f. 1 & '. priqe SI -V P" l(li, posiage lc. More than 300,01)0 of the above boou haè hoon issues the past ■i montha, and the deman'l ts rapidlj ncrea-sinr. 'viliHshed bv HOKAfK WATERS, Aent, 838 Iiri,dway,N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Wordscan nover die;" "The Anffels told iii, so;" "v;i!s of rhoiurhts of Qoi;' ' OiTo me back mv ifonntaln Home;" "Day Preams:1 Robín;" -'lni witii thee till; 'Pet naipe;" ■T!,, ■,,■■. do larilng liko mitn-;'" (tSaiah jMft Lee;" uEv. er of öiee:" llI'm teaVing thee in Sorrnw;" 'Bird of ■ ir biril,;" "Gwf of Rosalwl' and 'V..!,r, la lv , wake, ' pricc 25c each. In-ttr: ii:tai.- 'l'nlnrc Garden, or n:rmK Bipl iOo; "Swlnglng 8chottische;" "Mirabel Pcbot'Thoniaü öaker'fl 9chottiche:" ' 'Piccolornmi Polka, 35 cf-nt each. The ubovepK'eftxhavebeautifiil ■ ilka:" "Arabian Wat cry Marcli' the very la-t; "Vassoviarina Poniell Mazurkft: "Rfa : i:, Polita;" llOrinoline Walt.1' anl "LrineerA1 Qua Í 5c each. "The Empire of Reich's Quadrille;" a oeu danjee, and "T!,o Hlberñlán QuatdrïOe," Söc each. i ,,.. .," these pims are played by Itafeer'" celcbrated orchVst ra vHh great appiruse-49V" Malltd free. A large lot of Foreign .Music at half price. Piano, lUeloilpoiiR nJ Orcrans. The Horace Waters Pinnoa and Melodcons, fur dfpth, purily of tone and dnrability, are an8orpaèed. Pri- very ïtfw eeon 1 Band Piano and tfelodeons from $-J to $150 Musio and Musical [njttruetioilfl of ftil kindsfatthe loweat prliea HORACE WATERS, Ai{eiit, No. 33S BroadwiT, N'. V. TlnMONl.uS;-- "Tlie Horace Wntprs I'íbuos arf fcOOWH is among the rery beat.' - KvanféHtí. 'iV( T1 npeak of their morit frmn personal knowledge." - Chrhtirn InifUtecncer. "Nothing at tbc Fair displayed greater excellence -"- Churchman. V Planöa and Uefo4eons challenge comparison wrth the ( made .-inywhoreiu the country.''- Hotru .lonnal. UW Ayeres Cathartic Pilis. 3XTEW STOSE i NEW GO O DS! The cit7.eu9 of Ann A rij ir, MIch. am viciniiy, Rré ir.i... nu .i that ; A. & C LOEH II YE OPENED A NEW STORE ; and sturki'il it int.iely xviih N. v liiJOIiS. !■.]■. colh' adapta) to thé coming senson and selccted witb thegreatoit car-. Atthi Cleveland floihiüg Bous i Will bc fuund everjLhíngdesirable and oeeMMxy for i a-EKTOTEJMEItsr'S WEAR, ■ - i the- : i LoWÈST MA i KKT PI. ICE. ' i A- w ;vru deterraiiied u m ike mr tor pop i!:.r( an td QOQTiDce thi pa .c thnl uun i.- ;■.'■ C H E a P E T :- T O U TINT T 12 !E1 ST A T 33"! OUR STOCK OF READY M.rE CLnTliiyn Is nimle up in the II ANDSOM T M ! .VA' - F- LATEtT STYIE GOODS! Every altention pt'd to Cut and Fit ! SVfl . ■■■ Je .-. ;-e iiicurrd tïora firi olas housub o. tiuo ment of II ATS, CAPSi 'Irunks a;.d (karpet Bags. FURN1SU1NG GOODS dke,. Sa, AU o1' wbicb we oIVt at AST(NISUI]SG Li W PKICES ! Our facilitícíi for ])roeunn Goodu om The Most Favora Ie Terms and from tLe Best Honses u the Ëat ARE UNSX7KPASSED, ara . ; I '■.-■ e ■ ho .:n! gontlo is to __ CMLL ND LXa.MIXK OUR -TOCK ! 1 Rad -ti Ty -In jq.- ved iba t e iell : h api-s ;uid best oo 's. A. & C. LOEB, hi M.i-la.k, :i lora west I r!ok'í Hotel, s..vf , aii.i a r M h 7I5U' Sí.,. D"iirn Lmiln. 