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Mortgage Foredobure. VfTHKREEASdefaulriui been i;u-. in th paytnentofa ín sun ol raone-y, seeured to be paid by & cwrnge, )■! ;;i :nu' 'it'1 the twvnty Gith laynf April, D. 185&, executod in Henry J. Millerand : i.i tt-.H fticf of the . ! ri'l tt tbe ('ounty ot' VuhUnaw and tal i ''ii-i.i.'.'ui il,-, ;;,' twezity M'i.itti daj ofMsy of Mid ir.; ol Mortgáged on folio 52 ,;in.i win-rttas -:ii'i MortgHgt wflj dui v i. ■ 'i ned to top fD the xixth day ! !; 1856, liy the naid I,evi II Mi laAsígntnent waa duljr rocorded intfaenfficvof Ier f-i i ecls in lbo touriiy of Waahteaaw afore h ,, a 1) , JSi'O, iu 1 loer 21 fulio 520; aud whercas, Ihere ís now due nul uiipaid pon saïd e -urn of thret.1 hunliara and fortythre centá (393t t-) : :u;'l Ho .-uit oï proc$ofliDL al lw or in eqmly ha ving Dii-ii instituto! Id rvcttver ami'. or anj pari tqfeof; STow,th ■ i.-M tiiiit bvirtoeof I power j1 ufil : s&:d Mortgage eoniained, "n iftatufday ' .y of l'M'iiii.'i rext tl twelveo'eloök, M t ' ' i)" "nirity our Houne, ia th '";■■ and State afor&Haid] (tl -aai 'ourt Hou p'ace TfhoMing ihe Circuit Tour n and for &aid fiinitv of Wmhlenaw},] simll sellat pub,ic anction, to thte highesl bidder, the said Moj r aa sh.ill be necesnij to . tnimot 'luc, together w;i!i Interest trom tbi laï , au'l ■ ■' sale,, allowed !■ law, : aa follów, tri-wit: All iroelof Iund situated n U10 village I line ' ;''!,'l bei Dg la i iü l.u.l down in tii! VtUage piat ■ . m l'owatfrp number four (0 utb ■■n ! })'rtii.W' u folio w1: ..i i! -■ Aun Arboi or Arlrian and )i!fv-!.c feel BOptEcfljr frrm , ■..■ .- i the Ohm tgo raad rs-iiiiiiiR biritcfl - i pi ■■ oion ; Hue of Ann r'r.or t - imi ■ ■ fee . henee weUeiJjr p:r■. ! 'i w ' !. í "; n 0 road 1 wel ei , lheiiceiui'ttH! par M ten i'-t. i UíHCe ■ i ■ i bthe Èiicag road I wW rw]s .u the ■ ;: ligO. V:'N I1U-AX. Asrtiguee.. e . a M r-lial's Sale rY VIRj ■ wrt nf Í ;i,j . ■ tol '!;.: 'CnW '■ '-n iÏl thir i. (ir# . td a ;■!. [in I ie weni j thii d : ■ ..■,:■... ,tj AlbéÖ Hr'it k ii :nteiesï oí j ■ ■ !■■■ ,. 1 J . .■ 1- ol UAtlk' ■ . . 2 acreOlf Üi '■ ; t 1L ' ■ . . ■ iL lOilf'iit ■ ■. 'htí ■ a ■: ..n thé a' fj :.' ■ ■ cha .- 31 linki net ai ■ ■ ■ nüinj. ■.:■.■ ■- --li ■.:;:■...: '. '.nis. '.O., ■ nnrtl i i.Tthí . ■ j 'i-i tf i ornerof the Qürtbasl 'i o' tlie i ■ . , ■ ely 2fi cháloW ii the ftajd metioo line to tU. fñé I to anfl b' lonfiog to tfierly on the w1 line oi ■ ■ Df bcarinn'n. incluthngalo the rïtf In '■?■■■ . .; ■ ,-;- -lti. vcst(i iliroctioii i. id, ceservnig tlie rilit f my in d o lci t sald 40 6ast. Alan blocksNf. l.e.7, '. .:j. ;, 10. .:;.. 