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SeEOIA-LNOTICES ■ VíÍGIimÁN SOUTHERN ik ITjI NORTHERN [R0ÍAKA K.VILHOAI). itt; as 1-tujiit.iftwn F33MIK3 a 1S01. Sl'MMER AKRAN'iiKllEN'T. 186l. Irnins now" run ou this road, SuEdays excepted, as follow: Loara Toledo ror Chicago at 0 00 A M.,andor. M., and via Air Lin at 9.06 A. M. I.c.ivc üt-troit ftr Chicago at 7, IS A M. and (Í.S0 P. M. Airivini; 11 Chicago Erom Toledo juni Detroii al 7,30 ' .M. and 1,00 A. M . and via Air Une at 7. S0 P. .'.!. Anlve at letroit trom Toledo, at G:55 A. M., 6:05 '. M. Leu vea Detroit for Toledo at 7 Í5 A. M., and 6 -GO r. M. Arrivc in Detroit trom Chicara at S. CS P. H.,an46:6L A. M. Jniye in Toledo IV. m rii iroso 4,20 I'. M. and!. 30 A. J1., and viaair Hnot 4.16 1' M. „iir .l;irk-m fr '!'■ ' ! ei !o il I -I . i " A ■ M . ii lid 1,(i5 1'. M. Arrive from Toledo at 8. oí A M., and 4,20 1'. MCOifNECTIONS. At Toi.Kno- With Cleveland Toledo Rail Road, wit!) V Mes Raí' Rad. at Detroit - With (rand Trapfc Railway , wiüi (irent Western lliühvay, nlso, witli tlu' Detroit and Mihvaukee. Railroad At Nt:v AlbjuíT v S.u:i R. !í CrosSUTO - WithTrains fnr laliiveile, New . V 1 1 i;i 1 1 " acd Lnuisville. + t ( 'iiii'AirO - With Chicago and -íock Iftland, Galena, 1'1 iviuikre. Chicago. Burlington and Quincy - Níorth West Raihv;iv - Chicago, Altoa and -t. Louis, Illinois Central, ;m 1 to all Pointfl West und South. íjqjP" Traína iré ín hv Cbicago time, u-liich is 20 minutM aiower toas foledo tiine. tíf Tateut sleepinp Oari aceorapanT thp Xilit fratni rmtfcwBonte. gíf -■aNbur'y. Patent Ventila ttir- and Dustersare ued on all Sunwwr Trnn. lfg Time and Tare the same as bv any oíher Rai R.iaJ Route JXD. I. CA.MI'I'EIJ.. Genc-al Superiutendent. PafSeBger trains DOW leave Detroit an 1 tbe severitl -tations ín tliih Coiinty.a-, rollows. G 0 I X ( W K S T . Mail Ex. Jack.Ae. Klght El. fie t rolt, 7. '5 a. m. 4 :üi r.u. 8.80 r. ■ Tpnilanti, 8 30 " 6.O5 " 7. SO ' nnArbor, 8.S.J " 6.88 " R.15 " 9.15 " 7 0') ' S.40 " ■ hi-ÍM-a, 9.30 " 7.30 " il 01 '■ Ar. hicago, 7. SO r. u. 7X0 A. M. 0 1) 1 X G E A S T . NigbtEi Jack. Ac. Míil !-.v. helan , 60 a. M. 4.1 o i'. M. ■exter, 6 65 " 4.15 " ni, Arbor, 5.13 A. M. 7.30 " 4,S8 " fpiilanti, 5 35 " S.00 " 5 00 " Detroit, 0 40 " 9.40 " 6.05 ' Tift'tif do not stop at stations wbere Ggures aro omit teil in tbe taóle. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES BRYAK'S PÜLMONIC W A F E R S Tiif Ordinal Hediólos Esiabliiihed ia 1837, nnd Uie flr" artick' of the kind ever Introdaced under the nm o " I'ulmomc Wafbb ,?' ni thin er m ;mv uther country all iitUi-T l'ulrnmiic Wafcrs ara enuoterfeita The gen iiine can be kooirn by tbe name BKVAN beiDgstHmjie on BAOfa WA1' I j í, iíhva. PciMOKie Winw Relieve Couglih, Col ís, s. t Thr -at, HoarteneM. Hkva's