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ötoves &. Har ■■ ware ! RTSDON & HENDERSON Have now ín SI orea bree assorimontof mm "M? l -w jej sí Hardware and House Furnishing All 7. ork will be sold as CHKA1 as at any other Es nblishment in Michigan, They havf got tho Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE S TOV ES S I3NT TUIS STATE, Aod will sellthem Chbapor than THE CBEAPhST, PlattU cali anJ sw. All kind of tin wre kopt cm huid. Tarticular altcntiun paid lo all kind of LJ CO O3 S& (L SB LSS; Whích will be done wlth NEATNESS AND D1SP&TCH. 49Hlefte callnnd see their STOVE KOOU in 'M torr of .New Block. RBD0N4 HEXDEBSON" Ann Arbor. Jan. 5, 1861. 18611861, OIFIF U3L.1 REDUCED PRICES. FALL AD WINTER DRESS GOODS ! Gloves, Hosiery, Cassimepesj Flan neis, ox1!1 t REDUCE 0 PÜICËS ! AT STRONG'S Cheap Cash Store, EXCHAInGE BLOCK. 782tf BUY YOÜR CLOTHliNG a.t tiao Cleveland Clolhing Honse Where thej uow geil at grcatly BEDtrCED PBICES, Afewdoon West ofCooli'n Hoto!, Huron Strwt, Ann Arbor. '2tf A, 8c C. IOEB. Notice. AWATCTT CIIAIX fountl about tïto tim of e Ixtit Cbiio'0 F.i r can be lmfl of the Kub'icribf r by proving OTOïtorts ftod p.'Ving tor tbifl adveit s'-mvut. SARAH NEaL, Ann Arbor. Ann Albor, Jan. Eth, 186!. lw Anu Arbor School Loan. OEAI.EI) rl',01 0ALS wUI bc r.cmrf bj roo up tolö Po'clod.A M.i.f Jani:ar :SI1) for t?,:iO 1o feorod 1 y iho lionrtsct Fobool Ilis'r ■ t No. 1' "r th Clly and TimaOi'ii nf . Mm Arbor, r.nn nx üvfyer frdtn tbe first Hayi.l F.'1 r i: rv mat; ni'h intircst puTablo m nun.1ly. B'.OS raiiy lii mai'.o at n rate of interest loss tti-n tfn 1 ir cent , or olkr a prmium for Bond bianng 1i per cenl. Bj CrJtr of tbc School Bosrd. E. B. F ONT". ricrr-r7. inr. JtIvt, ?a. lh, 1601. tTY