24, , 26, 7, 28, 20,3". ál, .;&, ai : t No l in ÜJock no ;i, ïit N"". S '. . ■ oti No. J, 3, 8, 9r rom tbttubqye Hes■riptioQ al! land ■ ■■ Jlich pfan SoUtnera nd Northern Indiana Rail RoadCo. ftrt Dip( proundJ ao4 aio iüt N'i ü in blnck -:4, hd1 lol - d btock 1LJ owned b} . F; ei iv. j: also 3 6, t', tí and of lot 5 in block 1.; lots 4, 5. aat 8 ia block No. (ocept lïiat '"led lo Williaa Baxter); Uo bloofc Kfl ) fexe'pt lot' No. 1, 2 and 4.) ■ "i Maiicii i$ aboa pari ui wat 3 oí " , ín l'owi: 4 itnuto ran;f 3 63181 beginniDff at aorth-wesl c't-nei '-f Raid lo?, thenc norïii b1. . n-l .)7 links toa stake in norfh-we i b uiíifary ; bitiS uwoed by He&Ara Tarr ani ri-( man, theuoe uloog the anie siurii ál detcrees and '0 minuteft v. . -■ ■. cl a nu and ' ! links to asfajie in the niidUe of th'i'" tonal Road, tbonce along the .-ame. nurth & Uc-Lrr-i-.aml ■ 0 ininuto.s wt-.t '- cbains aml 7 link t tbe piacu oi begtnn dk cotitaining ofi lüO aciesof Ind So.l0jU, L2,l3t UiukI 5inblochNo. 18 ot tlie V Hagen f Manchester; also biock N'o. 19 and lof Mo. 8 in ll .i'k 18 i.i Manchester: also lfjfinninjr at a certa m on the ireat bank of the river Haisin and ontheeait si:e of bludt N' -Í) in 1)ie viü;ige of Manchestpr, tbn sotitb 51 dóreos 30 minutes west io ; ntákf iti a line btwütn bloeks ;( and '-' in said vilia,e, thence nUwg Akïd Line nnrtfa ■■" áegroe bp minutes t. the River afprteatd thence niohg eáíd River l the place of boginningr, cqtai. ins % i a,o acre. Wluch asid describe! lands and tt'iicnu-];! ■ by virtu nf 1 hi ;ii-l li'vy ;m.l in obe4ieoc to Ihê fi'inraiui ';s ol sai I wr;t ol' I'u:ri Fncia.s 1 shalt exposé for jaJe at public &uction to the highest bi Uier on the thirteënth day ! mber nexl . at 12 o'clock at nooa ol tbfti dy, at the rroal duoi nf tbe Conrl Jlouse io tiw citv ot" Ann Arbor in the ("vnity ol Washtonav, and Uitrci and .tateo. UIcbuftD. BA;;,Ü S. Marshal. By Wii.uam Prckixs, Jr., U-puty U. &, Marshal. 1 ateil. tfpt. 14, 18;0. Mortgage Sale. I tKFAULT ha ving ben ra;lp in the conntiou of a I' Moriüiiye executed by Botser Chntner and Cathariae Cbriator m l..itln .1 .me-, ilated .'niy twfMity-ixth .. [■ iH.r,i. rev nld En the Register' t'flice in . ■-,!. w 'ni'.ily, i:i I. in r ' óf M'rtgaes, ut pnp . ba II past aevn o'cloek, ; , by B'hicïi 'ttfa ilt tiit' jhhvc oí y.p contftiné1 in ; .■■ m ■ ■. im! ni Kuil ir p;.ceeil ing iün i been mstitutëd i lam '" rftcovsr the 'i'bc secure] bj iiA nfurtgKge or anj pan rh?reof. nnd Mie sus -■ i ! i iii.(l;f. ai ; - b"ing now ' te ■r . ih'-re N '.fe t íHTi-tnre lieteby giveñ that i-i r tg ■■ . -■■ '■ -. ■■ i -. l lya suf ol the m . ui . v.: IVnun ocing! snuth-wesi c 'HW ■ i ■ 1 - ' ■ ■ ! ick Nn. six in the Vil ■„■ tij i i f - .■ , ■ i i.:.: y .f W a litr-n;tw and tttftÚ) Ol ■■ . ttpjd f;.. fi Miii twi-niy (lejcrt'Wf wwl i h - . ■' ii'-rth ieveót(y deree-! i&l j four ro'is, iheucesoütli tue . ■, Ipgnpe Oh-i Highteec rofts, tbéace utih evnfj degre -e-t four rods, i it , ubtic veii'lit kt tlie Oourt iio'isc ', in tb city (tl nn Afbur un the i5tii day of Dcetnbei ■ next ft; ooon. UTBE JA.tF, Mortpayc. E. W H0RG.