Pi lxovio Wavrrs Relieve Asi ü:n i, Bruochiti, Diffiult Brratlilng. BRTAX'a !Tim WIC W.afkks & KdlieveSpittingof Iílo 1, l'ains in Hky.w's l'rr.MOMi; Wafkrs Relieve Iaclpient CoDuropliti, Luag Disejisea. ÏÏEYAN'S PülJlOSIC WaFBÜS Relieve Imiatimi of the Uvul &aá Tonsils. lÍRTAN'S 1'nMOMC WaFERí Relieve eabove CompUints ín Ten Minutes. BRYAN'h TlIMOMi, W.UT.KS Are lessing td al] Clattsefl and O.nstitutionB. BRTAK'a rcuiOMfl Watkííw Are adapted to Vocalists aml Public Speakers. Bryax's PrmoNlO Wafkrs Aro ín a simple forra, and pleasaat to the taste. Betas1 Pi uconio Watwb Not only relieve , but oiToct rapid iiu'l lusting Cures. Bbtan'ü; WAFSBfl Arewarranted to give satisiacüon toevory ono KoHimily ühould W witfaottt n box of . u Iír)'an's Pulm'inic Waferfl " in Uie lunipe. No trareler should be without a supply of l'ry.Mi's PtümoDle Wtw " iu his pockfit. No penoa will ever object to give for ' Bryan'fl PulmonJc Wafeis " ; y-üveCentB. JOn MOSES, Sul.'l'i-oprietorRochetiterjN.Y. Bülá by Jt FnJier, atidall gool Jruggist in t'ae (Julted Staten and cini iaw. PRIZE POETRT. Let riiieftnin-i boasl f deed in war, Aii'l Minsttels 'une their Kweet gultar, A nobler thftiïir niv hcart ís li'led - Ia praise ol ÜEKKJCK'fl ir;itchlei,s jiilla.' Their cures are found in every land - Amitl RiissiaV bdowi - and 4frfc's sandl " Th ftondroBi irorkn - the psperM fill, Produced by üerbujk's mfttehlw l'ills. Doe3 disease afftict you ? nerer 'loubt This cbarmiQg oompound will aoarch it out And beaHfa xaiii pour ejtem Qll, lf you 2y ai once to Herrick'S l'ills. Thf-v'rt! safe for all - both old and young- Tlif ir praise are on every tongue ; Disease, áiBarmed - nc Itmger kills, Pince we are blessfd wlth Hehkilk's Pilis, 3 Put up itU Knglifili, Hpanjsb, Germán and Frcncli diretiuns. Prlce 25 cents ptp box. Stiga Coated riee advertlsement on thirtl page. 804 New Medical Discovery. For the speedy ;in 1 penn.inent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges üruvel, trlctuie, and Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder, whicb te baw u-.-.l by upunrJs of ONE HUNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, intlieir private jmotlce, with entiro success, iM)crding t ihkbs, toriiuj, Ciiwus, or an componnJ hitber HKLÍS SPECIPIO PILLS, are in action, oftea c-ITccting a euro in a few davs and lien acure is eflectcd it is per ma net t. Thcj are preparad from veetnblo eitracts that arv harmlee on the svstein, :tnd iK'ver oauaeatL liie stomnch impregnate the braath ; and èaiiur nosar-coate, all aaiiemiH taste ii avnided. .Vo cktmgc of dia ii tueuinrj ichilit ruinf thrm ; nor their aotion interfe e with business pursu.ta. Ench bo enntalm six dozeu 1'illK l'RICE ON"E riÜLLAK, and will be sent by nwil posf.paid by any a'lvoitiRod Agent, on reccipt of