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Wasíitenaw Mutual Fi e Insurance Co. rílHS SMOctarjr -l bo fr a few weeks nt Pexter on 1 V ;i ■ I:i.í , ai .u;n Ar1)r mi Tli irs-!-iv nd Satín, day. lalut Ypsilantl oa Fridy t ' iccommodnfe ucï Farmers a.-í majr i ÍU tu becornt mcmbcrf). M. KENNV. Acn Arbor. Au_3. 15, 1661. 81üw3 A Great ffational Work. Something for erery Citizon, Ecrj Fireside, evcry Reader ! ! ! J9&" Mo Man, do Family, ná sbould bj 'thout t' The only Corred ani Complete Mistar ti of tU War. On WEDNE3DAY, AUGUST 21at, WÏIX HE l'l'IU WILIi, THE FIRST NTJMBRE OF A GBEAT POPULAR N'ATION'AL WORK, OF INKSTIMABLE VA1XB 10 All, VIZ.: SOUTHERN KEBELLION, WAK TOR THE UNION : A HIsTORY OF TIIB and Progress of the Rebelllon, X H D Consecutivo Narrative of Fvents and Tncidenf.s. froni tho Fiist Stfles of t lio Trenson against the Kepublio down to the close of the Conflict. In Weekly parts, 32 page3, large 8vo, fhe vani of au authtnttc and ihorough History of th KobellioD, 1 r prttsent raCënoce an 1 fu ure prescrvation, ]& the : ti ol genend rt'mirk. Xo wofk of thnt nature haa yot bew offered to the publio, and all who wi-.ii i matloQ ftroompUed to grom thrui;li th malm if tlic rumore, reporta, dispatcbos, letten aml di: il the Í.Ü1.V !H''.v-;h[)it, O j:vc:;Mi:ïl'., froni'; it8 coolu i'l culuinn-i, tho great lacts and iucideiits of tho bit iggle or the Unioa. Xo me ü thiá vaat, and to pcodaoe a trork of porm.%i;-u. value ue troll m of present interest, the publisher bad arr tugad f r the íaiue '■ the bUtorr as set Forth - iu a turiu unj at a price which tshall readei it acctipUlia ril] toll tlii -TOBY as n is, living a clear, conecuUve oarrative of the entira moTementf inclixding all the incldeuts and cveuts tn Uielr exact riler, and contaiolns the Important docamentR and extract !r ina remarkable spoeones. Itwill not be a mere dUty, )i-ri uksie numerfttlon of dry and nakeÖ datas, oor a c 'i[in!.i; ;■ n oL ui pa rrora Mw&papera bnt inrtmy ia conauetod and lnierentlng narmttve, the reroluttooar BÍepá, .i.-. weU ax the meaiurw ol the Uoverniuent. lt will c ir.ïfutlv diget all ovitlenco - willsift uil rumora an i rep ïts -wilt tkx apon factfl, and correct so Cu a poutble I ■ ! dfaerepanciea iucident to tho haety nnr.uivcs of the Dewpapen. lt will be writton In a style suited to its thomc - af onoeffraphlc, earnett aud lumiuous, intrxiucing uch pernunal and tocial inci'k'nta as may serve to sbw tho relations ol tndiridu&ls'aAd commuaities to tho graad rente of tlie timo. It ís true, ererybody reada tho ncwsp.ipen, but the reporta ef the motneat, are not a ooxxeot, conaectod. iiü.l conwleie bifltory The above publication, after wardbound in a bandaome volumej wlll be a bmk for tho tiumlv, which will bö valucd the raoorda of tbe War of Injleüendeace, or the Life ff wah!neton, and wnrtliy to U kopi u].ütirn and yraud-cluldn-n, a a memorial of the preit-m Urne Ilwiü thuj piore deuirable. a.Tailaole ana sau&fatoiy to ever citlwn every ranuly,ovcry office, every library; and is given to tlm public fa the full asouranoe tbat it trui c iumn i th approbatio of óver; patrit, evcry : Citizen n our still Ulorlua Ijbí. Tobe had" ofall newadealeri and pofftmwtora ra thft In '■' Statesnfl Ol bookMllftn and ncsdthlcra in . üre i! BriiaJa and AwtraHn. ubdcrtbera sendi Onk DoLUain a#ood WU or r4'"lage Btamps to FKD'K QIKIIaU!, One ral Agent for the Publication, 81 Nasead Ptn-et (i'nst Hx 4001) Vpw YojU (.'i y, to w hom all ordi rs are to be Uiri-cttd, will reciMVt- by muil, post paid", ten number r.n : . ï wtshing to furnish thotr rriendi la Oiai T'ritaln, California, Cañad and Australia wïth the publication post pald, bj Btearaer, wiil send (fbr ten numbers), indudlng the poetage, t" Ort Brnain, í-.í0 ; lo ftj .10; to Australia, 2.20 ; to Canada, il.10. In orderinff coplea the ruil and exact address, nhtown, cüunty ai State nhoul'l hn riven ia ovciy iu.taDco. JAMKdD. TORBEY, _ 8Hir4 Pu bbsbw, 18 FyrtiW-S, K.TS


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