-.N, Atiy. Da :. ,. ■ (nber !Oth; A Dj 19601 7fit4 Morrgage F rcilosure DEFAULT havin : been marie in the condition of a Mortgage fecuei by ï atnek Sullivan Kiid Joanna Sullivan to Luther Jajne datcd April eightbi a. n 1858 atid recorded :u the Regiater's Office in 'asbtanait Libflr 24 of nortgages, ut pus 4ttL. April Oth.A. D.186 ,at half past three o'c!"ck, P ÍÍ., bj whic ■. defAnlt ihe power of laie contaioed in naid mortgag' bccnine njerativc. amlun suit or procoMing Imvinft been Instituteo a1 ;iw tq recoyet ielebt socuredby saio ■ ■ ur any par'. theAof, md thfl siun of one hun . . In inir nnw clnimeil to be duc fherron hu-I Fnrtber sum to beconn due; N'oiioe is -]ilv p:i-n fhat mld morfiiage will bt t'orecl'vsed by a . J m miites, -..-w-lt: Th Bont-h-we : 'i i:jn-r ■-, 1 1 toi ih -at quarter, ml th ■ :i 'i rtei ■ ' ■■ o ;i-'.vesf qitartti of ectioc Nt .-:■(!■. ■ii'lljr tiutli.'a ■ ■[] ■ er of tlie -utheat i w-i ' i-en .: quar'er of -eci.-n So, Biné extDding . v. v ■ d ;i i au veM, n-1 m-rth ntl ■ ■ pi, lè cjo ain en ?icr, It in towrtship N". one tb mge tive eai . beuig 'n 9Fbnter, in th ;■■ ■ BTnli enan-, ■■: oi M.cli gan, or nna ■.' tb . . bic Tand .- ai thOonri House üatlu ei y ol ;i(i .i ". . . . l .; ,y ..i K-.eoiMíi' Heit a uoon. LDTHER JABB MortgaaM. rJ V. M IROAK, T DaUH, ., . ■. .! h A. i . lSdO. 7ti Ch:iiicTV 8.-le. I N ' TRSr ■ Nr i F ' V1 C :F-K of tfa f r t Obtt? r t ■■■ C nt :i t nar-, ma ie r t a t ',■...■ n . D '■ , n . ,.rt oauli r n mué C. al) n ■ t - n ut n Wil m r -n, W . -; n ( rn. t rawi D r u: . : t n t t ■ . ■ - r. 't n t r n n t . t -uit 1) ■ in r n t . t r nt r t !" r :■ I nn r r W t n - " n ■ n t : ■ n . r r ; lni si r tí t ■ v. n at r nt j, j W n n f n n n, n ■ b de er t t n t ■ " ■ rt i i.all oi the outÍJ ■■ ■ t i rt r i s t n . v-n ) b Tpwa i-:i ii n ' r F r . ■ t n Numbei Thret {'■■) t. ■■ nt n t ■■ un,M the ni.ire ■ r ■■-'■ f o aa . t r ■■ ■- -h i be iect ■ r . t ' ■ t ■ r ■ , t int rit ó t . ft R. V Ni'I.V ;. r ■ t rt :n ni i n t r W ■ t baw Co. r . r üj . n.iüt D.t.' , N mbe ■ , ibOu ANÜ'IHEII Jk A ARRIVÁL AT THE 1jfoLD AND RELIA 3 L E ' ItB CLOTHIWt EMFOEIUMü ft-ga Jl. e" 3 - PHCBKTIX BXjOGIC, MAIN STREET. haB just rotarnadl ftfoin the Buten Cities, with a larjt and desirable stock of FALL AND WINTER Gr o o xy &t which he Is aow otTering at uuiutually IH-IOES! Araong his Assortmont may bo found BROADOLOTHS, cassimeres, DOESKIXS, & of all dejscription?, especially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR! which hc is cutttog and making w wdetj in thelatestaal best styles, together with ;t superior assoriment of REAOY MADE CLOTHINO! TBDKKB CARI'ET BAGS, UMURELLAS, and I Gentlcmen's Furnishing Gooda, with nuiDL'rons othcr articles usuülly fouad in similar estjibliöbmeata. As ANEMPüinüM OFFiSHlOJV, tho subscriber fiattc-r himsolf, that hUlong experienc auil goilèra: 8uocss,wfH onuïilu him io give the greatent Batjafaction toall who may trust himin the "3' ot manuUetunng gai!ueuts to orU„. 1000 Fi-iö' Overcoats!


Old News
Michigan Argus