lUo money. Sold by Drmjsists in Ann Arbor . Nonegeuuinc without mj sigaaturo oa th trapper J. BRYAN, Rocbenter, V, Y., Oeocnl Agent. MWttaV BI1IW!':A0' DW, Wicteïjlo Sent fttr ; F-.v IMPORTANT FEMALES THRHEALTii AAJJ i.ittii OFWOMAK IsContinuftlly id pwaH if &Ue l raad eaough to cteglect or raaltreaf thoM sexual rrejpilflr'ties to whlch two! thirds of hor srx ure more or tus lubjct. PB. CHEEPF-MAX'SPlfX1, prepar&i from tho süme formula wbïch the invenlor, ' )K M .T.l l"S L. HSESEJÏAN M. Dof New-fork, has for tirenty yearRUfed - ■ il!y in ao extended private] wotice- bnooi reltwre wtthoul pain all flisi urbanoei of tl." periódica) díscbarge wbether arwing from relaxation or suppres■ïön. 'Hu y act lilv'% b charm inremoving the paina thai !H"M:i;i.inv diffloolt or turn i.l.-rnU1 struatioa, and are theonly safe and rvliaMfl i emedy for Fhiülies, Sick Headache, Palm 'n the I ■ ' ■■ ■ . Palpïtation nf tlip lli-;in XtT-i:u Tremors, Hj sterics, Rpasms, Brol iti 91ep anl other and il.tmr-'r'-'is effectfl of ;i:' uBDatiiral coaiiton of the Bwcual fuottiona ïn tg& of Fluor tlbut or VVhiteV, thej ■ I speed? euro. To WIVE8 and !rATRONP. 1)';. CHEK E1HN' [IJ are iilft -l ri 11. e ohly safe ui" ins i)f r r.' r.'.' : : ' i'rr 1 ; i ' f' DieDRt ruattOD, luit . ï-VDIKSi MUST BKAR I M1ND T'trrf ia ene. roitditton of .' ' - n i which tht ril'f -il ,'iothp.lnhrn irl Ifiul proáueMg -1 I' Kil: LI I [I kSSULT. Th'-,;,rr;:;r,r,rr,,'in i rriF.avANCY- thr rrpw.'f, MISCHJtRlAQE. Surh il thu irrniltibll tfitidenaf f the to rtttora thr .c ri-rt-' m ction ti a normal ror- '■■■', thM tren the rcprndtictirt: jimccr of 'inture canñot resiat it. Explirit dirtctioni Bttuing uAfn, mul whcn thry ghottld nat hc Uêed !nï, - Uil1 Prlce Ouc Dnllar cnrh lifT, r.dtttalnhtg 50 Pilh. A viitti;-.'.' ' Pa ■..,■':.■ t . l.o ln,l rrw of Iho Ajronts. Pillg rfet by maü prompthi, tiy enoloaia tjcc to any ' . Sold liv IM ■ ■■ 1 v. H. B. HOTCH1VOS. Prnprietor. '.'0 Cedar-.St , Wne ror. F„r ifc by MATNATtn BTEBBIXS & WIIüON, and GRENVII.I.i: & HI.I.l I!. Important to Ladies. Dr. JOH!f IIARVF.Y, baving fnr apwarda of tireEtj vi;i. !.-v teil W imriiir:'! t inp exeluHvely to the treatmtnt of Female DifHculties, am'l hnviiis suoceeded in thouaiiiil.s .[ ca s m i'e torin the nñltcted toeound healtb, lus do eAtire confidence n o.Tcnny publicly liis 'GRBAT AMRRÍCAN REMBDY," CHE,ONO-ÏHLfLMAL FEMALE PILLS. Y :li ü.iv noveryel railed (when the dlrections bare been rlot!y followed,) in ramortog diffieultiee ai I iin ; rr m Obstruction, or Stoppage of ïiature, or In restoring Uie -y-tfm 1,1 perfvel lionlil:, when sufferlng IV-, in .imvai. Aifi-ti n .. Crolapíu LgI, TB1 s 'i'1 ■ '■ ■ ■ '.