'Last r ('■nis, Grand Hiv&r Platter. Mater Lime. Xa'Is of all sizes. Glans, Pa%nt and Putty. tfc, die. , D. DeForest, HAVING inereasril t'acllitlee tor loinc busiii" nnrt ynl rgt'd hm Yard aud tuckftx prepaicd the prnm üeftióü, wub ti i hes '?trgi'M itiW cbea est soHsonpii toef1 i_'V(rin thie oKrktl to stit rie r'Ht"nHbi uciteotRtioDfi i all. Our '!!■ '1r ifi not b' nnH ■ rpol' (r chsí o iial:vr I vil] nol indrta-to frtghteatbi nahiM f ■ v i'p rliNt thywill ?Mhvini 'h'-y hij '" n-r ■ I ■■ preoftnu ibt trther wlliëel lo ■► ' oa All klmls of TiniV %-. loi-t)-, .mi -i 'Hntllrj! l'iiie. WlilMWoJO BaWWUud, !lrm lont Plaaed ind Ma'ched Pine, Whitewcod et. loonng. Planedind nuh Piuend Whltewnoi sitijugFatic Hosti Unji nd Cedai Boat? and Picketi .i nl kii. .Is puif l ail), mt UlliHcivooo ï. n , b ln Willowood -Miinel'fBarn Boards aud Barn Tlooi Plank. IllHikW .ii'.uiil h rr ind tliin uur), Wairuu anr. BUü(iY AXLKs an.i TONt.l ES HoXuDd Bnd 7 Lamber Haple Lof l'miici, Hicko . Oan,, Elm, Beech, Ut t'l.aickne-ííes wi(ltb tmdtesgüia.dcc.. fcc, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ot ilUinds. ïSTciilGi "i ll si, c, c, A'.sV. DO0BS,& Bil Al DS, made by 'laïid to orde i ae low; as (actory priee. "n the borteemoticf! liy thr bmtol workmen and iiest Seasoned l.uniber. Bill o ai letCiiptloQ in the bnïldlDfi Hne fu rni1iedoDthr"b )rtcet "t" nolle e for PFAwte il Gutüng Rtqularly. A ful anda perïect 8ortment 1 th bove hdíJ other k in6 o' Uuilding Matei ials Constantly on hand al th lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods south jrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street. Ann Arbor, Mich ROOF1 N a, N.B I am now operating Extensively" in thePateat Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Wor s. I? is ele Sc Vander uook. i i AVE on band a fine assortinont of Americaa and 17 A. LI A N MA It B L E wbich tliv are prepared to manufacture into MONUMEIfTS. UEAÜ STONES, TOMB TABLES TABLE TOl'S te, fcc. Ac.. fee, n all their varieties, an-1 n a JPORKMANUKE manner i lliivinj had confiiilerablc fNicricncc in the business thr-v iNater tlicraselves that tbey will bt able to please 1 all who may favor tbem wilb their orderc. Tbeir prices LOW AS THE L O WEST, SXïTeSf RBy 'biDÏ PBO anoSkÜI7 in" A rr.„r. Pept. 28. 1860 7f?y .EYE and B . teS EK A. CADVTELL, Sií" OI'ER'-TOK ON THE CTK AND "5AR. For leafnefls, RlIiicliK'SK, and all defect of Slght and Hum Ing. DR. C. REIN:; A RKUULAR Hiysicitn, with TWENTY YEAIÍ-' exclusivi' prac'ice ]n (Ub triatmeDt of dislease of thi ETt AKD KAB, will twfcnnd qualiaeil to ! givo relief or otfect a oure In any case witliia the reach of huraun skill A"o r.hargt for an Bmxïn&tlon gr an opinión, ■ or for utisuecesifttl fervier. Í)R. Cu ÏBKA1ISE ON THE EvK ti! EH, Of 300 pp., : containing refereuoöii, Tfwtimonialu, Decription of l'is■ eaos, Cas-, ani othr impnrtanr matter. HustrLtod with Cuta, to be hart ?rtú, ly .vnading Ten Cena to .iy poata Addresa Dr. Caowcli, 03 Raailolph stroct coniLboro,; BI ij'M Scio! Sexo! Scio. WHEAT WANTED! THE undcrsignwl hTlntt leased the Gírdincr Mili t 8oio, are prepart'l tobuy Whcat and pay the higbrtt ffSt, Stpt. 18, 18. rimt) B. t BtKX


Old News
Michigan Argus