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Return Of Prisoners From Richmond

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Speciul Dispatob lo the 'S. Y. World. Washington, Aug. 13, 18G1. To-day quito a number of onr surgeons and soldiere and tue lady, wbo were taken prisonera at Culi Kun, and conveyed to niehmond, arived here via Fortress Monroo and Baltiajore, They furnish numy interesting fucta relating to their capturo and resideDoe atnong lbo rebels. The surgeons are liere on parole, and were allowed the liberty ffom the fact tbat they rumained on the field to take care of our wounded, and did not thereiore join in the retreat with othor ofRuers, For thi.s humane ae well as bravu act they were eotnplimented by Generuls JBeaurogard aad John-ton, and, baing non-oornbataots, have beea allowed great privileges. Dr. S te wart, surgeon of the Minnesota Kegiruent, wlio was taken prisoner when the rotroiit uommenced, stiltes that the surgeona were not ailowed to go on the field after the baülo h..d eoneluded, buc -ere permitted to enter the hospital and attend to the wounded. - The wounded and their attehdauts were treated very kindly by tho people living in the viciuity oí Maoasaas. No distinetion was made betweeu iViond and foe and everything was done to alleviate sutlering. Aíter a day or bo, be and his oompaoions, together wiilr other priecawi, were taken to Riohmond, vvhere they were confioed iu ■ priaon forined out of a tobáceo warehouse, iiuro tliey weru closuiy guurded, but treatad kiucily, being turnished with good í'oücl and co;::t'ortabe quartei'8 as uircuntstunces would permití The surgeons solicitud parmiasioD to visit the boepitals in iiichiaond, and lid in attendance on the wouuded, but thia was peremptorily rcfused by lbo surgeon-gene'ral oi' tüa rebel army. Tlio only unpleasaut remafks wbicb thüy tioard were the most bitter invectives írom the urnen, who l'reely commented on the Yankees. Riuhmoud appeáred vory liveiy to theiu. Provisioua were eheap, aud nuuoh traliio was goiug on in couatry produee, but thero was a great want ol surgiuaj instruments, medicines, etc. The people acknowledged that they feit the injuii ous effect ol' the bloukade, aud, ia tact, speoulatioQ was ahnost whoily direcied lo x removal, though not much bitöss was laid on foreigu interieience. Hon. Mr. Ely, Ooi. Gorcoran, and others were still iu prtsoD in Eiohmond, but were well cared tor. There was a universal í'eeling in favor of hanging the most important ones, tshould tho crew ol' the tiavanuuh suffer deatb. With regard to the next batlle or the future inoveir.ents of the rebels, little was said. The southern soldiers were very tnuch wearied with their long campaign, and seem niaelive, mauiiestmg little or 110 spirit lor a renca ed I ilict. At iirst there was a dispositou to move on to Washington, but there was au under current of feeiing among the mure Southern regiments, whieli was averse to the crossing of the Potouiac river. Thu rebel oificers and soldiera are of the opinión that our soldiers fought like tigers at Bull's Hun, and complimented tht-m for their bravery, but are Bevere in deuuuciatiou of our officers, whu they say aeted like eowards. They admit that we had wou the ñeld several times, and full well uuderotoud how the pauie carne to soize upon our troops, and cause us to lose it. These prisouers, mauy of whom were in the front ranks ot' our troops, say that the ofiicers_of the rebelorees Üuug themselves iu ï'ront of their regiments, and urged theni on, while many of öurs took to their heels There are about ñve hundred wounded and six hundred unwounded, of our soldiers at llichmond The spirit of resístanse is represented ainoug the civiliaiis at llichmond to bü as stroug as ever, woraeu aud ohildrea de olaring that they will jüiu the anny to dcfeat the federal troops. Mrs. Curtís, of Kocherser, N. Y., who was taken to Kichmoud soiuetime siuce, arrived here with othor prisouers. The uieetiug of soiiio of the returnad soldiors with their frieuda to day have boen very effeoting. Mauy of them was giveu np as dead. Iu oue instanee an oiiicer read his owu obituarios in the papers, The rebels all cou cur iu praising Gen. McClclhui's abili ties, and state that he is the only uiau they foar iu the eouiiug eoutest. TUE KI3-MAlNi:Q PKlSONEttS. Sur.?eon Norval, of the New York Soveiity niotli regitoeat, arrived to-day froni RiohmoéÖ, bringing one-thousand letters from prisóhers in that city, ffhioh he forwarded to their destinations. Ho intended to ring a petition from the prisoners to the President, praying that measures may bo taken for thoir release or eschange, but it, together with three paporg, was seized by Gen. Windor, of the rebel arniy, for the consideratioa of the rebel Secretary of War. In the event of his approval they are to be forwarded to Washington.


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