■■ I :;:ri.k Obcíans. .1-o iii :i!l eaMM ol ; n '"i:t;wk Pkostratiox, Hys tkhü, M' ■. rr v-, lv ■.. . i, .h :: ,' i :ir foreruuiws nf mor siri t V ■' .. , '■ ítíí; perfecüy ka'mcis on the cnnttttiaion, fihd may },: talten b t!tr nutst de'iaate feiiialc with it ctrattfl f dittrëtsf at the -;un ■ time thej - n uit i cu nu 1 v -t engthütung iavifoiatiaff.and i-,-t r Ui., -v-t.-m (. a heálthy enw-nn, ; : uq Ilic miiüihlv period Kth r ularilv, no matter fi i i . ca use Uie obtru ., . v urise 't'hfy Khould, however, not be taken durfag i ui Montbüof pregnancy, though afe .1 . otber time, :i miaearriae would be ili renalt. Eachbos oiitatm (0 PUI. Prioe Qne Dollar, and lien .leihv.l iriUbaHntbjr mail prcpaiü liy aayadyer tiscl ARentfOjiieoeipi of the moaey iold by DruggïftUiu Ana Arbnr J. ISU'IN, Rocheifter, X. Y., General Agent H. k I.. SIMOWEAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Ajrnt for Michigan. 80'tf MOTHBHS RE AD THIS. Thefollowingisanaxtrtol trova a letter writton lir tho pastor f a Hiipti-t Cnurcli to the "Journal and ■iv' Ciucinnati, Qbio, as1 pcaJ-s volumei in Favor ;1 that world-renowned in'i]i(j.n'i- Mks. Winsum-'s -outuixc; SrBCf Kon Ciiildhkx Tkcthim; : ';se an adrertisemest in your columns of Mr.s. Wlnilow'BSoothingSyrup. Hl tl never sai'! a word In favor of a patent medicine bsfore in oor Ufe, bat we feel compeUedto say t 1 jro ir reader, that thi i 110 humbag - we oave tkikd ir, akd kxow ittobiau it uimb. it i. probablj ooe nf th mout succesfful medicines of the day, becautie it is one of tlie nest. And tltose i" your raad r who have babies cau't do it betteithan to 1 y i] :i s p; ly " jteH 1 lvertiaement tu %nother -oluinn SE SIÖN LAW8, 1861 rraEACK uv TUE LEUSLATCRE OF TUK 8tt of 1 Michigan passedatthe Reputar Bnd klxtra -c:.,nof 18il, li;i been receivd ai mv office, anl ure ready foi dislribuHon. IÏ J. Ii.UiRY, Counlv dei. Abb Arbor, Ang. 13,1861. 3w818. THE FOT5LIC SCHOOLS. 'f BE PALL TERM oftheséveral Public 8eot I thfc&ty will opea on Monda y Aufr„19th, and continue 14 weeks. U d I Sc'iolars Ue in ihcir places oa the first day oí the t.-ni, The Boandarieanf tbe veral W.uA Pchoola vrill remata as hereioft re, rvcept thatpupüs in Mm; Pi gradea iritliin thefolkivriug territory wilt be required to attend 5th W'arl tfchnol: Kast ot Puntiac and Page dtreetsand North 1 Kuiler 1 reel anl the Rirer Eat to Pitcher atreet, South i ltche-i itreel to Oab atreèt, tbenceK&stto ái.-ttriet líin t - nchi ling resid nía un in ti uiden ol Streeto m mi ■ . _■■ i i el exci pted. . uferjïet ytaold snllbeatimitted, i. foliowing genera) rules tor t) . .. it of the ffvera) s: ts in h í Íi on to íücIi as havo been heretofore aonounced, have bei-n ■ !. pted, and thee-spa teotiou ui pareotsare n ,{■■ ïa lem : Í- Hupila are i ctaBmtmcetheir atteudance I al the begiuuing oí each term, and be te'■ puQctual n their attendanee ; to c mforra to the regulatHma ni the ichool and to obaj prompt Ij al] ■ tioim ui tbe teachers ; to obserregwod order aad proprietj ui deportmem ; to oediligeut in !' totea b ir . tn i ki 1 1 md obliging tu acb kÍJ nw i to r,i: ín mtirely írora theuseol profane or improper laugaage, and to bc clean an t a ■ at it. person and ai tu f II. l'apHfl of V;.r.l nchoo] dëpartmeatH ar r#quïre i to attfini the Rchoot estabhtüied ia tbe división ol the diütrid wherethej reside. III. No pupil preparing his or her lv ssons in aeheoi kh&U b' allowei in depart beforftthe auaJ tiaw of, excedí bj pecial written request ol parent a er guardián or op account of bicknsti ; - and puptls permitted to prepare th r letwi n out of school shall entef ar t ! pen og of lie deuüWn ot ;l p evm. tod u av r close ol sesioQ. ï'. Any pupil wlio Is hdbttually t:i rdy or trnant(or ■'. ■ i li tbedience or u ■ ib frdmal ion or rbo i i [flulgoe i.i the use ui profane or ia ■ i lAgfi] or wh !]:■!(■■: e of Tobacco o any frm 4uring auhool I höurB, oe wb o tiJuc sinjurious, shall be reporto! Ui lier guardJtin aad to thenchoul B rd, and ahall be nubjfct lo Kuspen-ti n V. i-yy pupil in the High Schoof who shall ho nhsent. four It'ilfdni. and ín tbe Graumiar School trbo ■ ab#fH s x half dny, and in the Ward Schools ■vi itul ■ i .)■; i eifht k-ilf Uaji, ,n Poitr coose uttre ■veelftj without an excuse troic the parentor guardián , giren in person or by written uote, saiisfymg the teacher that the abenceM were cauHed by bisor In r own Riek oe ah or by iickneas ín ti e family pball forfeit kin or ber wat in school ; and the teacher ahall ttrthwith notify the parent and the Buard that the pit ui is nuBpend No pupthua suspended shall beretored to th tehool priir to thecomnji ncemeni ol ttte eaoitu; tvrm, uní r--. tbe pare ui or guardián ■ tiaíl g ve a ti ifací nry ;lh: that thepu il wiil be puin tual in tbe future, VI. Any pnpíl who elrallbe guilty ol injoHag or áe iol property, shall pay a II .l:iin,i;;e i, and : , thereof hafi i ■ uwended from chool, un', lie io a'liuit'l only by p rmíssion ol t!'.' 'ú ar I Vil. Othoj rule PníthefDteTnal gavernnaent and dis' iMjiliiu' of the r vpeetiw bcïtooIh, ra&y be freo time to fcüae adopted and aanounced by tb teachers therein, m-re ellccnaíly to carry out the tules and rcgulallojia prescribed by the Iïo:irl E. IÏ POND, SecT. of Board. Aug. 8tb, 1861. SPRING GOODS. R IC H G O ü D S . OÜEA-Ï3 GOODS. BACH PlEÜSOftl HAVE just oponed a large and well seleoted tock of i íS3iixis Goods. latcst stjlos and patterns iuoluding POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LAINEB, TlilMMINGS, S U M M E R STÜFFS, DOMESTICS, STAPLhS, aU Carefuil3' sclectcd, Waranted to please, and for sale clicap. COME A.NI3 SEE. BACH t PIERSON March2G, 1S60. 973tf ilyer's Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus